that might be the game for some, ultimately this is to increase number of transactions during 24 hour period.
Personal interest.. collation of data - to organise coinrolls for example.
point being self interests they vary. Some want to fill blocks, great... what if teams competed to fill blocks (if that be most common goal) people on different continents compete?
others may have a wallet fetish... so be it. how many wallets with $.01 can be installed in 24 hours? which wallet is most popular, why? collate feedback, find out what CUSTOMERS want.
I see where you're going with this, i like the mentality. Could there be a script that creates said wallets with $0.01 balnces but owner has complete balance of all wallets in 1 loc?
would be great if someone could organize a handcash roll, just imagine 1000 people in a circle passing BCH around with handcash, around & around & around we go
waiting on response from Alex.. &Jason who organised previous coin rolls. YES, this would be great, a continental roll, have coin roll around each continent, $$ pooled for new wallets?