Backbiting Is The Major Sin In Islam
Quran Explorer
https://www.quranexplorer.com › blog › backbiting_is_...
25 Aug 2019 — Backbiting is one of the major sins in Islam and Allah has strictly prohibited to backbite against any person whether Muslim or non-Muslim.
Backbiting in Islam and Its Expiation
الإسلام سؤال وجواب
https://islamqa.info › ... › Backbiting and Gossip
Summary of answer. Backbiting in Islam means speaking about a Muslim in his absence and saying things that he would not like to have spread around or mentioned.
Diseases of the Soul: Backbiting (Gheebah)
https://www.al-islam.org › articles › diseases-soul-backb...
... backbite, that animosity requires that you should not resort to backbiting. It is stated in the traditions that the good deeds of the backbiter are ...