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replied 2443d
It’s getting toxic, indeed. You’ll find the people on memo are more welcoming of honest discussion. Once the UI/UX is improved, this platform could lift off.
replied 2443d
it's a pipe dream to thing all people will get along.
Given the passion for transformation, clashes are inevitable.

Tadpole/frog caterpillar/butterfly,

Far from 'pretty'.
replied 2443d
Completely agree. Debate is a healthy way to move things forward ... if debate is even allowed. There is no single source of truth, but allowing people to express themselves is key.
replied 2443d
the more intense/authentic communication, the better.

Let's be mature about this,
what really matters is how the damage is repaired.

replied 2443d
When you realise that every action you take is permanently recorded and costs some money, you'll think carefully about your words. Well most people do anyways.