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2091d · memo
@Memo There seems to be a hard limit of 25 unconfirmed actions, could you please lift it?
replied 2090d
This limit is actually not set by memo but by BCH nodes :( I'm trying to get this limited removed.

UTXOs could potentially be juggled to mitigate, but it would be kinda ugly.
replied 2090d
Alternative, paid accounts with multiple private keys for frequent posters.
replied 2090d
Actually the key used doesn't matter, it's about chains of UTXOs.
replied 2090d
A chain of UTXOs from the same IP address?
replied 2090d
No, just any chain unconfirmed UTXOs can't exceed 25.
replied 2090d
Well, ok, don'know enough detail here, but _some_ astroturfing method could be used (for good) to allow more tx's, no?
replied 2090d
A single key can control multiple UTXOs, and due to memo tips most memo accounts usually do. So these could be juggled to mitigate the limit.
replied 2090d
Btw, there's an unlinked page for viewing all your UTXOs -
replied 2090d
Btw, here's the value in ABC. Technically it's configurable, but I'm not aware of anyone changing it.
replied 2086d
lol, you seem to be on a war path to have the most actions. hitting the limits of the tech! 😜