You mean who is retarded enough not to get it. 80,000 people died from the flu last year.
1.3 million people died in road crashes last year. The risks of trusting multinational corporations to put something in your blood massively outweight the risks of dying from the flu.
And I am sure you don't use Tylenol, Ibupropen, or any type of aiding drug whatsoever because of what multinational companies are putting into your body. LOL. What a joke.
Well I would rather be a live Moron than a dead Moron. LOL. You must be an anti- vacciner in general . Another Idiot like the flat Earther. You argue against facts. That's a Moron
I was expecting an argument justifying your blind trust you put on multinational corporations but I guess you don't have any since all you have left is ad hominem.
If you think ingestion and injection have equvalent absorption rates just because you're defending an establishment authority you're the one who looks stupid.
And I ask you, who in gov is making this decision that we will purposely give vaccine shots that we know will make people sick? Unless you are a dictator, gov is ran by people.
And it's no secret we live longer because of advanced Medicine. So again the facts go against your conspiracy theory that the gov is trying to knock people off with Vaccines.
Wolfs conspire to eat sheep. That's not a theory, it's a fact. Not all modern medicine is bad but it is a walled garden with a profit motive to keep the status quo gravy train rollin.
authority figure-"inject this into your baby's blood stream. It's safe and effective." Mother-"prove it" authority figure-*hair on fire* CONSPIRACY THEORST! FLAT EARTHER! BURN HER!!!1!
It has been proven moron. Go look at the stats of people who have died not getting Vaccines vs people who have. Of course you will have a non factual Bull Shit answer for everything.
You say the word "proven". Proven by whom? This is the crux of the issue. A snake oil salesman loves to use the word proven. "Proven safe and effective! Low low price of $9.95!"
You're the one trusting an authority like core/blockstream(connected to the same ppl as the medical establishment btw) to tell you what's good for you. Questioning = blasphemy.
How do you know the Dodgers won 5-2 today? They showed it on T.V. But that all could have been fake. They really didn't play. They just made you think they did. LMAO.
And the funny thing is if it was all profit like you say, then they certainly wouldn't be telling people the flu shot was only 10% effective last year. LOL. Great sales pitch.
The burden of proof is not on me because I have a choice to take the vaccines or not. It's their responsibility to convince me that the CDC isn't captured by big$$$ special interests.
Yes, you have the choice to possibly die by one of the diseases the vaccines prevent against. And it's only your choice. You don't have to believe anything.
find an old cemetery and browse, there was a reason they had so many kids back then cause making it to adulthood was an accomplishment not achieved by all
If the general level of a population's immune system is compromised because of poor nutrition, it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume they'd have a higher incidence of diseases.
See this is your scapegoat. You don't have to believe any facts. You don't have to believe the testing and the history of results. It's certainly not proven by you. Retard.
1) Those stats are out of context. They only show drop of deaths by certain disease. But if you check the overall death drop - there is none outside of the general trend.
Ah yeah good point. Still more direct than going through your digestive tract. Idk if thimerosal is dangerous. 10% effective isn't a good enough risk/reward tho so I pass on flu shots
Flu vaccine shots make sense if you belong to certain at-risk groups (elderly, pregnant,and others) where a flu disease poses a greater risk than for regular healthy adults.
I'm a centrist on the issue. I think the FDA and CDC gots their hands elbow deep in the cookie jar. It's similar to trusting blockstream to write benevolent Bitcoin code.
calling it a "religion" just shows, how little you actually read/heard/talked about it with people. It's clearly not "Oh yeah, I got it, but there is more to it". It's petty dismissal.
If it's not a religion why do you react this way to me calling it that? "Taxation is theft" is (dogmatically shallow) tribal signaling just like "believe women" or "God is good".
but hey dude... whatever.. I don't give a shit anymore. I try not to answer any moronic statement made on the internet, it waste my time and energy. have fun talking shit
i cannot answer you, without being a blind zealot? ok. lets not talk. people calling libertarian philosophy and its <logical> conclusions "a religion" 100% DID NOT UNDERSTAND IT.
"taxation is theft" comes from a logical thoughtprocess. If I have to tell this to you, and explain the process, it means that all those hours spend understanding rothbard were wasted.
If you can't explain it it means you actually don't understand it. OR it's not actually cogent, you just think it is because you sank so much time(and lost so many friends?) over it.
I know the thought process because I've processed it with thought. I think it's flawed reasoning. If that offends you it's cuz I'm blaspheming your religion. If not you wouldn't be.
So if I dropped you naked in the middle of a forrest a thousand miles from any civilization - you wouldn't be able to clothe yourself, let alone make a gun. Learn to be more thankful!
Let's say you live in a rapist's house, and that rapist was excused to rape you because that's just how things go. Now, imagine you were in the middle of a forest. Be grateful!
I'm extremely grateful that I eat better than any king could 200 years ago every day, I'm safe, I can move around freely, I can access information freely, I get a day off once a week..
I am too :) And things could be so much better with consistency applied morality, too :) In fact, our collective existence depends on it. We will go extinct otherwise.
Pareto principle guarantees that a tiny percentage of the population will end up "owning" most of the land in a free-for-all anarchist society. Maybe ancaps think it'll be them?
lol I thought it was in the desert. I'm saying introduce actual scarcity so people have to start deciding between altruism and personal survival. You'll get a few "criminals", then...
Obviously if you put people in a situation where they have no food or water they are going to start fighting. Law enforcement or anarchy doesn’t matter. Survival can become savage.
Not necessarily starvation level famine, just enough scarcity that there are winners and losers in food production which means inequality. You'll have a government in no time.
“free for all anarchist society” wasn’t a term I used. Sorry I kinda jumped in on your conversation with someone else because when I read that I immediately thought burning man
Watch Princess Mononoke, pretty much that. No different than straight up feudalism. If you amass any wealth there'll be raiding parties of samurai at your door every damn day.
The statement "taxation is theft" is like a child complaining that it's not fair he has to do chores to get an allowance. As the parent I'd say 'don't let the door hit you in the ass!'
The kid wants the benifits of living in the household he was born in without any obligations. You want the benifits of the society you were born into with none of the trade-offs.
Anarchism becomes feudalism because of the Pareto principle. A small amount of people will own most/all of the land. A monopoly on land ownership is feudalism by definition.
Haven't convinced me of anything other than that you blindly, dogmatically, definitionally believe to the idea that a tax is necessarily a violent violation of your property rights.
I don't expect to convince you of anything in one conversation. I don't understand how you're concluding that I'm dogmatic about taxation. Could you explain that?
One big problem with "taxation is theft" is that you assume entitlement of all society's structure that you benefit from every damn day. Not saying it's perfect or even very efficient.
How does "taxation is theft" assume entitlement of all society's structure? If you have your money stolen from you, but they buy you something, that makes their theft ok?
The roads, sewers, electricity, infrastructure to keep it all running etc. etc. - all stuff you used to make that money *in the first place*. Could you have made that money w/o it?
I just watched Princess Mononoke - great film for thinking about this stuff. One takeaway- force multipliers(like guns) require specialization. You don't get steel without society.
So like trains - what needs to exist societally to turn iron ore into a functioning train system? How much cheaper is it to transport goods via rail than carrying it on foot to market?
That's why pay tribute to Caesar - YOU USED HIS SYSTEM OF COMMERCE TO MAKE THAT MONEY IN THE FIRST PLACE <---- Make your money outside that system, then you can say taxation is theft.
Why do you think that stealing money (taxation) is how things are built in a sustainable fashion, supposing that this is what you think? Not taxation =/= free.
Some taxes are theft for sure, that's an inevitability of having any centralized power structure. That doesn't mean the alternative is going to be any more efficient.
What is the alternative? Not having money stolen? Efficient = doing something in the least wasteful manner? Isn't voluntary more efficient?
You have no evidence that privatized everything is more efficient. Hong Kong was a great example of good balance between public and private. Sorry but cities need utilities and police.
You mean that cities need utilities and defense? I'm not against that. I'm only against systematically involuntary interactions, which the police are based upon, per funded with taxes.
Could you link me to what you're talking about in regard to Hong Kong? Do you think I'm against cities having utilities? I advocate for utilities being funded voluntarily.
I think you'll hit a point where there's too many takers and the people actually paying will start feeling like they're being taken for a ride. You know, like socialism.
This is what I don't get about the ancap belief system. Does a completely unregulated market suddenly turn people into altruists who just let you use their infrastructure for free??
What do you mean by "unregulated market"? The market, when free (no gov interference), is regulated by customers. Do shitty stuff, go bankrupt, or be unable to buy stuff. Deadly.
Huh. Friedman thinks there's a proper role of gov. Unsurprisingly, that "freedom" is slowly eroding with inevitably more and increasing gov involvement: systematically involuntary.
You're either ruled by an elected government or by a mafia. One you have some semblance of choice, the other you have no choice but to submit or join. Perpetual power vacuum is a myth.
"Perpetual power vacuum is a myth." ""when someone has lost control of something and no one has replaced them."" Could you expound on that?
Just to clarify here, you want no enforcement whatsoever. No regulation, no government, no police, no judges, no mayors or city councils, etc etc.. Is this correct?
"You have no evidence that privatized everything is more efficient." We just start the discussion and you head in with that I have no evidence? Jumping the gun much?
It's not a question of sustainability(good job busting out the socialist rhetoric btw), it's that you've able to amass wealth partially due to society existing before you.
The idea of sustainability is socialist rhetoric? How? Socialism is unsustainable. How does amassing wealth based on previously-existant society validate theft?
Illustrate to me how the money you pay to a local, elected authority to build and maintain roads and sewers, pay police and fire fighters etc. is theft? If you don't like it, move!
Well we can start with the big one The taxes these ppl advocate for absolutely are theft. All in the name of The Greater Good aka "sustainability"
I need to be able to trade widgets for potatoes or socks, even if the farmer or seamstress don't need widgets. Money is the greatest force multiplier cuz it allows specialization.
Money is that which is "fungible, portable, durable, and divisible", as Mike Maloney has said, which is why he advises buying gold. I think BCH is better.
Ok I'll race you. Go buy a banana with BCH, I'll buy one with Japanese Yen - Winner is using the superior money(at least in the short term). I'll go when you say go.
Gold isn't portable or divisible. Dollars aren't especially durable and are becoming less fungible. I think portability and divisibility is more important. You can always convert out.
You need ppl in a society to specialize into certain professions or you'll never have enough scale to produce steel - but that doesn't happen without a functioning money system.
gun vs. sword = women can defend home asphalt vs. dirt road = shipping is faster and cheaper trains vs. dirt road = same telephone vs. carrier pigeon(?) = you get the point
Also I'll make the case that "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's" is a vastly superior statement to "Taxation is theft". If you don't want to pay taxes, you shouldn't be using dollars.
That's fine. How is other people's money Caesars? According to that logic, Caesar stole lots of money and needed to return it. I don't WANT to use dollars. It's required. I prefer BCH.
I'll explain why having a government is a necessary trade off if you want to have civilization. It's not a simple thing because we're discussing human nature. Ancap's view is flawed.
I've been mulling over what angle I'm going to take all day and now I gotta sleep. I'll leave you with some random thoughts and see if anyone can answer without using tired maxims.
"taxation is theft" comes from a logical thoughtprocess. If I have to tell this to you, and explain the process, it means that all those hours spend understanding rothbard were wasted.
I've talked for countless hours with various people about it, online and off. I try to read Rothbard but it's all just the same buzz phrases repeated over and over.
It's a big problem with the federal bureaucracy in general. There's no consequence for corruption. How many died early because they trusted the idiotic USDA Food Guide Pyramid??
Not sure. The Meses ppl would say that British common law would handle it. Right now drug companies have very few consequences for hurting someone with a vaccine.
I've heard of a problem with babies getting a high fever that causes brain damage and stunted immune system. Could be FUD but I don't see the motive. Imo the're mostly just pointless.
More han likely FUD. I dont get the motive, but there is FUD against vaccines. They really are the most effective, and cheapest way to fight the spread of many diseases.
If you want to sell something, get really good at technical analysis and assessing sentiment, release PR when the trend reverses, then claim your product's influence was the reason.
I'm not sure that's been qualified either. The trends match but it might've just been good timing on the part of the marketers. I think news affecting markets is largely a myth.
Well why is that? If you negligently harm someone that should be a criminal offense. If there're laws that prevent you from being prosecuted, then *that* is the issue, not the concept.
Yup, that's the problem with limited liability corporations. Plausible deniability/guilt distributed over layers of bureaucracy. It's definitely one of the toughest problems we face.
Again go look at the statistics between people who have had Vaccinations and people who haven't, and the people who have died, and complications. History of results are proof.
What facts are you talking about? I have not presented any. All am I saying is that I don't trust multinational corporations for my health and neither you should.
Bullshit. I survived stage 4 cancer by trusting the chemo shit they put into my body I would have been dead by now. And the way you think you will be dead sooner than later. No Facts?
How about the measles, mumps, chicken pox, polio, flu, ETC? There are plenty of things that can be prevented. Hence "that it couldn't have been prevented"
Right and submit myself to multinational corporations is something that I will absolutely prevent. I strongly prefer to get the flu over giving them money for a useless charade.
What irks me the most about these debates is (vaccines, climate change etc.) that people do NOT check the DATA. The diseases have been almost extinct even before vaccination.
I plan to homeschool anyways, I will never give another dime to apple, the internet needs some serious disruption(far to centralized), I drive crappy old cars and fix them myself. and?
The problem is not vaccines themselves. Obviously they work when administered correctly. The problem is having to blindly trust an agency with multi billion$$ interests.
I am pretty sure the flu shots go directly from pharma to hospitals and Dr.s. You are going to have to prove to me that the CDC or FDA get a cut of sales at all. I highly doubt it.
The whole point is plausible deniability. If you trust them, be my guest and get your 10% effective harmless(trust us) mercury shot. I ain't stopping you.
The stats are there, you are the one choosing to ignore them saying they are bogus. I look at facts. You apparently don't. If you don't believe it, it's not a fact.
If you were to research the facts you would see that chances of vaxx complications today are sometimes even higher than getting the disease you vaccinate against around 50 years ago.
Cause I was like you at one time. Mr Macho Man. I am invincible. I don't need preventative shots because it isn't going to happen to me. And shots are just gong to be worse on my body.
For 50 years people have been getting the flu shot. And very few have had an complications.You need to brush up on your Flu vaccine history. Nothing more legit than long term testing.
I won't because there is nothing more useless than the flu vaccine. Again, the risks to trust mutlinational corporation with my body far outweight any risks generated by the flu.
And how many crashes are caused by speeding, Drunk Drivers, running red lights, stop signs, Texting, passing on double yellow lines, all because they said it wouldn't happen to me?
Yeah, Look at IPIX who has passed all the safety standards with 3 drugs trying to go into phase 3 and it's been 10 years. LOL. All the FDA nonsense. What a dumbass
And what's even worse is you believe the Chinese Gov when they call Pharma's for Faking Medications. Now they are a life saver. Just believe it when you want. LMAO
Well that's your life you put on the line because of a ridiculous analogy. You always think it will never happen to you. Trust me. You are a fool i f you think that.