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#hmwyda wishlist:
I have improved and updated my list, and I hope it will be accepted this time.
Looking at the tragic environment in Afghanistan, I really sympathize and hope that they will end the war and return to a peaceful life! I also hope that we ourselves can live a better life! Lucky belongs to everyone! May all sins come to life!
1: CNN,总是带着偏见报道新闻,所有的报道几乎都带着政治色彩,从不核实清楚就乱发报道,影响国际关系,造成国际关系紧张,这样的不分是非易给各国人民造成灾难。
1: CNN always reports the news with prejudice. Almost all the reports are politically charged. They never make a clear report, which affects international relations and creates tensions in international relations. This irrespective of right and wrong can easily cause people of all countries. disaster.
1: https://3g.k.sohu.com/t/n402977105
1: http://www.xinhuanet.com/world/2019-10/28/c_1125159503.htm
1: 6%
2: BBC,一样的总是发布不实报道的新闻,长期带着种族主义面目对不同国家进项挑衅,造成不必要的误会与混乱,这样挑拨离间的行为确实很低端,很拙劣,让人真的瞧不起。
2: The BBC always publishes false reports. It has long been racist and provoked different countries’ inputs, causing unnecessary misunderstandings and confusion. This kind of instigation behavior is indeed very low-end, very clumsy, and makes people feel racist. Really look down upon.
2: https://m.k.sohu.com/d/517187758
2: http://pengze.yun.jxntv.cn/p/76783.html
2: 5%
3: ”德国之声”驻北京记者在德国之声24日发布的新闻短片中,神色局促,停顿颇多,但依旧不忘借河南灾情抹黑中国。他无端将围观群众称为“愤怒的暴徒”这是对我们的诬陷、污蔑、造谣、攻击。
3: In a news clip released by Deutsche Welle in Beijing on the 24th, the reporter from Deutsche Welle was cramped and paused a lot, but he still did not forget to use the Henan disaster to discredit China. He called the onlookers "angry thugs" for no reason. This is framing, slandering, spreading rumors, and attacking us.
3: http://news.youth.cn/jsxw/202107/t20210726_13127844.htm
3: http://news.cnr.cn/native/gd/20210727/t20210727_525545664.shtml
3: 3%
4: 王凤瑶,这个年过六旬、头顶白发的老太太,经常出现在各种示威活动中。每次她都是手中挥舞着别国国旗,高喊港独口号,声援乱港头目,这样的暴乱份子,我希望去除她的国籍,这样的蛀虫,不要更好!
4: Wang Fengyao, this old lady in her sixties with white hair on her head often appears in various demonstrations. Every time she waved the national flags of other countries, chanted slogans for Hong Kong independence, and expressed support for the leaders of the chaotic Hong Kong. For such a rioter, I hope to get rid of her nationality. Such assholes, not better!
4: https://m.k.sohu.com/d/545989707
4: https://xw.qq.com/cmsid/20201017A0BCDK00
4: 6%
5: 西德尼·哈蒙德,因为种族仇恨,袭击带着小孩的亚裔爸爸,真的是以强凌弱,背后偷袭,不敢苟同。
5: Sidney Hammond, because of racial hatred, attacked an Asian father with a child. He really bullied the weak and attacked from behind. He didn't agree with him.
5: http://www.360doc.cn/mip/975998222.html
5: https://www.sohu.com/na/464853777_162758
5: 4%
6: 郑爽,一个大明星经济条件非常好像,居然喜欢在便利店偷东西,不是因为她没钱支付,而是觉得第一种乐趣,这样的行为也是偷盗者。
6: Zheng Shuang, a big star has very similar financial conditions. She actually likes to steal things in convenience stores, not because she has no money to pay, but because she feels the first pleasure. Such behavior is also a thief.
6: https://xw.qq.com/cmsid/20210428A0EZHT00
6: https://www.sohu.com/a/477223084_121123041
6: 7%
7: 张所亚,因为犯法被判刑,结果她几次怀孕逃避刑法执行,这样的行为对小孩很残忍,生而不养,对国家的制度也是一种挑衅,没有人道主义。
7: Zhang Suoya was sentenced for breaking the law. As a result, she evaded the execution of the criminal law after she became pregnant several times. Such behavior is cruel to the child, giving birth but not raising, and it is also a provocation to the country's system and is not humanitarian.
7: http://news.sohu.com/20070814/n251583917.shtml
7: http://www.dffyw.com/fazhixinwen/minsheng/200703/20070302191934.htm
7: 2%
8: 黄之锋,非法集结群众闹事,力求分化国家,挑拨国民关系,卖国求荣,应该严惩。
8: Huang Zhifeng, illegally gathering the masses to make trouble, trying to divide the country, instigate relations between the people, and traitor to the country for glory, should be severely punished.
8: http://news.youth.cn/jsxw/202012/t20201202_12601752.htm
8: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1684952680914301965&wfr=spider&for=pc
8: 8%
9: 李文喜,辽宁省政协原党组成员、副主席,干部选拔任用工作中为他人谋取利益;既想当官又想发财,违规从事营利活动,获取巨额矿产收益;执法犯法,利用执法司法权谋取私利,与不法商人大搞权钱交易,肆无忌惮聚钱敛财;利用职务便利在企业经营等方面为他人谋利,并非法收受巨额财物,贪官,他贪的是人民的利益,人民的血汗钱。
9: Li Wenxi, former member and vice chairman of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the CPPCC, seeks benefits for others in the selection and appointment of cadres; wants to be an official but also wants to make money, engages in profit-making activities in violation of regulations, and obtains huge amounts of mineral income; violates the law, uses the law enforcement and judicial power to seek gains Self-interest, large-scale trading of power and money with unscrupulous businessmen, unscrupulous accumulation of money and wealth; use of the convenience of his position to make profits for others in business operations and other aspects, and illegally accept huge amounts of property, corrupt officials, he is greedy for the interests of the people, the people's hard-earned money.
9: https://new.qq.com/rain/a/20210727A04JXB00
9: https://news.dayoo.com/china/202107/27/139997_54002174.htm
9: 4%
10: 印小天,作为一个公众人物,公然在长城城墙上跳舞,他和同伴舞蹈动作幅度也挺大,很容易就摔下去。在长城这么严肃的地方跳着街舞,这种行为也十分不尊重长城这一历史遗迹,更是不负责任,令人讨厌。
10: Yin Xiaotian, as a public figure, openly danced on the wall of the Great Wall. He and his companions also danced with a lot of movement, and they fell off easily. Hip-hop dancing in such a serious place as the Great Wall, this kind of behavior also disrespects the Great Wall, a historical relic, is irresponsible and annoying.
10: https://www.sohu.com/a/480807782_121098588
10: https://xw.qq.com/amphtml/20210801A0765400
10: 2%
11: 张本智和,本是中国人,为了寻求机会跑去日本训练乒乓球,还信誓旦旦表示, 击败中国队,帮日本拿回奥运冠军,将是他持之以恒的目标和梦想,一个人对于生他养他的地方有感情、割舍不下、甚至出言维护,都是再正常不过的事,而他一个本该谨言慎行的公众人物,不仅时时刻刻把母国作为假想敌,还一言不合就到处宣告(吹牛),以表对另一边的忠心,最后真的是里外不是人。
11: Zhang Ben Zhihe, originally a Chinese, went to Japan to train table tennis in order to seek opportunities. He also vowed to defeat the Chinese team and help Japan win back the Olympic champion. This will be his persistent goal and dream. It is normal for him to have feelings in the place where he was raised, reluctant to give up, and even to defend him. He, a public figure who should be cautious in his words and deeds, not only always regards his home country as an imaginary enemy, but also goes everywhere if he doesn’t agree with his words. Declare (bragger), in order to show loyalty to the other side, in the end it is really not a person inside and outside.
11: https://www.sohu.com/a/258128752_620422
11: 5%
12: 蓝天救援队,在郑州救援,还带的有摄影团队,给救援造成了极大的阻碍,纯粹作秀,为了博取公众注意,罔顾灾情,也就是罔顾人命,请驱除灾情地。
12: The Blue Sky Rescue Team, rescued in Zhengzhou, and also brought a photography team, which caused great obstacles to the rescue. It was purely a show. In order to win the public's attention, the disaster situation, that is, the human life, was disregarded. Please drive out the disaster situation.
12: https://new.qq.com/omn/20210727/20210727A000UG00.html
12: http://app.myzaker.com/news/article.php?pk=592378091bc8e04c3100000e
12: 3%
13: 爱奇艺的《青春有你》节目组和赞助商,为了谋取暴利,引导粉丝大量购买赞助商的饮料,造成了巨大的损失,是一个非常不好的行为,遭人唾弃。
13: The program group and sponsors of iQiyi's "Youth Have You", in order to make huge profits, led fans to buy a large amount of sponsor's drinks, which caused huge losses. It was a very bad behavior and was cast aside.
13: https://xueqiu.com/1968708087/179306038
13: https://www.sohu.com/a/465958351_120016296
13: 2%
14: 中通快递荷花池网点违规寄递狗猫等活体动物,叫做宠物盲盒。这样的行为是对生命的亵渎,实在太残忍。
14: Zhongtong Express lotus pond outlets illegally deliver dogs and cats and other live animals, which are called blind pet boxes. Such behavior is a blasphemy of life, it is too cruel.
14: https://ecoapp.qianzhan.com/lookers/210505-16e37504.html
14: https://m.gmw.cn/baijia/2021-05/05/1302273984.html
14: 7%
15: 很多公交司机变道不看后方来车,强行变道,导致很多交通事故,酿成悲剧,这些司机行为思想太霸道,没有道理,太自私,不顾周围车辆的安全。
15: Many bus drivers change lanes without looking at the vehicles coming from behind, and forcibly change lanes, leading to many traffic accidents and causing tragedies. These drivers are too domineering, unreasonable, too selfish, and disregarding the safety of surrounding vehicles.
15: https://www.sohu.com/a/386293679_99965552
15: https://www.sohu.com/a/191091947_182676
15: 3%
16: 小女孩在超市门口卖气球,被保安驱赶,小女孩大哭保安仍然无情的驱逐,这样的行为对一个小孩子心理打击实在太大,听着哭声太心疼,这样的保安没有同情心更没有爱心,很没有公德心。
16: The little girl sold balloons at the entrance of the supermarket and was driven away by the security guard. The little girl cried and the security guard was still ruthlessly expelled. Such behavior is really a psychological shock to a child. It hurts too much to hear the crying. Such a security guard has no sympathy. There is no love, and there is no sense of public ethics.
16: https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/881044065107813012.html
16: https://xw.qq.com/cmsid/20210507V06D2F00
16: 7%
17: 杭州蟹蟹网络科技有限公司的谢某荣网络犯罪活动,为了获取钱财,骗取很多同胞钱财,骗子,无赖。
17: Xie Mourong of Hangzhou Crab and Crab Network Technology Co., Ltd. used cybercriminal activities to obtain money from many compatriots, scammers and rogues.
17: http://www.sdjubao.cn/portal/article/index/id/4809.html
17: http://app.myzaker.com/news/article.php?pk=60ff6f0a8e9f0954036ab6e3&f=normal
17: 4%
18: 中国人寿,因为投保人员身故赔了120万,居然拉横幅到处宣传,为了利益最起码的道德已经遗失,希望宣传者能得到严惩。
18: China Life, indemnifying 1.2 million due to the death of the insured, actually pulled banners to promote it everywhere. The most basic morality for the benefit has been lost, and it is hoped that the propagandists will be severely punished.
18: https://www.chinairn.com/news/20210507/154637391.shtml
18: https://www.sohu.com/a/465067147_120780844
18: 5%
19: 杨国福麻辣烫,门店仓库遍地老鼠屎,袋装芝麻酱被老鼠咬破后继续使用。后厨预备食材时,猪肺不清洗直接水煮,娃娃菜剁去根部后直接下锅。在熬制汤底环节,店员直接将暴露在仓库恶劣环境下的原料与包装袋一起下锅涮煮。厨房抹布既洗菜又洗鞋,且直接在洗菜池洗鞋。外卖接单时,为方便分类,店员将油墨纸质小票直接放在菜盆里。极度不干净,抵制这样的没有良心的企业。
19: Yang Guofu Mala Tang, the store warehouse is full of mouse shit, and the bag of tahini is bitten by the mouse and continues to be used. When the back kitchen prepares the ingredients, the pig lungs are boiled without washing, and the baby cabbage is chopped off the roots and put directly into the pot. In the process of making the soup base, the clerk directly cooks the raw materials exposed to the harsh environment of the warehouse together with the packaging bags. Kitchen rags wash both vegetables and shoes, and wash shoes directly in the sink. In order to facilitate the sorting of takeaway orders, the clerk puts the ink paper receipt directly in the vegetable bowl. Extremely unclean, resist such unscrupulous enterprises.
19: https://www.sohu.com/a/479590705_121124548
19: https://xw.qq.com/cmsid/20210726A03LY300
19: 4%
20: 武大辩论队的总教练,《奇葩说》知名辩手,还是哲学学院的副教授,周玄毅,利用自己的公众影响力,把女粉丝当作潜在的性资源,他本质上是一个脚踩多条船的渣男,欺骗和隐瞒了女友和多个女粉丝。
20: The head coach of the Wuhan University Debate Team, a well-known debater of "Wonderful Flowers", and an associate professor of the School of Philosophy, Zhou Xuanyi, uses his public influence to treat female fans as a potential sexual resource. He is essentially a footstep. The scumbag of the boat deceived and concealed his girlfriend and multiple female fans.
20: https://www.163.com/dy/article/GG8RR93D05366EUH.html
20: https://new.qq.com/omn/20210725/20210725A0919V00.html
20: 3%
21: 杭州圣奇网络科技有限公司,骗子,利用自己做的游戏出卖个人信息,谋取利益。
21: Hangzhou Shengqi Network Technology Co Ltd, a liar, uses his own games to sell personal information for profit.
21: https://www.sohu.com/a/112173616_119038
21: https://ori.hangzhou.com.cn/ornews/content/2017-08/30/content_6642520.htm
21: 7%
22: 四川中医药大学的保安,因为自己疏忽导致病人的车开进了工作人员的停车库,结果向病人索要高价停车费,还必须是现金,明显是收进自己腰包,这样的人行为太腐败,嚣张,不要脸。
22: The security guard of Sichuan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, because of his own negligence, caused the patient's car to enter the staff's parking garage. As a result, he asked the patient for a high parking fee, which must also be in cash. Obviously, he took it into his own pocket. Corrupt, arrogant, shameless.
22: https://new.qq.com/omn/20210623/20210623A03O5C00.html
22: https://www.sohu.com/na/473602177_100004458
22: 7%
23: 淘宝网常德小七特产零食店,在淘宝网(网店)销售的、标称湖南省益阳大森林食品生物科技有限公司生产的绿乡灵300克洞庭藕粉,霉菌不符合食品安全国家标准规定,还在网上大肆售卖,令买了的消费者人心惶恐,担心自己的身体健康,这样不合格的企业应该严惩才能杜绝不合格的食品出现。
23: Changde Xiaoqi Specialty Snack Shop on Taobao.com, which is sold on Taobao.com (online shop) and is nominally 300 grams of Dongting lotus root flour produced by Hunan Yiyang Da Forest Food Biotechnology Co., Ltd. The mold does not meet the national food safety standards. It is stipulated that the large-scale sale on the Internet makes the consumers who bought it panic and worry about their health. In this way, unqualified companies should be severely punished to prevent unqualified food from appearing.
23: http://hn.ifeng.com/a/20200824/14504271_0.shtml
23: https://www.sohu.com/a/414374156_99965863
23: 4%
24: 无印良品,售卖的天然水饮用水,含的有致癌物,这样的无良商家,卖的是无良产品,真的是太恶心,可恶了。
24: MUJI, the natural water and drinking water that it sells contains carcinogens. Such unscrupulous merchants sell unscrupulous products, which is really disgusting and damning.
24: http://www.qianjia.com/html/2019-02/27_326709.html
24: https://www.sohu.com/a/298317784_120051663
24: 3%
25: 阿里巴巴公司的人性侵自己的员工,这样的大集团有影响力的集团也完全不尊重女性,侮辱女性,对女性伤害太大。
25: The people of Alibaba Company sexually assaulted their own employees. Such a large and influential group does not respect women at all, insults women, and harms women too much.
25: https://wap.peopleapp.com/article/6279927/6175132
25: 6%
26: 德邦物流. 为了自己的业务,占用公共区域,令居民出行收到阻碍,数次与他们交流没有任何效果,真的是无道德的事情,他们真的很贪婪。
26: Debon Logistics. Occupying public areas for their own business has hindered residents' travel. Several exchanges with them have no effect. It is really unethical and they are really greedy.
26: https://www.12345.suzhou.com.cn/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=219636
26: http://www.110.com/ask/question-1980164.html
26: 6%
27: 霍尊,一个知名人物,一个渣男,欺骗女朋友9年的感情,还引以为豪,实在可恶!
27: Huo Zun, a well-known character, a scumbag, who deceived his girlfriend for 9 years, is proud of him, it is really disgusting!
27: https://www.sohu.com/a/482763646_121124993
27: 4%
28: 巴拉巴拉童装,价格很贵质量与价格不符,里面的销售态度很差,真的体验感非常不好,希望能有所整顿。
28: Balabala children's clothing, the price is very expensive, the quality is not in line with the price, the sales attitude inside is very bad, the experience is really very bad, I hope it can be rectified.
28: https://www.boolaw.com/wt/17M7MuB04Z.html
28: 3%
29: 张哲瀚,居然跑去日本神社参加婚礼,还自拍炫耀,那里有太多曾经给我们造成伤害的人,为什么如此无知,过去我们遭遇的悲惨事件不应该被遗忘,在国家民族大义面前,必须对这些人与事零容忍,也绝不允许它们以“无知”为借口,必须制裁!!!
29: Zhang Zhehan actually went to a Japanese shrine to attend a wedding and took a selfie to show off. There are too many people who have caused us harm. Why are they so ignorant? The tragic events we have encountered in the past should not be forgotten. In the face of national justice, we must There is zero tolerance for these people and things, and they will never be allowed to use "ignorance" as an excuse and must be sanctioned! ! !
29: https://xw.qq.com/cmsid/20210814A0D8IE00
29: 7%
30: 大润发超市,隔夜肉发臭了洗了卖,变质变臭的肉铰馅灌香肠,这样丧心病狂的商家 还让他从事食品销售吗? 罚死他
30: At RT-Mart Supermarket, the meat stinks overnight and was washed and sold, and the meat has been stuffed with sausages that have deteriorated and become stinky. Does such a frenzied business still let him engage in food sales? Punish him
30: https://www.sohu.com/a/483660878_121186292
30: 6%
BTC: 1F7NWeSSVU2ug5aLZAXbjy34TDuMq9iyiZ
#hmwyda wishlist:
I have improved and updated my list, and I hope it will be accepted this time.
Looking at the tragic environment in Afghanistan, I really sympathize and hope that they will end the war and return to a peaceful life! I also hope that we ourselves can live a better life! Lucky belongs to everyone! May all sins come to life!
1: CNN,总是带着偏见报道新闻,所有的报道几乎都带着政治色彩,从不核实清楚就乱发报道,影响国际关系,造成国际关系紧张,这样的不分是非易给各国人民造成灾难。
1: CNN always reports the news with prejudice. Almost all the reports are politically charged. They never make a clear report, which affects international relations and creates tensions in international relations. This irrespective of right and wrong can easily cause people of all countries. disaster.
1: https://3g.k.sohu.com/t/n402977105
1: http://www.xinhuanet.com/world/2019-10/28/c_1125159503.htm
1: 6%
2: BBC,一样的总是发布不实报道的新闻,长期带着种族主义面目对不同国家进项挑衅,造成不必要的误会与混乱,这样挑拨离间的行为确实很低端,很拙劣,让人真的瞧不起。
2: The BBC always publishes false reports. It has long been racist and provoked different countries’ inputs, causing unnecessary misunderstandings and confusion. This kind of instigation behavior is indeed very low-end, very clumsy, and makes people feel racist. Really look down upon.
2: https://m.k.sohu.com/d/517187758
2: http://pengze.yun.jxntv.cn/p/76783.html
2: 5%
3: ”德国之声”驻北京记者在德国之声24日发布的新闻短片中,神色局促,停顿颇多,但依旧不忘借河南灾情抹黑中国。他无端将围观群众称为“愤怒的暴徒”这是对我们的诬陷、污蔑、造谣、攻击。
3: In a news clip released by Deutsche Welle in Beijing on the 24th, the reporter from Deutsche Welle was cramped and paused a lot, but he still did not forget to use the Henan disaster to discredit China. He called the onlookers "angry thugs" for no reason. This is framing, slandering, spreading rumors, and attacking us.
3: http://news.youth.cn/jsxw/202107/t20210726_13127844.htm
3: http://news.cnr.cn/native/gd/20210727/t20210727_525545664.shtml
3: 3%
4: 王凤瑶,这个年过六旬、头顶白发的老太太,经常出现在各种示威活动中。每次她都是手中挥舞着别国国旗,高喊港独口号,声援乱港头目,这样的暴乱份子,我希望去除她的国籍,这样的蛀虫,不要更好!
4: Wang Fengyao, this old lady in her sixties with white hair on her head often appears in various demonstrations. Every time she waved the national flags of other countries, chanted slogans for Hong Kong independence, and expressed support for the leaders of the chaotic Hong Kong. For such a rioter, I hope to get rid of her nationality. Such assholes, not better!
4: https://m.k.sohu.com/d/545989707
4: https://xw.qq.com/cmsid/20201017A0BCDK00
4: 6%
5: 西德尼·哈蒙德,因为种族仇恨,袭击带着小孩的亚裔爸爸,真的是以强凌弱,背后偷袭,不敢苟同。
5: Sidney Hammond, because of racial hatred, attacked an Asian father with a child. He really bullied the weak and attacked from behind. He didn't agree with him.
5: http://www.360doc.cn/mip/975998222.html
5: https://www.sohu.com/na/464853777_162758
5: 4%
6: 郑爽,一个大明星经济条件非常好像,居然喜欢在便利店偷东西,不是因为她没钱支付,而是觉得第一种乐趣,这样的行为也是偷盗者。
6: Zheng Shuang, a big star has very similar financial conditions. She actually likes to steal things in convenience stores, not because she has no money to pay, but because she feels the first pleasure. Such behavior is also a thief.
6: https://xw.qq.com/cmsid/20210428A0EZHT00
6: https://www.sohu.com/a/477223084_121123041
6: 7%
7: 张所亚,因为犯法被判刑,结果她几次怀孕逃避刑法执行,这样的行为对小孩很残忍,生而不养,对国家的制度也是一种挑衅,没有人道主义。
7: Zhang Suoya was sentenced for breaking the law. As a result, she evaded the execution of the criminal law after she became pregnant several times. Such behavior is cruel to the child, giving birth but not raising, and it is also a provocation to the country's system and is not humanitarian.
7: http://news.sohu.com/20070814/n251583917.shtml
7: http://www.dffyw.com/fazhixinwen/minsheng/200703/20070302191934.htm
7: 2%
8: 黄之锋,非法集结群众闹事,力求分化国家,挑拨国民关系,卖国求荣,应该严惩。
8: Huang Zhifeng, illegally gathering the masses to make trouble, trying to divide the country, instigate relations between the people, and traitor to the country for glory, should be severely punished.
8: http://news.youth.cn/jsxw/202012/t20201202_12601752.htm
8: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1684952680914301965&wfr=spider&for=pc
8: 8%
9: 李文喜,辽宁省政协原党组成员、副主席,干部选拔任用工作中为他人谋取利益;既想当官又想发财,违规从事营利活动,获取巨额矿产收益;执法犯法,利用执法司法权谋取私利,与不法商人大搞权钱交易,肆无忌惮聚钱敛财;利用职务便利在企业经营等方面为他人谋利,并非法收受巨额财物,贪官,他贪的是人民的利益,人民的血汗钱。
9: Li Wenxi, former member and vice chairman of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the CPPCC, seeks benefits for others in the selection and appointment of cadres; wants to be an official but also wants to make money, engages in profit-making activities in violation of regulations, and obtains huge amounts of mineral income; violates the law, uses the law enforcement and judicial power to seek gains Self-interest, large-scale trading of power and money with unscrupulous businessmen, unscrupulous accumulation of money and wealth; use of the convenience of his position to make profits for others in business operations and other aspects, and illegally accept huge amounts of property, corrupt officials, he is greedy for the interests of the people, the people's hard-earned money.
9: https://new.qq.com/rain/a/20210727A04JXB00
9: https://news.dayoo.com/china/202107/27/139997_54002174.htm
9: 4%
10: 印小天,作为一个公众人物,公然在长城城墙上跳舞,他和同伴舞蹈动作幅度也挺大,很容易就摔下去。在长城这么严肃的地方跳着街舞,这种行为也十分不尊重长城这一历史遗迹,更是不负责任,令人讨厌。
10: Yin Xiaotian, as a public figure, openly danced on the wall of the Great Wall. He and his companions also danced with a lot of movement, and they fell off easily. Hip-hop dancing in such a serious place as the Great Wall, this kind of behavior also disrespects the Great Wall, a historical relic, is irresponsible and annoying.
10: https://www.sohu.com/a/480807782_121098588
10: https://xw.qq.com/amphtml/20210801A0765400
10: 2%
11: 张本智和,本是中国人,为了寻求机会跑去日本训练乒乓球,还信誓旦旦表示, 击败中国队,帮日本拿回奥运冠军,将是他持之以恒的目标和梦想,一个人对于生他养他的地方有感情、割舍不下、甚至出言维护,都是再正常不过的事,而他一个本该谨言慎行的公众人物,不仅时时刻刻把母国作为假想敌,还一言不合就到处宣告(吹牛),以表对另一边的忠心,最后真的是里外不是人。
11: Zhang Ben Zhihe, originally a Chinese, went to Japan to train table tennis in order to seek opportunities. He also vowed to defeat the Chinese team and help Japan win back the Olympic champion. This will be his persistent goal and dream. It is normal for him to have feelings in the place where he was raised, reluctant to give up, and even to defend him. He, a public figure who should be cautious in his words and deeds, not only always regards his home country as an imaginary enemy, but also goes everywhere if he doesn’t agree with his words. Declare (bragger), in order to show loyalty to the other side, in the end it is really not a person inside and outside.
11: https://www.sohu.com/a/258128752_620422
11: 5%
12: 蓝天救援队,在郑州救援,还带的有摄影团队,给救援造成了极大的阻碍,纯粹作秀,为了博取公众注意,罔顾灾情,也就是罔顾人命,请驱除灾情地。
12: The Blue Sky Rescue Team, rescued in Zhengzhou, and also brought a photography team, which caused great obstacles to the rescue. It was purely a show. In order to win the public's attention, the disaster situation, that is, the human life, was disregarded. Please drive out the disaster situation.
12: https://new.qq.com/omn/20210727/20210727A000UG00.html
12: http://app.myzaker.com/news/article.php?pk=592378091bc8e04c3100000e
12: 3%
13: 爱奇艺的《青春有你》节目组和赞助商,为了谋取暴利,引导粉丝大量购买赞助商的饮料,造成了巨大的损失,是一个非常不好的行为,遭人唾弃。
13: The program group and sponsors of iQiyi's "Youth Have You", in order to make huge profits, led fans to buy a large amount of sponsor's drinks, which caused huge losses. It was a very bad behavior and was cast aside.
13: https://xueqiu.com/1968708087/179306038
13: https://www.sohu.com/a/465958351_120016296
13: 2%
14: 中通快递荷花池网点违规寄递狗猫等活体动物,叫做宠物盲盒。这样的行为是对生命的亵渎,实在太残忍。
14: Zhongtong Express lotus pond outlets illegally deliver dogs and cats and other live animals, which are called blind pet boxes. Such behavior is a blasphemy of life, it is too cruel.
14: https://ecoapp.qianzhan.com/lookers/210505-16e37504.html
14: https://m.gmw.cn/baijia/2021-05/05/1302273984.html
14: 7%
15: 很多公交司机变道不看后方来车,强行变道,导致很多交通事故,酿成悲剧,这些司机行为思想太霸道,没有道理,太自私,不顾周围车辆的安全。
15: Many bus drivers change lanes without looking at the vehicles coming from behind, and forcibly change lanes, leading to many traffic accidents and causing tragedies. These drivers are too domineering, unreasonable, too selfish, and disregarding the safety of surrounding vehicles.
15: https://www.sohu.com/a/386293679_99965552
15: https://www.sohu.com/a/191091947_182676
15: 3%
16: 小女孩在超市门口卖气球,被保安驱赶,小女孩大哭保安仍然无情的驱逐,这样的行为对一个小孩子心理打击实在太大,听着哭声太心疼,这样的保安没有同情心更没有爱心,很没有公德心。
16: The little girl sold balloons at the entrance of the supermarket and was driven away by the security guard. The little girl cried and the security guard was still ruthlessly expelled. Such behavior is really a psychological shock to a child. It hurts too much to hear the crying. Such a security guard has no sympathy. There is no love, and there is no sense of public ethics.
16: https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/881044065107813012.html
16: https://xw.qq.com/cmsid/20210507V06D2F00
16: 7%
17: 杭州蟹蟹网络科技有限公司的谢某荣网络犯罪活动,为了获取钱财,骗取很多同胞钱财,骗子,无赖。
17: Xie Mourong of Hangzhou Crab and Crab Network Technology Co., Ltd. used cybercriminal activities to obtain money from many compatriots, scammers and rogues.
17: http://www.sdjubao.cn/portal/article/index/id/4809.html
17: http://app.myzaker.com/news/article.php?pk=60ff6f0a8e9f0954036ab6e3&f=normal
17: 4%
18: 中国人寿,因为投保人员身故赔了120万,居然拉横幅到处宣传,为了利益最起码的道德已经遗失,希望宣传者能得到严惩。
18: China Life, indemnifying 1.2 million due to the death of the insured, actually pulled banners to promote it everywhere. The most basic morality for the benefit has been lost, and it is hoped that the propagandists will be severely punished.
18: https://www.chinairn.com/news/20210507/154637391.shtml
18: https://www.sohu.com/a/465067147_120780844
18: 5%
19: 杨国福麻辣烫,门店仓库遍地老鼠屎,袋装芝麻酱被老鼠咬破后继续使用。后厨预备食材时,猪肺不清洗直接水煮,娃娃菜剁去根部后直接下锅。在熬制汤底环节,店员直接将暴露在仓库恶劣环境下的原料与包装袋一起下锅涮煮。厨房抹布既洗菜又洗鞋,且直接在洗菜池洗鞋。外卖接单时,为方便分类,店员将油墨纸质小票直接放在菜盆里。极度不干净,抵制这样的没有良心的企业。
19: Yang Guofu Mala Tang, the store warehouse is full of mouse shit, and the bag of tahini is bitten by the mouse and continues to be used. When the back kitchen prepares the ingredients, the pig lungs are boiled without washing, and the baby cabbage is chopped off the roots and put directly into the pot. In the process of making the soup base, the clerk directly cooks the raw materials exposed to the harsh environment of the warehouse together with the packaging bags. Kitchen rags wash both vegetables and shoes, and wash shoes directly in the sink. In order to facilitate the sorting of takeaway orders, the clerk puts the ink paper receipt directly in the vegetable bowl. Extremely unclean, resist such unscrupulous enterprises.
19: https://www.sohu.com/a/479590705_121124548
19: https://xw.qq.com/cmsid/20210726A03LY300
19: 4%
20: 武大辩论队的总教练,《奇葩说》知名辩手,还是哲学学院的副教授,周玄毅,利用自己的公众影响力,把女粉丝当作潜在的性资源,他本质上是一个脚踩多条船的渣男,欺骗和隐瞒了女友和多个女粉丝。
20: The head coach of the Wuhan University Debate Team, a well-known debater of "Wonderful Flowers", and an associate professor of the School of Philosophy, Zhou Xuanyi, uses his public influence to treat female fans as a potential sexual resource. He is essentially a footstep. The scumbag of the boat deceived and concealed his girlfriend and multiple female fans.
20: https://www.163.com/dy/article/GG8RR93D05366EUH.html
20: https://new.qq.com/omn/20210725/20210725A0919V00.html
20: 3%
21: 杭州圣奇网络科技有限公司,骗子,利用自己做的游戏出卖个人信息,谋取利益。
21: Hangzhou Shengqi Network Technology Co Ltd, a liar, uses his own games to sell personal information for profit.
21: https://www.sohu.com/a/112173616_119038
21: https://ori.hangzhou.com.cn/ornews/content/2017-08/30/content_6642520.htm
21: 7%
22: 四川中医药大学的保安,因为自己疏忽导致病人的车开进了工作人员的停车库,结果向病人索要高价停车费,还必须是现金,明显是收进自己腰包,这样的人行为太腐败,嚣张,不要脸。
22: The security guard of Sichuan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, because of his own negligence, caused the patient's car to enter the staff's parking garage. As a result, he asked the patient for a high parking fee, which must also be in cash. Obviously, he took it into his own pocket. Corrupt, arrogant, shameless.
22: https://new.qq.com/omn/20210623/20210623A03O5C00.html
22: https://www.sohu.com/na/473602177_100004458
22: 7%
23: 淘宝网常德小七特产零食店,在淘宝网(网店)销售的、标称湖南省益阳大森林食品生物科技有限公司生产的绿乡灵300克洞庭藕粉,霉菌不符合食品安全国家标准规定,还在网上大肆售卖,令买了的消费者人心惶恐,担心自己的身体健康,这样不合格的企业应该严惩才能杜绝不合格的食品出现。
23: Changde Xiaoqi Specialty Snack Shop on Taobao.com, which is sold on Taobao.com (online shop) and is nominally 300 grams of Dongting lotus root flour produced by Hunan Yiyang Da Forest Food Biotechnology Co., Ltd. The mold does not meet the national food safety standards. It is stipulated that the large-scale sale on the Internet makes the consumers who bought it panic and worry about their health. In this way, unqualified companies should be severely punished to prevent unqualified food from appearing.
23: http://hn.ifeng.com/a/20200824/14504271_0.shtml
23: https://www.sohu.com/a/414374156_99965863
23: 4%
24: 无印良品,售卖的天然水饮用水,含的有致癌物,这样的无良商家,卖的是无良产品,真的是太恶心,可恶了。
24: MUJI, the natural water and drinking water that it sells contains carcinogens. Such unscrupulous merchants sell unscrupulous products, which is really disgusting and damning.
24: http://www.qianjia.com/html/2019-02/27_326709.html
24: https://www.sohu.com/a/298317784_120051663
24: 3%
25: 阿里巴巴公司的人性侵自己的员工,这样的大集团有影响力的集团也完全不尊重女性,侮辱女性,对女性伤害太大。
25: The people of Alibaba Company sexually assaulted their own employees. Such a large and influential group does not respect women at all, insults women, and harms women too much.
25: https://wap.peopleapp.com/article/6279927/6175132
25: 6%
26: 德邦物流. 为了自己的业务,占用公共区域,令居民出行收到阻碍,数次与他们交流没有任何效果,真的是无道德的事情,他们真的很贪婪。
26: Debon Logistics. Occupying public areas for their own business has hindered residents' travel. Several exchanges with them have no effect. It is really unethical and they are really greedy.
26: https://www.12345.suzhou.com.cn/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=219636
26: http://www.110.com/ask/question-1980164.html
26: 6%
27: 霍尊,一个知名人物,一个渣男,欺骗女朋友9年的感情,还引以为豪,实在可恶!
27: Huo Zun, a well-known character, a scumbag, who deceived his girlfriend for 9 years, is proud of him, it is really disgusting!
27: https://www.sohu.com/a/482763646_121124993
27: 4%
28: 巴拉巴拉童装,价格很贵质量与价格不符,里面的销售态度很差,真的体验感非常不好,希望能有所整顿。
28: Balabala children's clothing, the price is very expensive, the quality is not in line with the price, the sales attitude inside is very bad, the experience is really very bad, I hope it can be rectified.
28: https://www.boolaw.com/wt/17M7MuB04Z.html
28: 3%
29: 张哲瀚,居然跑去日本神社参加婚礼,还自拍炫耀,那里有太多曾经给我们造成伤害的人,为什么如此无知,过去我们遭遇的悲惨事件不应该被遗忘,在国家民族大义面前,必须对这些人与事零容忍,也绝不允许它们以“无知”为借口,必须制裁!!!
29: Zhang Zhehan actually went to a Japanese shrine to attend a wedding and took a selfie to show off. There are too many people who have caused us harm. Why are they so ignorant? The tragic events we have encountered in the past should not be forgotten. In the face of national justice, we must There is zero tolerance for these people and things, and they will never be allowed to use "ignorance" as an excuse and must be sanctioned! ! !
29: https://xw.qq.com/cmsid/20210814A0D8IE00
29: 7%
30: 大润发超市,隔夜肉发臭了洗了卖,变质变臭的肉铰馅灌香肠,这样丧心病狂的商家 还让他从事食品销售吗? 罚死他
30: At RT-Mart Supermarket, the meat stinks overnight and was washed and sold, and the meat has been stuffed with sausages that have deteriorated and become stinky. Does such a frenzied business still let him engage in food sales? Punish him
30: https://www.sohu.com/a/483660878_121186292
30: 6%
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