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2333d · global warming
Keep denying the reality of climate change you ignorant lying fucktards.
replied 2333d
Crazy stuff. No one so blind as those who do not want to see. We need revolutionary changes in the way we do things.
replied 2330d
if your "revolutionary changes" demand action and wealth of others they are dead on arrival and unethical.
replied 2330d
Fracking and meat eating are the most subsidized and dirty industries in America today. Look at where the money is flowing. You do not live in an ethical world of free markets.
replied 2330d
"they did it to me first so i'm justified in doing it to them" hot damn, we're well on our way to an ethical world!
replied 2329d
What do you think I am trying to do? I think denying that the climate is changing is just totally bonkers. Markets aren't fair, and nature isn't a market phenomenon.
replied 2330d
"You say you need a contribution, well you know, we're all doin' what we can."
replied 2330d
should have clarified. confiscated action and wealth. voluntary investments are fine
replied 2330d
It doesn't really. It just demands investment in new industry, and abandoning old industry.
replied 2330d
should have clarified. confiscated action and wealth. voluntary investments are fine
replied 2330d
This isn't something done by regular people. This is done at an industry level. Since the existing multitrillion dollar industry can afford to fight change we need to force change.
replied 2330d
the people in the industry who own that wealth can voluntarily invest.
replied 2329d
The problem is how much infrastructure is built around the fossil fuel industry. They dont want to dismantle that infrastructure since they want more of a return on their investment.