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replied 2392d
It is not that you want to sterilize anyone, more that you are willing to take discuss the theme, for example the merits/criticisms of Project Prevention.
replied 2392d
That is just intellectual honesty and the ability to entertain thoughts in a specific context, but not everyone is able see how someone could make an argument without believing it.
replied 2392d
If only more were able to play "devil's advocate" and mentally argue the other side. It really helps to be sure you aren't just fooling yourself, which is all too easy.
replied 2392d
oh yeah forgot discussing topics is totally the same as endorsing them. /s
replied 2392d
Not everyone is able to imagine how someone could discuss something without supporting it. Also why some think supporting rights of free speech for all means endorsement of all.
replied 2391d
PALPATINE: "Anakin, if one is to understand the great mystery, one must study all its aspects, not just the dogmatic, narrow view of the Jedi."
replied 2392d
I guess that's true. hard to believe. :(
replied 2392d