This is the crux I'm getting at. You don't get freedom without a bill of rights and a nation(a group with a shared Grand Narrative) willing to defend those rights no matter what.
This is also why multiculturalism doesn't work, because it implies multiple social contracts thatmay contradict each other (and do) grossly. The result: chaos. The dark side uses this
You'll never get a completely homogeneous group. Even in Japan there's actually three native minority groups. The trick is having a shared meta narrative so all can feel at home.
Agreed, The best example i have experienced and seen was in Malaysia (Male, Chinese & Indians), i remember there was alot of national holidays when i used to work there :)
True, nor is one desirable. Multiculturalism, however, does not promote a single base layer social contract, but instead promotes parralel social contracts. I.e. sharia courts in eu