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1404d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
#hmwyda wishlist:
I am an ordinary worker, and I have a lot of helplessness and sadness in life. I also have a lot of people and things that I hate, but they are not celebrities, so the URL is not very precise, but I will try my best to find people and things that I hate The associated website, this is the person or thing that I feel annoying from the bottom of my heart, only sincere, not deceived.

1:我们老板,钱宇,因为我是一个备孕的妈妈,结果因为公司搬迁,他让我搬进一个刚装修完两天的办公室,同事们也是有苦不敢言,我更是不敢备孕了,我已经34岁了,现在不生以后就是高龄产妇了,所以我恨他,不体谅我们,也恨我自己,不敢辞职,辞职了我生活就成问题了。 500USD
1: Our boss, Qian Yu, because I am a pregnant mother, and because of the company's relocation, he asked me to move into an office that has just been renovated for two days. The colleagues also have difficulties and dare not say anything, and I dare not prepare for pregnancy. Now, I’m 34 years old, and now I’m an elderly woman after giving birth, so I hate him, I don’t understand us, and I hate myself. I don’t dare to resign. If I resign, my life will become a problem.

2:我的同事,张曼,一个很会对领导阿谀奉承的女子,背后又说领导的坏话,所以我很瞧不上她,看都不想看她。 400USD
2: My colleague, Zhang Man, a woman who is very flattering to the leader, said bad things about the leader behind her back, so I really don't look down on her, I don't even want to look at her.

3:我的前老板,李灵辉,他莫名扣掉我100元,每个月,让我很无奈,没见过这么小气的老板,还好我后面辞职了。 600USD
3: My former boss, Li Linghui, he inexplicably deducts 100 yuan from me every month, which makes me very helpless. I have never seen such a stingy boss. Fortunately, I resigned later.

4:我的前男友,许波,在我跟他耍朋友的时候,他劈腿了,我最讨厌劈腿的人了。 500USD
4: My ex-boyfriend, Xu Bo, he cheated when I was playing friends with him. I hate cheating people the most.

5:我的室友,吴彩虹,她曾经在寝室里污蔑我把下水道堵了,还现场堵我让我打她,当时我害怕没有打她,而且一直哭。现在后悔死了,再来一次的话我非打的她求饶为止,为什么我当初那么懦弱。 800USD
5: My roommate, Wu Caihong, she once slandered me in the bedroom for blocking the sewer, and blocked me at the scene and asked me to beat her. At that time, I was afraid of not hitting her and kept crying. I regret it now, and if I do it again, I have to beat her until she begged for mercy, why I was so cowardly.

6:我的同桌,李俊,他有一天把没有吃完的饭撒了我一桌,一个男生欺负女生算什么本事,再给一次机会我即使打不赢我也要打。 400USD
6: My tablemate, Li Jun, one day he spilled the unfinished meal on my table. What kind of ability is a boy bullying a girl. Give me another chance, even if I can't win, I will fight.

7:我的前老板娘,冯晶晶,一个很势力的人,当着面对我很好,背地里对着别人说我的坏话,难得我一片真心对她,所以我恨她。 600USD
7: My former boss, Feng Jingjing, a very powerful person, is very good in front of me, and speaks ill of me to others secretly. It is rare that I am sincere to her, so I hate her.

8:我们公司的财务,林月,一个非常势利眼的人,因为我是新员工,长期为难我,我讨厌他。 500USD
8: Our company's financial affairs, Lin Yue, a very snob, because I am a new employee, I have been embarrassed for a long time, and I hate him.

9.我的同事,刘灵,因为是老板的亲戚,趾高气扬的,感觉我们比她低一等,特别不想跟她相处。 800USD
9. My colleague, Liu Ling, because he is a relative of the boss, arrogantly feels that we are inferior to her, and especially don't want to get along with her.

10.我的同事,许晴,一个又懒又很多事的人,每次找她做事像求她一样,我想早点脱离她,而且又虚伪,你真心对她,她在你面前演戏,没有任何真诚而言。 400USD
10. My colleague, Xu Qing, a lazy and a lot of things, every time I ask her to do things like begging her, I want to leave her as soon as possible, and also hypocritical, you really treat her, she acts in front of you, nothing Sincerely speaking.

1:君正集团,因为投资他的股票,让我亏损很多。 600USD
1: Junzheng Group, because I invested in his stocks, I lost a lot of money.

2:奥海科技,一个坑人的股票,几乎全亏损了,让我对股票完全失望。 800USD
2: Aohai Technology, a pitted stock, almost all lost money, which made me completely disappointed in the stock.

3:戴尔电脑,我花了4000多买了不到一个月就坏了,让我很气愤,一个这么大的品牌为啥质量那么差。 500USD
3: Dell computer, I spent more than 4,000 to buy it and it broke in less than a month, which made me very angry. Why is the quality of such a big brand so bad?

4:世纪联华超市,因为我曾经买的一瓶口香糖便签没拆,我被他们当做小偷进行询问,这辈子最憋屈的一次,太委屈了。 400USD
4: Century Lianhua Supermarket, because I bought a bottle of chewing gum sticky notes, I was asked as a thief by them. The most aggrieved one in my life, I was so aggrieved.

5:OPPO手机,曾经有个人向我低价出售手机,结果是个砖头机器,我因此损失了1000元钱。 300USD
5: OPPO mobile phone. Someone once sold me a mobile phone at a low price. It turned out to be a brick machine. I lost 1,000 yuan.

6:融创集团,我花了一辈子心血买的房子,结果是烂尾房,装修以及绿化完全不值我们花的钱。 600USD
6: Sunac Group, I spent my whole life buying a house, but it turned out that the house was out of order, and the decoration and greening were not worth the money we spent.

7:华西牛奶,有一次喝了让我输液两天,印象很深刻。 800USD
7: Huaxi milk, once I drank it for two days, and I was very impressed.

8:唯品会,我花了200多在它平台上买的百丽鞋,居然穿了不到一个月就坏了,还把脚弄伤了,原来它也会卖歪货。 500USD
8: Vipshop, I spent more than 200 Belle shoes on its platform, but it broke after wearing it for less than a month and hurt my foot. It turns out that it will sell crooked goods.

9:拼多多,手机上随时都弹出广告,很烦。 400USD
9: Pinduoduo, ads pop up on the phone at any time, which is very annoying.

10:前锋热水器,曾经有一次他的轰隆隆的声音,在我心里造成了阴影,这么多年了都在。 300USD
10: The forward water heater, once his rumbling sound created a shadow in my heart, it has been there for so many years.

1:优步打车,一个很贵而且体验感不好的平台。 900USD
1: Uber taxi, a very expensive platform with a bad experience.

2:贵阳银行,利息一降再降,让我们根本存不了钱。 800USD
2: Guiyang Bank, the interest rate drops again and again, so we can't save money at all.

3:平安人寿公司,每年让我交那么多钱,想退也退不了,还必须交,感觉完全被坑了。 400USD
3: Ping An Life Insurance company asks me to pay so much money every year. I can't refund it even if I want to refund it. I still have to pay it. I feel completely pitted.

4:韵达快递,态度很差,完全失望。 800USD
4: Yunda Express, the attitude is very poor, completely disappointed.

5:群丽照相馆,照相了有隐形消费,不消费就态度不好。 600USD
5: Qunli photo studio, there is invisible consumption when taking pictures, and the attitude is not good if you don't consume.

6:兴隆中学食堂的阿姨,完全没有素质,不爱干净。 500USD
6: The aunt in the cafeteria of Xinglong Middle School has no quality at all and doesn't like to be clean.

7:四川人民省医院,看病时间长收费还高,感觉以挣钱为目的。 300USD
7: Sichuan People's Provincial Hospital, the fee is high for a long time to see a doctor, and I feel that it is for the purpose of making money.

8:华西牙科,收费太高了,一般人消费不起。 400USD
8: Huaxi Dental, the charge is too high, and most people can't afford it.

9:浪琴手表,里面销售态度傲慢,体验感很差。 800USD
9: Longines watches, the sales attitude inside is arrogant, and the experience is very poor.

10:HP电脑,竟然有翻新机出售,欺骗消费者。 500USD
10: HP computers have refurbished machines for sale to deceive consumers.
