-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist:
hello,我很激动,我又来了!在原列表的基础上,我又更新了我的列表,并且对讨厌的人进行了报复!! Hello, I'm so excited, I'm here again! On the basis of the original list, I updated my list, and retaliated against the people I hate!!
2-6. 讨厌芒果TV,都是一群笑点低的人在表演 1% 2-6. I hate mango TV. It's all performed by a group of people with low smile 2-6. https://www.mgtv.com/
2-7. 讨厌京东,虚假产品多 2% 2-7. I hate Jingdong. There are many fake products 2-7. https://www.jd.com
2-8. 讨厌淘宝,没有信用,卖虚假产品 1% 2-8. Hate Taobao, no credit, sell fake products 2-8. https://uland.taobao.com/
2-9. 讨厌天天基金,说个啥,都不说重点 2% 2-9. Hate the fund every day, say anything, don't say the point 2-9. https://fund.eastmoney.com/
2-10. 讨厌宏信证卷,股票让我亏了几年积蓄,最后悔的事情 2% 2-10. I hate the stock of Acer. The stock makes me lose my savings for several years. What I regret most 2-10. https://www.hx818.com/index.php
3-1. 华西医生,挂号费贵,看病很快,太敷衍了,浪费钱 2% 3-1. The Doctor of Huaxi, The registration fee is expensive, It's fast to see a doctor, It's too perfunctory and a waste of money 3-1. http://www.wchscu.cn/index.html
3-2. 温江东辰学校老师,为了私利,乱收费,坑学生 1% 3-2. The teacher of Dongchen school in Wenjiang, for self-interest, charges indiscriminately and pits the students 3-2. http://www.dcwgy.com/
3-4. 融创集团,卖房子没良心,黑心商家 2% 3-4. The employee of Rongchuang group has no conscience in selling houses, and is a black hearted businessman 3-4. http://www.sunac.com.cn
3-5. 华西集团,没实力还修房子 2% 3-5. The employee of Huaxi Group has no strength to repair the house 3-5. http://www.huashi.sc.cn/
3-7. OPPO手机,实物与宣传不符 2% 3-7. The employee of Oppo mobile phone, which is inconsistent with the publicity 3-7. https://www.oppo.com/
3-8. 小米,一个不起眼的品牌,还想做全能厂家 1% 3-8. The employee of Xiaomi, a humble brand, also wants to be an all-around manufacturer 3-8. https://www.mi.com
3-9. MK包包,样式太老,质量与价钱不匹配 2% 3-9. The employee of MK bag is too old, The style is too old, the quality doesn't match the price 3-9. https://www.michaelkors.cn/
3-10. Fion包包,贵的没有道理 3% 3-10. The employee of Fion bag, expensive is unreasonable 3-10. http://www.fion.com.cn/
以下是我新增的部分: Here's what I've added:
4-1.辛巴,销售假的产品,我就买了他卖的假燕窝,这样一个骗子,还能翻红,希望能得到封杀。 10% 4-1.XinBa, selling fake products, I bought the fake bird nest he sold, such a liar, can turn red, hope to be banned. 4-1.https://xw.qq.com/cmsid/20201210A0F43T00
4-2.黄毅清,爆料别人的隐私,家暴自己的老婆,编造不实的言论去攻击别人,有时候说的话有辱三观,纯粹一渣男,而且是最渣的渣男。 15% 4-2.Huang Yiqing, who exposes other people's privacy, domestic violence against his wife, and fabricates false statements to attack others, sometimes his words are insulting. He is just a scum man, and he is the most scum man. 4-2.https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1604683808202782391&wfr=spider&for=pc
4-3.我的前老板,于辉,曾经因为一个项目他冤枉我吃公款,后面连一句道歉都没有,因为他是老板,我希望他能受到应有的惩罚。 13% 4-3.My former boss, Yu Hui, once wronged me for eating public money because of a project. He didn't even apologize because he was the boss. I hope he will be punished as he should be. 4-3.https://weibo.com/u/1733132803
4-4.林丹,作为一个公众人物,国家级的运动员,还出轨,尽给国家丢脸,也对不起他自己的家人,讨厌这样的出轨男。 15% 4-4.Lin Dan, as a public figure and a national athlete, has cheated, humiliated the country, and sorry his own family. He hates such a cheater. 4-4.https://weibo.com/lindan
4-5.奥克斯空调,制热太差了,还那么贵。 10% 4-5.Aux air conditioner, the heating is too bad, it's still so expensive. 4-5.http://www.auxshop.com/
4-6.lagogo衣服,样式不好看,还贵。 15% 4-6.Lagogo clothes are not good-looking and expensive. 4-6.http://www.lagogo.cn/
4-7.阿里巴巴垄断 让我们小商家二选一,在它的平台销售,就不能去别的平台开店,完全垄断,让我们小商家很无奈,对我们也很不公平,希望能得到更严重的惩罚。 13% 4-7.Alibaba monopoly allows us to choose one of the small businesses. When selling on its platform, we cannot open stores on other platforms. It is completely monopolized. It makes our small businesses helpless and unfair to us, hoping to get more severe punishment. 4-7.https://tech.ifeng.com/c/85N17kCNkcV
4-8.广州融创大剧院,奇丑无比的一个建筑,拉低了整个城市的精神面貌,就像一个棉花被,与广州这座历史文化名城完全不搭,太丑了。 18% 4-8.Guangzhou rongchuang Grand Theater, an extremely ugly building, lowers the mental outlook of the whole city, just like a quilt. It is totally different from Guangzhou, a famous historical and cultural city. It is too ugly. 4-8.https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1686046270889678669&wfr=spider&for=pc
4-9.浙江盛世红瑞健康产业有限公司,高价销售保健品,欺骗我爸妈的钱财,导致他们现在还很后悔自责,这样的公司希望能得到严惩,倒闭,就是一个骗子公司。 13% 4-9.Zhejiang Shengshi Hongrui Health Industry Co., Ltd. sells health care products at a high price and deceives my parents' money. As a result, they still regret and blame themselves. Such a company hopes to be severely punished and goes bankrupt. It is a fraud company. 4-9.http://www.mnjkw.cn/baoguang/2120471.html
4-10.昆明别样幸福城,因为开发商的资金问题,导致我至今都没有拿到房子,还还着大额贷款,我恨这个楼盘,让我经济困难,生活困难。 10% 4-10.Kunming different happy city. Because of the financial problems of the developers, I haven't got the house yet, and I still have a large amount of loans. I hate this real estate, which makes my economy and life difficult. 4-10.https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv7867810/
Address: 1EnD9o7g1zd2x7seHGJ1woFVjfgkoGJnMP -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1EnD9o7g1zd2x7seHGJ1woFVjfgkoGJnMP G62HfgQuSDWfmJWOw0UEhk9AlO3FTdKhaKwtZcsT1qvRUg9PljAnWDi6WvEQLZVuy7Hikv4fcTgSE5u5CUP38HE= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----