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I feel like my family got torn apart from each others. In my childhood, my mother was working hard. My grandma took care of me so often. i entered the 8 hour school system with 12 years old. Basicly i was tried to be programmed in the long term. Luckily through my circumstances, i had so much pain inside me, that i isolated myself from everything and generated hate against this system of forced work.

Today i know that having a heart full of hate is wrong, but it is also a step towards love. I am regenerating. Hopefully not too lat for the big crash of our financial and social system which i think to wittness right now.

All i really care about is, if i will be strong enough for my family to reunite and get as many of them through the bad times.

Love and hate can only exist together. Same as light and dark. Keep yourself connected to your surroundng, understand the root of your feelings, do the neccesary work and you will succeed in any terms you want to.