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Hi, I'm a mother. I hate all the behaviors that hurt children, especially the human traffickers and unscrupulous businesses, which hurt countless children and destroyed countless families. I also hate all the cheaters, which destroyed countless families and led to family breakdown and even casualties. If you are a mom or dad, please support me and give me more encouragement. Thank you!
1-1: 陈莲香,拐卖了无数小孩还谋杀过小孩,恨之入骨。 0.5 BTC
1-1: Chen Lianxiang abducted and sold countless children and murdered them. She hated them to the bone.
1-1: More Info: https://www.sohu.com/a/279859551_100266625
1-1: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%99%88%E8%8E%B2%E9%A6%99/3858310?fr=aladdin
1-2: 吴正莲 也是一个没有良心的人贩子,拐卖小孩无数,人人恨之。 0.13 BTC
1-2: Wu Zhenglian is also a man without conscience, who abducts and sells countless children, which everyone hates.
1-2: More Info:
1-2: https://www.chazidian.com/netstar5649/
1-2: https://www.sohu.com/a/341253914_100266625
1-3: 喻立香,拐卖了33个小孩,还导致一名小孩死亡,可恨! 0.2 BTC
1-3: Yu Lixiang, abducted and sold 33 children, but also led to the death of a child, hateful!
1-3: More Info: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%96%BB%E7%AB%8B%E9%A6%99/11060964?fr=aladdin
1-3: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5ecdb6130100nzvk.html
1-4: 梅姨,拐卖了无数小孩,现在还在逍遥法外,希望有一天快点抓住她。 0.5 BTC
1-4: Aunt Mei, who abducted and sold countless children, is still at large. I hope to catch her soon one day.
1-4: More Info: https://www.zhihu.com/question/356411418
1-4: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%A2%85%E5%A7%A8/23816040?fr=aladdin
1-5: 郑仁的养父母,仅仅271天的一个宝贝被虐待致死,真的该被千刀万剐! 0.13 BTC
1-5: Zheng Ren's foster parents, only 271 days of a baby was abused to death, really should be cut!
1-5: More Info: https://new.qq.com/omn/20210319/20210319A00B8P00.html
1-5: https://weibo.com/tv/show/1034:4615870291574840?from=old_pc_videoshow
1-6: 韩国蔚山幼儿园园长,因为两夫妻吵架,导致成敏,一个23个月大的宝贝,在幼儿园里被虐待而死。 0.4 BTC
1-6: The director of Yushan kindergarten in South Korea, because of a quarrel between two couples, led to Cheng Min, a 23 month old baby, was abused and died in the kindergarten.
1-6: More Info: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1607464836295009586&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-6: http://k.sina.com.cn/article_1993305471_p76cf6d7f02700cvdp.html
1-7: 李某,抖音卖口罩,骗取钱财,发国难之财。 0.13 BTC
1-7: Lee, sells masks on tiktok, defrauding money, and making money for national disaster.
1-7: More Info: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1659688895007715270&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-8: 郭某某,抖音微信发布虚假消息卖口罩,骗取钱财300000多 0.2 BTC
1-8: Guo Moumou, released false news tiktok on WeChat, sell masks, cheat money more than 300000
1-8: More Info: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1658853483999148241&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-9: 浙江温岭幼儿园颜老师,在幼儿园虐待幼儿,太可恨了 0.13 BTC
1-9: Teacher Yan of Wenling kindergarten in Zhejiang Province abused children in kindergarten. It's hateful
1-9: More Info: https://m.qbaobei.com/mipa/232441.html
1-9: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%A2%9C%E8%89%B3%E7%BA%A2/5647572?fr=aladdin
1-10: 鲍淑敏,性侵养女,十恶不赦。 0.2 BTC
1-10: Bao Shumin, the adoptive daughter of sexual assault, is a heinous crime.
1-10: More Info: https://finance.sina.cn/2020-04-11/detail-iirczymi5762026.d.html
2-1: 探探 里面很多不良用心的人。 0.25 BTC
2-1: There are a lot of people with bad intentions in it
2-1: http://tantanapp.com/
2-2: 伊对 不规范的网址,里面有骗子。 0.13 BTC
2-2: There are cheaters in the nonstandard websites
2-2: https://www.520yidui.com/
2-3: 香港德利汇环球,三无平台,骗取投资者的钱财。 0.2 BTC
2-3: Hong Kong delihui global, three no platform, defraud investors of money.
2-3: https://www.sltopnews.com/wh/wh/280106.html
2-3: http://www.hkfff.com/
2-4: spring,在APP捏造外汇交易盈利的现象骗取钱财。 0.25 BTC
2-4: Fabricate the phenomenon of foreign exchange trading profit in app to defraud money.
2-4: https://www.163.com/dy/article/G5718QTH0538AU2O.html
2-4: http://spring-information.com/
2-5: 微信群里打着“中国信科”的骗子骗取钱财。 0.2 BTC
2-5: Swindlers in wechat group under the name of "China Xinke" cheat for money
2-5: http://finance.sina.com.cn/stock/relnews/hk/2020-12-15/doc-iiznctke6687185.shtml
2-5: http://sh.fiberhome.com/
2-6: 深圳优库速购,虚假宣称返利,欺诈客户。 0.13 BTC
2-6: Shenzhen Youku express, falsely claiming rebate, cheating customers.
2-6: https://www.sohu.com/a/146184975_213996
2-6: http://www.szyksg.com/
2-7: 尧融大宗商品交易中心,诱骗50多名女性钱财。 0.4 BTC
2-7: Yaorong commodity trading center lured more than 50 women into money.
2-7: http://252841606.globalimporter-cn.net/
2-8: P2P网贷,很多中老年人被诈骗。 0.2 BTC
2-8: P2P network loan, many middle-aged and elderly people are cheated.
2-8: https://mobile.hnzycfc.com/
2-9: MBA金融平台,诈骗5000亿的资金。 0.25 BTC
2-9: MBA financial platform, defrauding 500 billion of funds.
2-9: http://www.chemmade.com/
2-10: 牛板金平台,诈骗9800万的资金。 0.2 BTC
2-10: Niubanjin platform defrauded 98 million yuan.
2-10: https://www.niubangold.com/
3-1: 红黄蓝幼儿园的外教老师,性侵幼儿,可恨之至。 0.4 BTC
3-1: The foreign teachers in honghuanglan kindergarten, sexual assault on children, hateful.
3-1: http://www.rybbaby.com/
3-2: 天津滨海新区金色摇篮东城幼儿园的老师,保育员,对幼儿进行针扎虐待,完全没有任何爱心。 0.13 BTC
3-2: The kindergarten teachers of Tianjin Binhai New Area golden cradle Dongcheng, nurseries, needle stick abuse of young children.
3-2: http://www.mamababy.com/
3-3: 山西太原星河湾吉的堡幼儿园老师,对小孩进项体罚,掐脖子。 0.4 BTC
3-3: The teachers of Jinxiang kindergarten, Physical punishment for children
3-3: http://tyjdb.5858.com/
3-4: 智荣幼儿园老师,体罚幼儿,殴打幼儿。 0.2 BTC
3-4: The teacher of Zhirong kindergarten, corporal punishment of children, beating children.
3-4: http://www.zhirong.net/about/v19.html
3-5: 辉县市博翰幼儿园老师,殴打幼儿。 0.4 BTC
3-5: The teacher of Huixian City Bohan kindergarten, beat children.
3-5: https://www.meipian.cn/2xbikg3i
3-6: 三鹿奶粉,黑心商家,害了无数小孩,毁了无数家庭。 0.13 BTC
3-6: The director of Sanlu milk powder, a black hearted business, has harmed countless children and destroyed countless families.
3-6: http://sanlu.21food.cn/
3-7: 太原金色摇篮幼儿园老师,虐童,导致小孩昏迷不醒。 0.2 BTC
3-7: The teacher of Taiyuan golden cradle kindergarten, child abuse, leading to children unconscious
3-7: http://new.mamababy.com/Merchants/kindergartenlist/id/18.html
3-8: 森永公司,奶粉里面添加砒霜,导致130名婴儿死亡。 0.25 BTC
3-8: The director of Senyong company, milk powder added arsenic, resulting in 130 infant deaths.
3-8: http://www.hi-chew.cn/
3-9: 益芙灵多效特护抑菌霜,生产者没有任何良心,面霜含有激素,导致宝宝成了大头宝宝。 0.13 BTC
3-9: The director of Fujian ouai baby health care products Company, There is no conscience in the producer. The cream contains hormones, which makes the baby become a big head baby.
3-9: http://www.u1552108137138.aicao.cn/
3-10: 宝怡乐奶粉,检出芳香烃矿物油,不合格的奶粉。 0.2 BTC
3-10: The director of Baoyile milk powder, detected aromatic mineral oil, unqualified milk powder
3-10: http://www.novamil.com/
Hi, I'm a mother. I hate all the behaviors that hurt children, especially the human traffickers and unscrupulous businesses, which hurt countless children and destroyed countless families. I also hate all the cheaters, which destroyed countless families and led to family breakdown and even casualties. If you are a mom or dad, please support me and give me more encouragement. Thank you!
1-1: 陈莲香,拐卖了无数小孩还谋杀过小孩,恨之入骨。 0.5 BTC
1-1: Chen Lianxiang abducted and sold countless children and murdered them. She hated them to the bone.
1-1: More Info: https://www.sohu.com/a/279859551_100266625
1-1: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%99%88%E8%8E%B2%E9%A6%99/3858310?fr=aladdin
1-2: 吴正莲 也是一个没有良心的人贩子,拐卖小孩无数,人人恨之。 0.13 BTC
1-2: Wu Zhenglian is also a man without conscience, who abducts and sells countless children, which everyone hates.
1-2: More Info:
1-2: https://www.chazidian.com/netstar5649/
1-2: https://www.sohu.com/a/341253914_100266625
1-3: 喻立香,拐卖了33个小孩,还导致一名小孩死亡,可恨! 0.2 BTC
1-3: Yu Lixiang, abducted and sold 33 children, but also led to the death of a child, hateful!
1-3: More Info: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%96%BB%E7%AB%8B%E9%A6%99/11060964?fr=aladdin
1-3: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5ecdb6130100nzvk.html
1-4: 梅姨,拐卖了无数小孩,现在还在逍遥法外,希望有一天快点抓住她。 0.5 BTC
1-4: Aunt Mei, who abducted and sold countless children, is still at large. I hope to catch her soon one day.
1-4: More Info: https://www.zhihu.com/question/356411418
1-4: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%A2%85%E5%A7%A8/23816040?fr=aladdin
1-5: 郑仁的养父母,仅仅271天的一个宝贝被虐待致死,真的该被千刀万剐! 0.13 BTC
1-5: Zheng Ren's foster parents, only 271 days of a baby was abused to death, really should be cut!
1-5: More Info: https://new.qq.com/omn/20210319/20210319A00B8P00.html
1-5: https://weibo.com/tv/show/1034:4615870291574840?from=old_pc_videoshow
1-6: 韩国蔚山幼儿园园长,因为两夫妻吵架,导致成敏,一个23个月大的宝贝,在幼儿园里被虐待而死。 0.4 BTC
1-6: The director of Yushan kindergarten in South Korea, because of a quarrel between two couples, led to Cheng Min, a 23 month old baby, was abused and died in the kindergarten.
1-6: More Info: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1607464836295009586&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-6: http://k.sina.com.cn/article_1993305471_p76cf6d7f02700cvdp.html
1-7: 李某,抖音卖口罩,骗取钱财,发国难之财。 0.13 BTC
1-7: Lee, sells masks on tiktok, defrauding money, and making money for national disaster.
1-7: More Info: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1659688895007715270&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-8: 郭某某,抖音微信发布虚假消息卖口罩,骗取钱财300000多 0.2 BTC
1-8: Guo Moumou, released false news tiktok on WeChat, sell masks, cheat money more than 300000
1-8: More Info: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1658853483999148241&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-9: 浙江温岭幼儿园颜老师,在幼儿园虐待幼儿,太可恨了 0.13 BTC
1-9: Teacher Yan of Wenling kindergarten in Zhejiang Province abused children in kindergarten. It's hateful
1-9: More Info: https://m.qbaobei.com/mipa/232441.html
1-9: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%A2%9C%E8%89%B3%E7%BA%A2/5647572?fr=aladdin
1-10: 鲍淑敏,性侵养女,十恶不赦。 0.2 BTC
1-10: Bao Shumin, the adoptive daughter of sexual assault, is a heinous crime.
1-10: More Info: https://finance.sina.cn/2020-04-11/detail-iirczymi5762026.d.html
2-1: 探探 里面很多不良用心的人。 0.25 BTC
2-1: There are a lot of people with bad intentions in it
2-1: http://tantanapp.com/
2-2: 伊对 不规范的网址,里面有骗子。 0.13 BTC
2-2: There are cheaters in the nonstandard websites
2-2: https://www.520yidui.com/
2-3: 香港德利汇环球,三无平台,骗取投资者的钱财。 0.2 BTC
2-3: Hong Kong delihui global, three no platform, defraud investors of money.
2-3: https://www.sltopnews.com/wh/wh/280106.html
2-3: http://www.hkfff.com/
2-4: spring,在APP捏造外汇交易盈利的现象骗取钱财。 0.25 BTC
2-4: Fabricate the phenomenon of foreign exchange trading profit in app to defraud money.
2-4: https://www.163.com/dy/article/G5718QTH0538AU2O.html
2-4: http://spring-information.com/
2-5: 微信群里打着“中国信科”的骗子骗取钱财。 0.2 BTC
2-5: Swindlers in wechat group under the name of "China Xinke" cheat for money
2-5: http://finance.sina.com.cn/stock/relnews/hk/2020-12-15/doc-iiznctke6687185.shtml
2-5: http://sh.fiberhome.com/
2-6: 深圳优库速购,虚假宣称返利,欺诈客户。 0.13 BTC
2-6: Shenzhen Youku express, falsely claiming rebate, cheating customers.
2-6: https://www.sohu.com/a/146184975_213996
2-6: http://www.szyksg.com/
2-7: 尧融大宗商品交易中心,诱骗50多名女性钱财。 0.4 BTC
2-7: Yaorong commodity trading center lured more than 50 women into money.
2-7: http://252841606.globalimporter-cn.net/
2-8: P2P网贷,很多中老年人被诈骗。 0.2 BTC
2-8: P2P network loan, many middle-aged and elderly people are cheated.
2-8: https://mobile.hnzycfc.com/
2-9: MBA金融平台,诈骗5000亿的资金。 0.25 BTC
2-9: MBA financial platform, defrauding 500 billion of funds.
2-9: http://www.chemmade.com/
2-10: 牛板金平台,诈骗9800万的资金。 0.2 BTC
2-10: Niubanjin platform defrauded 98 million yuan.
2-10: https://www.niubangold.com/
3-1: 红黄蓝幼儿园的外教老师,性侵幼儿,可恨之至。 0.4 BTC
3-1: The foreign teachers in honghuanglan kindergarten, sexual assault on children, hateful.
3-1: http://www.rybbaby.com/
3-2: 天津滨海新区金色摇篮东城幼儿园的老师,保育员,对幼儿进行针扎虐待,完全没有任何爱心。 0.13 BTC
3-2: The kindergarten teachers of Tianjin Binhai New Area golden cradle Dongcheng, nurseries, needle stick abuse of young children.
3-2: http://www.mamababy.com/
3-3: 山西太原星河湾吉的堡幼儿园老师,对小孩进项体罚,掐脖子。 0.4 BTC
3-3: The teachers of Jinxiang kindergarten, Physical punishment for children
3-3: http://tyjdb.5858.com/
3-4: 智荣幼儿园老师,体罚幼儿,殴打幼儿。 0.2 BTC
3-4: The teacher of Zhirong kindergarten, corporal punishment of children, beating children.
3-4: http://www.zhirong.net/about/v19.html
3-5: 辉县市博翰幼儿园老师,殴打幼儿。 0.4 BTC
3-5: The teacher of Huixian City Bohan kindergarten, beat children.
3-5: https://www.meipian.cn/2xbikg3i
3-6: 三鹿奶粉,黑心商家,害了无数小孩,毁了无数家庭。 0.13 BTC
3-6: The director of Sanlu milk powder, a black hearted business, has harmed countless children and destroyed countless families.
3-6: http://sanlu.21food.cn/
3-7: 太原金色摇篮幼儿园老师,虐童,导致小孩昏迷不醒。 0.2 BTC
3-7: The teacher of Taiyuan golden cradle kindergarten, child abuse, leading to children unconscious
3-7: http://new.mamababy.com/Merchants/kindergartenlist/id/18.html
3-8: 森永公司,奶粉里面添加砒霜,导致130名婴儿死亡。 0.25 BTC
3-8: The director of Senyong company, milk powder added arsenic, resulting in 130 infant deaths.
3-8: http://www.hi-chew.cn/
3-9: 益芙灵多效特护抑菌霜,生产者没有任何良心,面霜含有激素,导致宝宝成了大头宝宝。 0.13 BTC
3-9: The director of Fujian ouai baby health care products Company, There is no conscience in the producer. The cream contains hormones, which makes the baby become a big head baby.
3-9: http://www.u1552108137138.aicao.cn/
3-10: 宝怡乐奶粉,检出芳香烃矿物油,不合格的奶粉。 0.2 BTC
3-10: The director of Baoyile milk powder, detected aromatic mineral oil, unqualified milk powder
3-10: http://www.novamil.com/
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#hmwyda wishlist:
hello, i have updated my list.
Hi, I'm a mother. I hate all the behaviors that hurt children, especially the human traffickers and unscrupulous businesses, which hurt countless children and destroyed countless families. I also hate all the cheaters, which destroyed countless families and led to family breakdown and even casualties. If you are a mom or dad, please support me and give me more encouragement. Thank you!
1-1: 陈莲香,拐卖了无数小孩还谋杀过小孩,恨之入骨。 0.5 BTC
1-1: Chen Lianxiang abducted and sold countless children and murdered them. She hated them to the bone.
1-1: More Info: https://www.sohu.com/a/279859551_100266625
1-1: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%99%88%E8%8E%B2%E9%A6%99/3858310?fr=aladdin
1-2: 吴正莲 也是一个没有良心的人贩子,拐卖小孩无数,人人恨之。 0.13 BTC
1-2: Wu Zhenglian is also a man without conscience, who abducts and sells countless children, which everyone hates.
1-2: More Info:
1-2: https://www.chazidian.com/netstar5649/
1-2: https://www.sohu.com/a/341253914_100266625
1-3: 喻立香,拐卖了33个小孩,还导致一名小孩死亡,可恨! 0.2 BTC
1-3: Yu Lixiang, abducted and sold 33 children, but also led to the death of a child, hateful!
1-3: More Info: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%96%BB%E7%AB%8B%E9%A6%99/11060964?fr=aladdin
1-3: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5ecdb6130100nzvk.html
1-4: 梅姨,拐卖了无数小孩,现在还在逍遥法外,希望有一天快点抓住她。 0.5 BTC
1-4: Aunt Mei, who abducted and sold countless children, is still at large. I hope to catch her soon one day.
1-4: More Info: https://www.zhihu.com/question/356411418
1-4: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%A2%85%E5%A7%A8/23816040?fr=aladdin
1-5: 郑仁的养父母,仅仅271天的一个宝贝被虐待致死,真的该被千刀万剐! 0.13 BTC
1-5: Zheng Ren's foster parents, only 271 days of a baby was abused to death, really should be cut!
1-5: More Info: https://new.qq.com/omn/20210319/20210319A00B8P00.html
1-5: https://weibo.com/tv/show/1034:4615870291574840?from=old_pc_videoshow
1-6: 韩国蔚山幼儿园园长,因为两夫妻吵架,导致成敏,一个23个月大的宝贝,在幼儿园里被虐待而死。 0.4 BTC
1-6: The director of Yushan kindergarten in South Korea, because of a quarrel between two couples, led to Cheng Min, a 23 month old baby, was abused and died in the kindergarten.
1-6: More Info: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1607464836295009586&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-6: http://k.sina.com.cn/article_1993305471_p76cf6d7f02700cvdp.html
1-7: 李某,抖音卖口罩,骗取钱财,发国难之财。 0.13 BTC
1-7: Lee, sells masks on tiktok, defrauding money, and making money for national disaster.
1-7: More Info: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1659688895007715270&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-8: 郭某某,抖音微信发布虚假消息卖口罩,骗取钱财300000多 0.2 BTC
1-8: Guo Moumou, released false news tiktok on WeChat, sell masks, cheat money more than 300000
1-8: More Info: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1658853483999148241&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-9: 浙江温岭幼儿园颜老师,在幼儿园虐待幼儿,太可恨了 0.13 BTC
1-9: Teacher Yan of Wenling kindergarten in Zhejiang Province abused children in kindergarten. It's hateful
1-9: More Info: https://m.qbaobei.com/mipa/232441.html
1-9: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%A2%9C%E8%89%B3%E7%BA%A2/5647572?fr=aladdin
1-10: 鲍淑敏,性侵养女,十恶不赦。 0.2 BTC
1-10: Bao Shumin, the adoptive daughter of sexual assault, is a heinous crime.
1-10: More Info: https://finance.sina.cn/2020-04-11/detail-iirczymi5762026.d.html
2-1: 探探 里面很多不良用心的人。 0.25 BTC
2-1: There are a lot of people with bad intentions in it
2-1: http://tantanapp.com/
2-2: 伊对 不规范的网址,里面有骗子。 0.13 BTC
2-2: There are cheaters in the nonstandard websites
2-2: https://www.520yidui.com/
2-3: 香港德利汇环球,三无平台,骗取投资者的钱财。 0.2 BTC
2-3: Hong Kong delihui global, three no platform, defraud investors of money.
2-3: https://www.sltopnews.com/wh/wh/280106.html
2-3: http://www.hkfff.com/
2-4: spring,在APP捏造外汇交易盈利的现象骗取钱财。 0.25 BTC
2-4: Fabricate the phenomenon of foreign exchange trading profit in app to defraud money.
2-4: https://www.163.com/dy/article/G5718QTH0538AU2O.html
2-4: http://spring-information.com/
2-5: 微信群里打着“中国信科”的骗子骗取钱财。 0.2 BTC
2-5: Swindlers in wechat group under the name of "China Xinke" cheat for money
2-5: http://finance.sina.com.cn/stock/relnews/hk/2020-12-15/doc-iiznctke6687185.shtml
2-5: http://sh.fiberhome.com/
2-6: 深圳优库速购,虚假宣称返利,欺诈客户。 0.13 BTC
2-6: Shenzhen Youku express, falsely claiming rebate, cheating customers.
2-6: https://www.sohu.com/a/146184975_213996
2-6: http://www.szyksg.com/
2-7: 尧融大宗商品交易中心,诱骗50多名女性钱财。 0.4 BTC
2-7: Yaorong commodity trading center lured more than 50 women into money.
2-7: http://252841606.globalimporter-cn.net/
2-8: P2P网贷,很多中老年人被诈骗。 0.2 BTC
2-8: P2P network loan, many middle-aged and elderly people are cheated.
2-8: https://mobile.hnzycfc.com/
2-9: MBA金融平台,诈骗5000亿的资金。 0.25 BTC
2-9: MBA financial platform, defrauding 500 billion of funds.
2-9: http://www.chemmade.com/
2-10: 牛板金平台,诈骗9800万的资金。 0.2 BTC
2-10: Niubanjin platform defrauded 98 million yuan.
2-10: https://www.niubangold.com/
3-1: 红黄蓝幼儿园的外教老师,性侵幼儿,可恨之至。 0.4 BTC
3-1: The foreign teachers in honghuanglan kindergarten, sexual assault on children, hateful.
3-1: http://www.rybbaby.com/
3-2: 天津滨海新区金色摇篮东城幼儿园的老师,保育员,对幼儿进行针扎虐待,完全没有任何爱心。 0.13 BTC
3-2: The kindergarten teachers of Tianjin Binhai New Area golden cradle Dongcheng, nurseries, needle stick abuse of young children.
3-2: http://www.mamababy.com/
3-3: 山西太原星河湾吉的堡幼儿园老师,对小孩进项体罚,掐脖子。 0.4 BTC
3-3: The teachers of Jinxiang kindergarten, Physical punishment for children
3-3: http://tyjdb.5858.com/
3-4: 智荣幼儿园老师,体罚幼儿,殴打幼儿。 0.2 BTC
3-4: The teacher of Zhirong kindergarten, corporal punishment of children, beating children.
3-4: http://www.zhirong.net/about/v19.html
3-5: 辉县市博翰幼儿园老师,殴打幼儿。 0.4 BTC
3-5: The teacher of Huixian City Bohan kindergarten, beat children.
3-5: https://www.meipian.cn/2xbikg3i
3-6: 三鹿奶粉,黑心商家,害了无数小孩,毁了无数家庭。 0.13 BTC
3-6: The director of Sanlu milk powder, a black hearted business, has harmed countless children and destroyed countless families.
3-6: http://sanlu.21food.cn/
3-7: 太原金色摇篮幼儿园老师,虐童,导致小孩昏迷不醒。 0.2 BTC
3-7: The teacher of Taiyuan golden cradle kindergarten, child abuse, leading to children unconscious
3-7: http://new.mamababy.com/Merchants/kindergartenlist/id/18.html
3-8: 森永公司,奶粉里面添加砒霜,导致130名婴儿死亡。 0.25 BTC
3-8: The director of Senyong company, milk powder added arsenic, resulting in 130 infant deaths.
3-8: http://www.hi-chew.cn/
3-9: 益芙灵多效特护抑菌霜,生产者没有任何良心,面霜含有激素,导致宝宝成了大头宝宝。 0.13 BTC
3-9: The director of Fujian ouai baby health care products Company, There is no conscience in the producer. The cream contains hormones, which makes the baby become a big head baby.
3-9: http://www.u1552108137138.aicao.cn/
3-10: 宝怡乐奶粉,检出芳香烃矿物油,不合格的奶粉。 0.2 BTC
3-10: The director of Baoyile milk powder, detected aromatic mineral oil, unqualified milk powder
3-10: http://www.novamil.com/
new list:
1: 黎智英,汉奸,乱港分子,意图把香港从中国分离出去,勾结外国势力危害国家安全,应该严惩。 0.2 BTC
1: Li Zhiying, a traitor, a troublemaker who intends to separate Hong Kong from China and colludes with foreign forces to endanger national security, should be severely punished.
1: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1672823514692215857&wfr=spider&for=pc
2: 铁岭市政府,长期不作为,生活污水不做处理直排下河,造成环境污染,影响人们的生活,应该严惩。 0.1 BTC
2: Tieling City Government, long-term inaction, the domestic sewage is not treated and discharged directly into the river, causing environmental pollution and affecting people's lives, which should be severely punished.
2: https://k.sina.cn/article_3266943013_mc2b9982505300uya6.html?mod=wpage&r=0&tr=381
3: 文国栋,青海副省长,充当非法采煤的保护伞,谋取暴利。 0.4 BTC
3: Wen Guodong, deputy governor of Qinghai, acts as an umbrella for illegal coal mining and seeks huge profits.
3: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1687933933337222444&wfr=spider&for=pc
4: 马蓉,不但出轨,还伙同出轨的对象骗自己老公的钱,跌破中国人的道德观。 0.1 BTC
4: Ma Rong, not only cheated, but also cheated his husband's money with the cheating object, which broke the Chinese morality.
4: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1604051437651333161&wfr=spider&for=pc
5: 刘鑫 ,一个最应该收到惩罚的女子,为了自己活命牺牲自己闺蜜的性命,实在可恨可耻。 0.4 BTC
5: Liu Xin, a woman who deserves the most punishment, sacrificed her best friend's life for her own life, it is really hateful and shameful.
5: https://www.zhihu.com/question/266447415
6: 项思醒,同时交往几个男朋友,是一个感情骗子。 0.1 BTC
6: Xiang Sixing, dating several boyfriends at the same time, is an emotional liar.
6: https://www.sohu.com/a/461923781_639999
7: 宋喆 ,一个骗子,勾结别人的妻子,勾结谋取不合法的钱财。 0.2 BTC
7: Song Zhe, a liar, colluded with other people's wives to obtain illegal money.
7: https://www.sohu.com/a/206187247_146937
8: 文成杰,安居客的房产销售,因为看房时间与顾客不一致,对顾客使用语言暴力.,没有任何素质,希望得到严惩。 0.3 BTC
8: Wen Chengjie, Anjuke’s real estate sales, because the viewing time is inconsistent with the customers, he uses language violence to the customers. He has no quality, and hopes to be severely punished.
8: https://lianyungang.anjuke.com/tycoon/weiguijingjiren/?from=esf_list_navigation
9: 成都银行,承诺的利息与实际到账的利息有差异,欺骗群众。 0.1 BTC
9: Chengdu Bank, there is a difference between the promised interest and the actual interest received, deceiving the masses.
9: http://www.bocd.com.cn/icms/static/cdbank/zh/o6hxyopm/vl4b9bvc/vl4b9bvc.html
10: 田波 ,云南省高院立案庭庭长;建水监狱党委书记,监狱长余世国等收受贿赂,帮助判了死刑的孙小果脱罪,导致其祸害了更多人,执法人员还徇私枉法,应该严惩。 0.4 BTC
10: Tian Bo, chief of the case-filing division of the Yunnan Provincial Higher People's Court; Yu Shiguo, secretary of the Party Committee of Jianshui Prison and warden, took bribes to help Sun Xiaoguo, who was sentenced to death, get rid of the crime, causing him to harm more people. Severe punishment.
10: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1640107477973036668&wfr=spider&for=pc
11: 罗永隆,云南省能源投资集团有限公司原党委委员,副总裁,为了实现自己的私利,不惜损害国有资金,受贿1300万元,自私自利。 0.3 BTC
11: Luo Yonglong, former member of the party committee and vice president of Yunnan Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd., in order to realize his own private interests, he did not hesitate to harm state-owned funds, he took bribes of 13 million yuan, and he was selfish.
11: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1697557785983596078&wfr=spider&for=pc
12: 日本,要将福岛第一核电站的污水排入大海,做决定的人完全不顾世界的安全,生态的平衡,严厉抵制。 0.1 BTC
12: Japan wants to discharge sewage from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the sea. Those who make the decision are completely disregarding the safety of the world and the ecological balance, and strictly resist it.
12: https://www.163.com/dy/article/G877T2VF0543W681.html
#hmwyda wishlist:
hello, i have updated my list.
Hi, I'm a mother. I hate all the behaviors that hurt children, especially the human traffickers and unscrupulous businesses, which hurt countless children and destroyed countless families. I also hate all the cheaters, which destroyed countless families and led to family breakdown and even casualties. If you are a mom or dad, please support me and give me more encouragement. Thank you!
1-1: 陈莲香,拐卖了无数小孩还谋杀过小孩,恨之入骨。 0.5 BTC
1-1: Chen Lianxiang abducted and sold countless children and murdered them. She hated them to the bone.
1-1: More Info: https://www.sohu.com/a/279859551_100266625
1-1: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%99%88%E8%8E%B2%E9%A6%99/3858310?fr=aladdin
1-2: 吴正莲 也是一个没有良心的人贩子,拐卖小孩无数,人人恨之。 0.13 BTC
1-2: Wu Zhenglian is also a man without conscience, who abducts and sells countless children, which everyone hates.
1-2: More Info:
1-2: https://www.chazidian.com/netstar5649/
1-2: https://www.sohu.com/a/341253914_100266625
1-3: 喻立香,拐卖了33个小孩,还导致一名小孩死亡,可恨! 0.2 BTC
1-3: Yu Lixiang, abducted and sold 33 children, but also led to the death of a child, hateful!
1-3: More Info: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%96%BB%E7%AB%8B%E9%A6%99/11060964?fr=aladdin
1-3: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5ecdb6130100nzvk.html
1-4: 梅姨,拐卖了无数小孩,现在还在逍遥法外,希望有一天快点抓住她。 0.5 BTC
1-4: Aunt Mei, who abducted and sold countless children, is still at large. I hope to catch her soon one day.
1-4: More Info: https://www.zhihu.com/question/356411418
1-4: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%A2%85%E5%A7%A8/23816040?fr=aladdin
1-5: 郑仁的养父母,仅仅271天的一个宝贝被虐待致死,真的该被千刀万剐! 0.13 BTC
1-5: Zheng Ren's foster parents, only 271 days of a baby was abused to death, really should be cut!
1-5: More Info: https://new.qq.com/omn/20210319/20210319A00B8P00.html
1-5: https://weibo.com/tv/show/1034:4615870291574840?from=old_pc_videoshow
1-6: 韩国蔚山幼儿园园长,因为两夫妻吵架,导致成敏,一个23个月大的宝贝,在幼儿园里被虐待而死。 0.4 BTC
1-6: The director of Yushan kindergarten in South Korea, because of a quarrel between two couples, led to Cheng Min, a 23 month old baby, was abused and died in the kindergarten.
1-6: More Info: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1607464836295009586&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-6: http://k.sina.com.cn/article_1993305471_p76cf6d7f02700cvdp.html
1-7: 李某,抖音卖口罩,骗取钱财,发国难之财。 0.13 BTC
1-7: Lee, sells masks on tiktok, defrauding money, and making money for national disaster.
1-7: More Info: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1659688895007715270&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-8: 郭某某,抖音微信发布虚假消息卖口罩,骗取钱财300000多 0.2 BTC
1-8: Guo Moumou, released false news tiktok on WeChat, sell masks, cheat money more than 300000
1-8: More Info: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1658853483999148241&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-9: 浙江温岭幼儿园颜老师,在幼儿园虐待幼儿,太可恨了 0.13 BTC
1-9: Teacher Yan of Wenling kindergarten in Zhejiang Province abused children in kindergarten. It's hateful
1-9: More Info: https://m.qbaobei.com/mipa/232441.html
1-9: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%A2%9C%E8%89%B3%E7%BA%A2/5647572?fr=aladdin
1-10: 鲍淑敏,性侵养女,十恶不赦。 0.2 BTC
1-10: Bao Shumin, the adoptive daughter of sexual assault, is a heinous crime.
1-10: More Info: https://finance.sina.cn/2020-04-11/detail-iirczymi5762026.d.html
2-1: 探探 里面很多不良用心的人。 0.25 BTC
2-1: There are a lot of people with bad intentions in it
2-1: http://tantanapp.com/
2-2: 伊对 不规范的网址,里面有骗子。 0.13 BTC
2-2: There are cheaters in the nonstandard websites
2-2: https://www.520yidui.com/
2-3: 香港德利汇环球,三无平台,骗取投资者的钱财。 0.2 BTC
2-3: Hong Kong delihui global, three no platform, defraud investors of money.
2-3: https://www.sltopnews.com/wh/wh/280106.html
2-3: http://www.hkfff.com/
2-4: spring,在APP捏造外汇交易盈利的现象骗取钱财。 0.25 BTC
2-4: Fabricate the phenomenon of foreign exchange trading profit in app to defraud money.
2-4: https://www.163.com/dy/article/G5718QTH0538AU2O.html
2-4: http://spring-information.com/
2-5: 微信群里打着“中国信科”的骗子骗取钱财。 0.2 BTC
2-5: Swindlers in wechat group under the name of "China Xinke" cheat for money
2-5: http://finance.sina.com.cn/stock/relnews/hk/2020-12-15/doc-iiznctke6687185.shtml
2-5: http://sh.fiberhome.com/
2-6: 深圳优库速购,虚假宣称返利,欺诈客户。 0.13 BTC
2-6: Shenzhen Youku express, falsely claiming rebate, cheating customers.
2-6: https://www.sohu.com/a/146184975_213996
2-6: http://www.szyksg.com/
2-7: 尧融大宗商品交易中心,诱骗50多名女性钱财。 0.4 BTC
2-7: Yaorong commodity trading center lured more than 50 women into money.
2-7: http://252841606.globalimporter-cn.net/
2-8: P2P网贷,很多中老年人被诈骗。 0.2 BTC
2-8: P2P network loan, many middle-aged and elderly people are cheated.
2-8: https://mobile.hnzycfc.com/
2-9: MBA金融平台,诈骗5000亿的资金。 0.25 BTC
2-9: MBA financial platform, defrauding 500 billion of funds.
2-9: http://www.chemmade.com/
2-10: 牛板金平台,诈骗9800万的资金。 0.2 BTC
2-10: Niubanjin platform defrauded 98 million yuan.
2-10: https://www.niubangold.com/
3-1: 红黄蓝幼儿园的外教老师,性侵幼儿,可恨之至。 0.4 BTC
3-1: The foreign teachers in honghuanglan kindergarten, sexual assault on children, hateful.
3-1: http://www.rybbaby.com/
3-2: 天津滨海新区金色摇篮东城幼儿园的老师,保育员,对幼儿进行针扎虐待,完全没有任何爱心。 0.13 BTC
3-2: The kindergarten teachers of Tianjin Binhai New Area golden cradle Dongcheng, nurseries, needle stick abuse of young children.
3-2: http://www.mamababy.com/
3-3: 山西太原星河湾吉的堡幼儿园老师,对小孩进项体罚,掐脖子。 0.4 BTC
3-3: The teachers of Jinxiang kindergarten, Physical punishment for children
3-3: http://tyjdb.5858.com/
3-4: 智荣幼儿园老师,体罚幼儿,殴打幼儿。 0.2 BTC
3-4: The teacher of Zhirong kindergarten, corporal punishment of children, beating children.
3-4: http://www.zhirong.net/about/v19.html
3-5: 辉县市博翰幼儿园老师,殴打幼儿。 0.4 BTC
3-5: The teacher of Huixian City Bohan kindergarten, beat children.
3-5: https://www.meipian.cn/2xbikg3i
3-6: 三鹿奶粉,黑心商家,害了无数小孩,毁了无数家庭。 0.13 BTC
3-6: The director of Sanlu milk powder, a black hearted business, has harmed countless children and destroyed countless families.
3-6: http://sanlu.21food.cn/
3-7: 太原金色摇篮幼儿园老师,虐童,导致小孩昏迷不醒。 0.2 BTC
3-7: The teacher of Taiyuan golden cradle kindergarten, child abuse, leading to children unconscious
3-7: http://new.mamababy.com/Merchants/kindergartenlist/id/18.html
3-8: 森永公司,奶粉里面添加砒霜,导致130名婴儿死亡。 0.25 BTC
3-8: The director of Senyong company, milk powder added arsenic, resulting in 130 infant deaths.
3-8: http://www.hi-chew.cn/
3-9: 益芙灵多效特护抑菌霜,生产者没有任何良心,面霜含有激素,导致宝宝成了大头宝宝。 0.13 BTC
3-9: The director of Fujian ouai baby health care products Company, There is no conscience in the producer. The cream contains hormones, which makes the baby become a big head baby.
3-9: http://www.u1552108137138.aicao.cn/
3-10: 宝怡乐奶粉,检出芳香烃矿物油,不合格的奶粉。 0.2 BTC
3-10: The director of Baoyile milk powder, detected aromatic mineral oil, unqualified milk powder
3-10: http://www.novamil.com/
new list:
1: 黎智英,汉奸,乱港分子,意图把香港从中国分离出去,勾结外国势力危害国家安全,应该严惩。 0.2 BTC
1: Li Zhiying, a traitor, a troublemaker who intends to separate Hong Kong from China and colludes with foreign forces to endanger national security, should be severely punished.
1: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1672823514692215857&wfr=spider&for=pc
2: 铁岭市政府,长期不作为,生活污水不做处理直排下河,造成环境污染,影响人们的生活,应该严惩。 0.1 BTC
2: Tieling City Government, long-term inaction, the domestic sewage is not treated and discharged directly into the river, causing environmental pollution and affecting people's lives, which should be severely punished.
2: https://k.sina.cn/article_3266943013_mc2b9982505300uya6.html?mod=wpage&r=0&tr=381
3: 文国栋,青海副省长,充当非法采煤的保护伞,谋取暴利。 0.4 BTC
3: Wen Guodong, deputy governor of Qinghai, acts as an umbrella for illegal coal mining and seeks huge profits.
3: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1687933933337222444&wfr=spider&for=pc
4: 马蓉,不但出轨,还伙同出轨的对象骗自己老公的钱,跌破中国人的道德观。 0.1 BTC
4: Ma Rong, not only cheated, but also cheated his husband's money with the cheating object, which broke the Chinese morality.
4: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1604051437651333161&wfr=spider&for=pc
5: 刘鑫 ,一个最应该收到惩罚的女子,为了自己活命牺牲自己闺蜜的性命,实在可恨可耻。 0.4 BTC
5: Liu Xin, a woman who deserves the most punishment, sacrificed her best friend's life for her own life, it is really hateful and shameful.
5: https://www.zhihu.com/question/266447415
6: 项思醒,同时交往几个男朋友,是一个感情骗子。 0.1 BTC
6: Xiang Sixing, dating several boyfriends at the same time, is an emotional liar.
6: https://www.sohu.com/a/461923781_639999
7: 宋喆 ,一个骗子,勾结别人的妻子,勾结谋取不合法的钱财。 0.2 BTC
7: Song Zhe, a liar, colluded with other people's wives to obtain illegal money.
7: https://www.sohu.com/a/206187247_146937
8: 文成杰,安居客的房产销售,因为看房时间与顾客不一致,对顾客使用语言暴力.,没有任何素质,希望得到严惩。 0.3 BTC
8: Wen Chengjie, Anjuke’s real estate sales, because the viewing time is inconsistent with the customers, he uses language violence to the customers. He has no quality, and hopes to be severely punished.
8: https://lianyungang.anjuke.com/tycoon/weiguijingjiren/?from=esf_list_navigation
9: 成都银行,承诺的利息与实际到账的利息有差异,欺骗群众。 0.1 BTC
9: Chengdu Bank, there is a difference between the promised interest and the actual interest received, deceiving the masses.
9: http://www.bocd.com.cn/icms/static/cdbank/zh/o6hxyopm/vl4b9bvc/vl4b9bvc.html
10: 田波 ,云南省高院立案庭庭长;建水监狱党委书记,监狱长余世国等收受贿赂,帮助判了死刑的孙小果脱罪,导致其祸害了更多人,执法人员还徇私枉法,应该严惩。 0.4 BTC
10: Tian Bo, chief of the case-filing division of the Yunnan Provincial Higher People's Court; Yu Shiguo, secretary of the Party Committee of Jianshui Prison and warden, took bribes to help Sun Xiaoguo, who was sentenced to death, get rid of the crime, causing him to harm more people. Severe punishment.
10: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1640107477973036668&wfr=spider&for=pc
11: 罗永隆,云南省能源投资集团有限公司原党委委员,副总裁,为了实现自己的私利,不惜损害国有资金,受贿1300万元,自私自利。 0.3 BTC
11: Luo Yonglong, former member of the party committee and vice president of Yunnan Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd., in order to realize his own private interests, he did not hesitate to harm state-owned funds, he took bribes of 13 million yuan, and he was selfish.
11: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1697557785983596078&wfr=spider&for=pc
12: 日本,要将福岛第一核电站的污水排入大海,做决定的人完全不顾世界的安全,生态的平衡,严厉抵制。 0.1 BTC
12: Japan wants to discharge sewage from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the sea. Those who make the decision are completely disregarding the safety of the world and the ecological balance, and strictly resist it.
12: https://www.163.com/dy/article/G877T2VF0543W681.html