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Jonathan Cooper
replied 2164d
Jonathan Cooper
Anyway, I think North America matches africa, central EU, and South mayltches China, which is third. Color for third? Red. Fourth that goes with third is white. Argentina has the red and white hands from ten thousand years ago. Where third and fourth meet. Algorithm running interface is fourth and is of Spacetime (as is Galaxy, Africa). Living being is third; China is reaching above our head (?) into space with robotics (third) from Argentina, are they not? I wish that I could explain why the poles matter, but I think they do. You know it's been shifting North of China, for what that's worth. Anyway, witchcraft won't help you. Repent. Obey the Bible. Eat your spinach. Stop wueer raping each others' minds, damn it! As if the truth is evil and vice versa?
Jonathan Cooper
replied 2164d
Jonathan Cooper
replied 2164d
Economically laid. Invisible is the priority, because we're of the day and not the night.