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2349d · Anime
ex, haha yeah, skipped over what Ive heard are great ones. seen ghost in the shell, kill la kill, one punch man, few studio ghibli, perfect blue, afro samurai, freezing, BLAME, death note, your name.
replied 2349d
Have you watched Ghost in the Shell S.A.C. / S.A.C 2nd GIG? Those are excellent series, different aesthetic and character focus than the movie and manga, but great in its own way.
replied 2349d
I like how the stand alone complex, as I understand it, is similar to 4ch, anonymous, egregores, meme magic. hints of evolution (of ideas, markets, biology).
replied 2348d
The cool part is that it came out way before any of it happened in 2002, and still managed to capture the future impact that culture and technology would have on each other.
replied 2348d
Some small part of that was that GitS influenced part of internet culture, the "Deaf Mute" was a stable of 4chan while 4chan captured the some of the spirit of the laughing man.
replied 2348d
true, part of the reason I like chat chat chat episode. it feels like a modern forum/chat room. similar discussion, dissecting blurry photos, familiar characters , etc.
replied 2347d
But the content of the discussion in chat chat chat was more reminiscent of the operations in 4chan that came in recent years, the author had a good grasp of that cliche of humans.
replied 2345d
yeah sometimes forget how old the series is
replied 2345d
Easy to forget as it is unlike anything else that came out at that time and that it feels more modern than much of what comes out today, the intro (CGI/Music) is the main reminder.
replied 2347d
Also had an intelligence agent planted in the middle (Major) pretending to be part of the speculators, VR chat rooms are a thing now, but it is mostly VR anime girls goofing around.
replied 2349d
yeah seen both series & movie (1995). liked laughing man a lot, favorite episode was chat chat chat. 2nd GIG was cool too, though I don't remember the themes/ideas as well.
replied 2348d
2nd GIG was all about foreign subversion using fake news and using a large island with nuclear weapons as a pretense to do a military intervention. It was international PSYOP. Fitting.
replied 2348d
haha true. but stand alone complex just arose from people's shared experiences. individual eleven, though similar, was intentionally created by a virus right?
replied 2347d
First series was emergent phenomena that the laughing man did not direct, while the second was centrally planned chaos by coaxing using Kuze, false flag operations and misdirecting.
replied 2347d
I should say that it is just my interpretation, not the word of God or the consensus by people far more invested and interested than me.
replied 2347d
There has always been psychological operations, but Gist took a look into the future and pretty accurately saw the next evolution given the decentralized informational networks.