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Sk8eM dUb
replied 2304d
If SV were giving up they'd turn their miners off and quit wasting money. They're re-orging the ABC chain, 100% fact.
I am Satoshi
replied 2304d
so you have two seperate chains, couldn't you take a block before their checkpoint and just work from there to re-org, and skip the blocks that have new rules with the protections?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2304d
Basically the txns between the checkpoint and when the re-org chain emerges will be frozen in time until ABC can pump their minority chain back to life. It will be a total cfusterfulk.
replied 2304d
LMAO... exactly! Like Roger doing fucking CPR with more stolen hash... but I don't think he'll have many btc cloud mining customers after pulling that shit on them! laughing so hard!
I am Satoshi
replied 2304d
he is subsidizing them out of his own funds I would guess. He can borrow the hash form himself but has to pay the miners the return they would have got mining BTC.
replied 2303d
... an important distinction because a lot of those cloud miners may not just be in it for pure $$. Many may strongly care politically about where that hash is directed --> violated
replied 2303d
2/2 But if it wasn't locked in the contract that he can re-direct the hash power at any time / or short notice of 24 hours... that's wrong and a violation of property rights / contract
replied 2303d
Oh right. Well if they are being fully compensated AND IF it was all fully locked in legally with terms and conditions in the contract, I guess that would be different.
replied 2304d
Could ABC constantly shift the checkpoint forward?
replied 2302d
You predicted it
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2304d
It doesn't really matter if they don't have enough hash power to overcome the 51%+ chain. If you can't move your coins it's a dead chain.
replied 2302d
Wow it just happened. An automatic moving checkpoint 10 blocks behind.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2302d
If that's not admitting defeat then the sky ain't blue. Congratulations proof-of-dev coin "Bitcoin" cash. What a bunch of rubes.
replied 2302d
At this point is ABC just delaying the inevitable? Or is there a chance ABC can win this without replay protection?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2302d
If ABC can clearly demonstrate that it has a product worth billions maybe some miners will take a chance on it?? If not, it's just an temporarily animated corpse.
I am Satoshi
replied 2304d
Yes,, I agree it would be a nightmare, but it is possible right?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2303d
If SV concedes defeat they will pull the plug completely, not slowly taper off like we're seeing. They're clearly dedicating every spare chip to a re-org. Haven't heard a better theory
replied 2303d
Nobody needs to put out a theory. BSV is getting plastered. That is fact. That's all we have.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2303d
Looks like they're going in for the kill now. See ya in the funny papers Mike.
replied 2303d
Why is the SV hashrate dropping so low?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2303d
They're going for the kill. They're working on a hidden ABC chain. Notice ABC is rocketing to defend. If if they weren't afraid they wouldn't pile it on like this.
replied 2303d
Sounds a bit like desperation to me.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2303d
It's consistent with what they said they were going to do. I thought they'd bleed ABC for a few more days but this looks like an end-game play. We'll see!
replied 2303d
And you believe CSW? LOL Look at Roger Ver's latest tweet about all the things CSW said he was going to do.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2303d
I believe the statistics that I've seen. SV owns at least 5 PH, probably more. That equipment is either idol or active. Who enters a war intending on losing?
replied 2303d
Maybe he underestimated the hash power on the other side and knows he can't win. But a guy like that is too bold and cocky just to shut it off.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2303d
Extremely ignorant statement. You don't become a billionaire if you don't know when to cut your losses.
replied 2303d
How do you know he is a billionaire? He filed Bankruptcy like around 2009. Nobody knows his true wealth. We know what you say doesn't mean squat. Trump over exaggerates all the time
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2303d
Sounds like he cut his losses on a project and salvaged what he could, exactly as I said.
replied 2303d
Which means he could easily cut his loses after he gives up on this hashwar.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2303d
Clearly he hasn't given up yet. Here watch this:

Maybe you'll make a couple neurons connect.
replied 2303d
It's a fight to the death for the spirit if Bitcoin. It's probably the end of proof of work.
replied 2303d
You sure come up with some whoppers. LOL.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2303d
It's true what they say, that the truth hurts and it's stranger than fiction. You'll see.
replied 2303d
Well right now everybody is betting against your opinion. Not surprising. When you get something right there should be balloons and a cake. It's a special occasion.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2303d
Not my problem that so many people are mindless followers who can't form abstract thoughts in their brains or do simple logic.
replied 2303d
Or the outcast is the problem
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2303d
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2303d
That's a cult statement if I ever heard one.
replied 2303d
Then you have never heard one.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2303d
Are you a robot?
replied 2303d
replied 2303d
replied 2303d
Don't they have to rework from 556767 now that there is a checkpoint? (which sounds damn near impossible)
replied 2303d
What exactly does that hidden chain do?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2303d
51% attack. Since it's the longer chain it becomes the valid one.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2303d
Safe to assume anything below 5 EH on SV is dedicated to reworking the ABC chain.
replied 2303d
Probably because the price is dropping so low. CSW said he would mine for years at 0. Does anybody believe him?
replied 2303d
If he were to go out like this after being so confident I would be shocked, to be quite honest. I still think he might have something up his sleeve.
replied 2303d
I don't know.CSW always drinks Perrier in his interviews. In the last one he was drinking Red Bull and coursing every other word.Could mean nothing.But my bet is that he was bluffing.
replied 2303d
Interesting, can you link that interview?
replied 2303d
He was being interviewed by the BCH boys when they were doing the live Hashwar segment on I am not sure it was recorded. I don't see it on Keyport.Tv
replied 2303d
Ok, thanks for looking it up.
replied 2303d
Real Woodward and Bernstein work here.
replied 2303d
CSW would not be a good card player.
replied 2303d
So he needs more practice being a liar?
replied 2303d
replied 2303d
Here is a theory. Maybe they are getting crushed because of the price of SV. Down to 52 on poloniex. Maybe they are easing up on the hash hoping for a price rebound.How long mine at 0?
replied 2303d
No I don't do funny papers. So you won't see me there. You will have to go by yourself.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2303d
😂😂😂Are you a robot?
replied 2303d
Now under 50. Sure looks like SV is going to 0
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2303d
Are you a robot? Seriously asking.
replied 2303d
replied 2303d
But they would have to gain back all the lost blocks to ultimately win the hash war right?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2303d
Yup, they need 51%+ work done on their hidden ABC chain. We have no idea how much hash they have "in the hole" though. We can only be sure of the ~5 EH they've revealed.
replied 2304d
What exactly is a re-org?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2304d
It's an alternate chain with more proof of work taking over the current chain. Presumably the one nChain is mining has no transactions on it.
replied 2304d
And wipe out the entire crypto world?
I am Satoshi
replied 2304d
It's war. I'm not saying I like the idea, but you have to expect that these people have their backs to the wall. They are desperate. They will eventually get to desperation.
replied 2304d
I will give you that. And this war is taking down the entire crypto market right now. Either crypto is just about done, or could be a long recovery, or a tremendous buying opportunity
replied 2304d
No. That is 100% your opinion. Nothing is fact until it is proven. Now is not the time for "Alternative Facts"
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2304d
Then why is coingeek burning money?
replied 2304d
We can only guess because it's anyone's "Opinion" not "FACT"
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2304d
Hey Mike! I made a special chart for you, complete with harmonic pattern and RSI divergence. Also SV about to take block lead. 😘
replied 2304d
replied 2304d
replied 2304d
replied 2304d
"FACT" They are mining blocks, we know that. It's an "OPINION" That they are mining blocks to Re ORG ABC. And there is a greater probability they are not
replied 2304d
You have it all figured out.
replied 2304d
Yes. It's easy. There is fact and then there is opinion. Some people like to claim opinion as fact.
replied 2304d
Yes you do.
replied 2304d
What have I claimed was fact that was opinion? Dash is the one saying it's 100% fact they are Re org ABC. That's what this is about.
replied 2304d
I stand corrected. They may do more than a reorg, but it makes no sense to not reorg if not to just discredit miners using checkpoints as dangerous financial securities instruments.
replied 2304d
No because you will be wiping out transactions and people will lose money. Once the media gets a hold of that, crypto is over.
replied 2304d
Reorgs happen naturally. Checkpoints don't. The blame will be on the checkpoints.
replied 2304d
No the blame will be on CSW and NCHAIN.
replied 2304d
Blame from courts may differ from media blame.
replied 2304d
Everything will end up in Media's hands. If miners do shit behind the scenes that doesn't affect people's money, they will probably get away with it.
replied 2304d
EDA + Proof of Checkpoint + Exchange bias = permissioned POW
replied 2304d
BCH is fast cheap and reliable and will work as money for the public. That's all the public needs to know. If they start losing their digital money, the game is over.
replied 2304d
The game may indeed be over.
replied 2304d
Not unless BCH becomes something other than fast, cheap, and reliable.
replied 2304d
The funny thing is you keep throwing out all this technology and have no clue about the base who would actually be using BCH. Apple makes phones for the average user. Not for the techs
replied 2304d
But once they start losing money. It's over.