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2011d · Hong Kong
American government is such government, it has 1000 military bases OUTSIDE America... What do you call that? A FUCKING FASCIST TERRORIST STATE... and it is America that has always been infiltrating other countries and undermining peace and prosperity and economy and political system, in order to CONTROL THAT COUNTRY. Stop being so stupid and naive... here is just another American puppet, being paid by American Fascist Capitalists, to keep instigating violence and breaking law and order... try reversing the sides, what is Chinese started doing the same in America... how would Americans react to that?
PS: It was Stalin that was supported by west, in order to prevent actual Communism taking place in Soviet Union... and then attacked them anyway because they want to punish people of the Soviet Union who rebelled against Monarchy, Feudalism & Capitalism... so that people in their own country would not do the same... it was what Fascist States always do, setting an example so that others don't do the same. It is America, GB and other Capitalist countries that have been undermining any other country which didn't want their control and rule, and China and USSR/Russia and many others are all being attacked by the west because of it. These protests in Hong Kong are getting violent because American puppets and spies are doing it.... I have no issue at all with peaceful protests, in fact I like when majority of people want to protest against some policies or system which doesn't work in their favor, but this case as many others, what we had in former Yugoslavia also, is Capitalist Imperialism creating violence on purpose so that peaceful change does not happen... America wants to control the whole world, GB also, Israel also, they are the real Nazi States which have been attacking others, creating Nazis and Fascism and Terrorism all this time... its not China or Russia or Soviet Union doing it, its not Socialism doing it... its Capitalism doing it all the time... also people in Hong Kong are brainwashed by British Empire which they lived under for a century.... people in Hong Kong are Chinese... many people in Hong Kong are extremely poor, because of Capitalism... and now that legally British Empire had to give back Hong Kong to China... now they want people to separate from China, through violence, much the same they wanted Soviet Union to be destroyed, and former Yugoslavia. Look at protests in France... how many months are they going on and what is America or GB talking about them? NOTHING... its not even in the news... so this whole crap in Hong Kong is not natural, its fabricated, as we have examples of natural protests in France, and even in the US and GB... yet the narrative changes there... its no longer the narrative of "People want democracy... bla bla bla"... there they justify police cracking down on protesters and even banning protests, but when its in China, Russia, Venezuela... especially when is American CIA agents doing it on purpose... then its complete opposite and very different narrative. Fuck that shit... be fucking wiser.