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replied 2437d
Sk8eM dUb
This is also why multiculturalism doesn't work, because it implies multiple social contracts thatmay contradict each other (and do) grossly. The result: chaos. The dark side uses this
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2437d
You'll never get a completely homogeneous group. Even in Japan there's actually three native minority groups. The trick is having a shared meta narrative so all can feel at home.
replied 2436d
Agreed, The best example i have experienced and seen was in Malaysia (Male, Chinese & Indians), i remember there was alot of national holidays when i used to work there :)
replied 2437d
True, nor is one desirable. Multiculturalism, however, does not promote a single base layer social contract, but instead promotes parralel social contracts. I.e. sharia courts in eu