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replied 2271d
I just don’t know why everyone is not defending Satoshis project. Why are we allowing deviations?
replied 2270d
??? you mean the one that's labeled itself as satoshi's project?
replied 2270d
The one that wants to restore Bitcoin to the processing capabilities of what Satoshi created. Why arent we defending that?
replied 2270d
I’ve not heard why BCH isn’t “following satoshi”. If CSW could stop inflating his ego long enough to complete a thought I might be informed otherwise.
replied 2270d
It's not about "Satoshi" Its about making cheap, reliable, fast payments. There are bottlenecks in scaling with Sathoshi's way.
replied 2271d
Technically we are defending Satoshi's project by rejecting a project that uses his name as a brand image.
replied 2270d
Technically, Bitcoin Cash is not Bitcoin as Jihan himself stated at its inception: “Stop it people, Bitcoin Cash is not Bitcoin. Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin Cash.” I agree.
replied 2270d
I would say that all the Bitcoin forks are Bitcoin, just different forks. It is a matter of how you look at it. Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin are trying to be different things.