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1114d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
#hmwyda wishlist update:
您好, 这是我对之前列表的更新:
Hello, this is my update to the previous list:

There are many problems in our entertainment industry. Inferior entertainers in the entertainment industry, vulgar internet celebrities, chaos in the food circle, and many unscrupulous entertainers, deceive consumers and investors for their own benefit, and they are not punished for blatant deception. Believe it, I really can't understand.

1: 快乐方程式奶茶店,2000多位加盟商都被这个茶饮公司骗钱了,还有受害者高达150万,去申请退钱却得不到解决,损失惨重,这样骗子奶茶店应该把被骗者的钱财吐出来,并赔偿他们,太可恶了。 7%
1: Happy formula milk tea shop, more than 2,000 franchisees were cheated by this tea company, and there were as many as 1.5 million victims. They went to apply for a refund but could not be resolved. The loss was heavy, so the scammers should be deceived. It’s horrible to spit out the money from the victims and compensate them.

2: 李维嘉,作为公众人物,消费者和投资者也是看重了明星代言,肯定靠谱,很多投资者就是看重他代言才去加盟奶茶店的,现在茶饮跑路,多人受骗,李维嘉应该承担连带责任,骗人血汗钱,良心何在,不要这么失德,得了自己的利益就不管投资者的血汗钱。 4%
2: Li Weijia, as a public figure, consumers and investors also value celebrity endorsements, which is definitely reliable. Many investors value his endorsements before joining the milk tea shop. Now tea drinks run off the road and many people are deceived, Li Weijia should bear it Joint and several liability, deceive people's hard-earned money, where is your conscience, don’t be so wicked, you don’t care about investors’ hard-earned money if you gain your own interests.

3: 郭老师”原名郭蓓蓓,河北沧州人,在短视频平台上拥有700多万粉丝量,郭老师深谙“审丑”之道,通过低俗的言语、丑陋的行为举止,刺激网友观众们的猎奇心理,她经常在直播和小视频里,故意丑化自己,在直播中曾经把自己的脏内裤拿出来显摆,穿着破窟窿的衣服,露大腿根和隐私部位,打着情色的擦边球,喜欢在直播里骂人,言语中伤过许多人,其中就包括女演员赵露思,作为公众人物靠博眼球哗众取宠,传播负能量三观,真是没有道德底线。 3%
3: Teacher Guo" was originally named Guo Beibei, a native of Cangzhou, Hebei. He has more than 7 million fans on the short video platform. Mr. Guo is well versed in the way of "appreciating the ugliness". Through vulgar words and ugly behaviors, he stimulates netizens' viewers. Curious mentality, she often deliberately vilified herself in live broadcasts and small videos. In the live broadcast, she used to show off her dirty underwear, wearing ragged clothes, exposing the roots of her thighs and private parts, playing erotic sideballs, and likes to play. In the live broadcast, he cursed and hurt many people, including actress Zhao Lusi, who, as a public figure, relied on sensationalizing and spreading the three views of negative energy. There is really no moral bottom line.

4: 徐勤根,将自己包装成为成功男士的形象, 985高校毕业、留学获得硕士学位、金融投资人、住上海汤臣一品豪宅、座驾劳斯莱斯,实际上学历造假、人设造假,公司被执行、骗女网友、打着交友的幌子骗别人,就是一个骗子。 6%
4: Xu Qingen, packaging himself into the image of a successful man, graduated from 985 colleges and universities, obtained a master's degree from studying abroad, financial investor, lived in a luxury residence of Shanghai Tomson, and drove a Rolls Royce. Executing, deceiving female netizens, and deceiving others under the guise of making friends is a liar.

5: 水泥妹, 张方方,因在短视频平台发布自己扛水泥赚钱为癌症丈夫治病,一夜爆红,博得无数网友的同情心,为其打赏礼物 ,结果她的丈夫并没有身患癌症,而是肺部感染,已经接受过治疗了,她的行为不仅欺骗大众、人设造假,还抹黑了农民工形象,伤害消费大众同情心,编排“悲情”故事博取同情,靠造假、赚取流量,污染网络环境。 7%
5: Cement girl, Zhang Fangfang, because she posted on a short video platform that she carried cement to make money to treat her cancer husband, she became popular overnight and won the sympathy of countless netizens and offered gifts for her. As a result, her husband did not suffer from cancer. It's a lung infection, which has already been treated. Her behavior not only deceives the public and fakes, but also smears the image of migrant workers, hurts the sympathy of the consumers, arranges "tragic" stories to win sympathy, and relies on fakes to earn traffic. , Polluting the network environment.

6: “未成年妈妈”杨清柠,误导年轻人、污染社会风气、宣扬未成年怀孕,未婚先孕等做法,给公众带来了不良影响。不封她封谁呢! 8%
6: Yang Qingning, "adolescent mother", misleads young people, pollutes the social atmosphere, promotes underage pregnancy, unmarried pregnancy and other practices, which have a negative impact on the public. Who will not seal her?

7: “萝莉音”乔碧萝,不断无下限地欺骗粉丝,不能接受自己的普通长相,冒充高颜值圈粉,结果多行不义必自毙,骗子是不会有好结果的。 5%
7: "Loliyin" Qiao Biluo constantly deceives fans without a lower limit, can't accept his ordinary looks, pretends to be a high-profile fan, and results in many acts of unrighteousness and he will kill himself. Liars will not have good results.
