When the sea wall bust that made the Mediterranean, and later the one that made the Black Sea, both created what seemed to be world level floods from their perspectives.
No but they still did say the civilization was destroyed by a global flood somewhere around the dawn of Sumer which is in their calander. Interesting coincidence don't you think?
The truth is humanity is very old and civilizations come and go because the Earth changes and habitable places do too so people forget where they once were. Simple.
This is incorrect. The pyramids in South America are over 20000 years old. They're so old their bases are covered in forests. The vast majority of technology has been here before.
Nope. 20 THOUSAND with a T, years old. The history you were taught was a self-serving history formulated by Europeans so they could steal the 'new world'. It was only new to them.
I understand human migration, and no history is not lies taught by Europeans. Obviously there was people here long before European settlers, it not large civilizations that old.
I am well aware that there was migration to the Americas before the land bridge migration. This link doesnt claim there were massive cities 20000 years ago though.
It shows you that there were people here tens of thousands of years ago and that they were negros. Which is completely contradictory to mainstream history. There's more links google em
Interesting change of topic. Yes I know there is evidence of African, and Australian aboriginal migration to South America. You confuse grade school history with mainstream history.
Doesn't matter what you call it really. The official story line of transatlantic slave trade etc. is a lie. It was created to support European colonialism Not sure how thats mainstream
No evidences beside magaliths destroyed all across the globe, massive amount of organic squish burried under the ground, acient folklor litterally saying so etc etc?
It is not nearly enough to drown the planet. Those who believe the flood myth dont seem to understand volume. That is okay for the bronze age the ideas came from, but not modern times.
But now I get it. You brush off evidences because you are afraid it might shackles your dogmatic paradigm. You just exposed your yourself with such video 😂
I want talking about evolution. I was talking about religious flood myths. You seem to think large old structures prove your flood myth. That series help dispel such funny ideas.
So basically you have flood myths all across the globe from all the older civilizations. You also have large structures (the largest ever built) utterly destroyed. 1 + 1 = 2
Not all destroyed, and not by flooding. You see lots of similar myths from old civilizations. Doesnt mean those things actually happened. Especially with the differences in the myths.
And the difference in the myths relies with details. Exactly what one would expect to see if different cultures would talk about the same event but from their very own perspective.
So if I saw I saw a flood on the flood plains at 6000 years ago, and someone else saw a flood 5000 years ago in India, you conclude they were the same flood, and happened globally?
We didnt lose anything. We have far better techniques now. It is like the myth that Roman's made better concrete. Just because we we often cheap out doesnt mean we cant.
We have seen such events over a far short time span, I think you are wrong. Natural disasters happen. Especially since the disasters those places had were common to their area.
Not all of them were buried. You would think there would be a massively disturbed global sediment layer around the world if there was a global flood. There is no such layer though.
I think the ones near the "event" were burried while the ones further or those protected by mountains have simply been destroyed except for the pyramids because of their shape.
There is no further off, and closer, if the flood was global.it should have happened everywhere is Everest was below water. So it should be all, or not.
What do you mean by "global to some extent?" Are you claiming it was a global shallow flood that only hurt coasts? Are you saying it was only certain continents?
The sediment movement something that ridiculous would have caused would have been very noticable. It would be impossible to cover up. There is no evidence to support such a wild idea.
I just mean that damages was probably not equal everywhere depending on how far you were from what triggered the water movement and the geographic landscape.
Nothing could trigger something like that. It would take magic. Physics wouldnt allow the continents to sink below the ocean or for water to flow up onto land out of the oceans.
As I said, from gravity. Which is irrelevant. The world was not suddenly crushed uned a new ocean. Oh wait, you are going to claim that coal and oil appeared suddenly during the flood.
Move water, sure. Cause a tsunami, sure. Cause a global flood, no. Especially not one that puts Everest under water. There isn't enough water on Earth for that.
As it should be since that land was below the ocean when the Indian plate crashed into the Asian plate. This was far back, like the timeframes it takes for things to fossilize.
This can easily be explained by a change of the earth's suface geometry (mountains height and oceans depth).A rapid change could have simply trigger mass of water to move across lands
How could that rapid change happen? Chemical differentiation happened long ago. Granite plates float of the mantel higher than basaltic plates. They dont suddenly sink into the mantle.
I have looked at some, and they are not the same, and have a huge spread as to when they happened. I once read a biblical flood apologist book. Really stupid stuff in there.
BTW even if it's garbage Christian propaganda group which account exactly isn't real? Seriously at this point you just sound retarded and completely lack of argument.
Most Christians accounts of history are not real. The most they get right is that cities existed. They are not actually history. They are stories meant to teach a lesson.
Actually if you actually read those myths you see how they are far to spread out in time to be talking about the same event. Your own link defeats your argument.