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replied 2412d
Ver IS a worm.
replied 2412d
And you are douche. Doesn't change the fact that BTC is broken and BCH is going to crush it.
replied 2412d
BTC is going to survive. BCash is going to be destroyed when the datacenter with 98% of the nodes is hit with an attack.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2412d
If you call that "surviving".
replied 2411d
Yes, i do consider having my chain safe from these attacks as having a greater chance of survival long term. Sue me.
replied 2411d
You wish BTC is going to survive. Businesses are actually dropping BTC. That would be a concern, don't you think? BTC is losing market share because it doesn't work. Plain and simple.
replied 2411d
It will come back once LN becomes adopted. BCash isn't the solution. All this work, for nothing.
replied 2410d
If LN becomes adopted, BTC is doomed. As a LN dev once said, LN is BIGGER than BTC.
replied 2411d
Yeah keep waiting. LOL.