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#hmwyda wishlist update:

I have to update this day today, because today is September 18th. It is a day that every one of us Chinese must remember. This day is painful and sad for us, because this day our country has been attacked from outside. However, in order to expand their territory and occupy our country, they slaughtered us, no matter the elderly, women or even children, they did not let them go. They bombarded us, massacred and buried alive, in vivo experiments, adultery and looting. We must remember history. , Don’t forget the national humiliation, all of these perpetrators are extremely hated by every one of us Chinese. We can’t wait for them to be slashed by thousands of swords. They have no humanity and are not worthy of being human!

1: 1931年9月18日,日本军国主义悍然发动侵华战争,给中国人民带来前所未有的灾难,这就是我们人人铭记的“九一八”事变。
1: On September 18, 1931, the Japanese militarists brazenly launched a war of aggression against China, which brought unprecedented disasters to the Chinese people. This is the "September 18th" incident that we all remember.
1: 15%

2: “九一八”事变后,短短4个多月,我们东北全部沦陷,日本开始了对东北人民长达14年的奴役和殖民统治。
2: After the "September 18th" Incident, in just over 4 months, our Northeast was completely occupied, and Japan began its 14-year enslavement and colonial rule on the people of the Northeast.
2: 17%

3: 从1931年到1945年,大半个中国被日军践踏,930余座城市被占,4200万难民无家可归。
3: From 1931 to 1945, most of China was trampled by the Japanese army, more than 930 cities were occupied, and 42 million refugees were left homeless.
3: 13%

4: 整整14年,包括3000多万东北同胞,四万万中华儿女经历着亡国奴的生活。
4: For 14 years, including more than 30 million compatriots in Northeast China, 40,000 Chinese sons and daughters have experienced the life of subjugated slaves.
4: 18%

5: 多少妇女惨遭蹂躏,又被残忍杀害,至少20万慰安妇留下了挥之不去的阴影。
5: How many women were ravaged and brutally killed. At least 200,000 comfort women left a lingering shadow.
5: 11%

6: 抗日战争期间,沦陷区有26省1500余县市,面积600余万平方公里,人民受战争损害者至少在2亿人以上。
6: During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, there were more than 1,500 counties and cities in 26 provinces in the enemy-occupied area, covering an area of more than 6 million square kilometers. At least 200 million people were damaged by the war.
6: 12%

7: 中国在战争中所承受的损失极大,直接财产损失313亿美元,间接财产损失204亿美元,此数尚不包括东北、台湾、海外华侨所受损失及41.6亿美元的军费损失和1000多万军民伤亡损害。
7: China suffered a huge loss in the war, direct property losses of 31.3 billion U.S. dollars, indirect property losses of 20.4 billion U.S. dollars, this figure does not include the losses suffered by Northeast China, Taiwan, overseas Chinese, and 4.16 billion U.S. dollars in military losses and 1,000 More than ten thousand soldiers and civilians suffered casualties.
7: 18%

8: 在抗日战争中,中国损失财产及战争消耗达5600余亿美元,另一说6500亿美金(按1945年货币折算)。
8: During the War of Resistance Against Japan, China lost more than 560 billion US dollars in property and war consumption. Another said 650 billion US dollars (converted in 1945 currency).
8: 16%

9: 从人口损失的角度看,抗日战争时期中国人口损失总数应在5000万人以上,这是一个令人震惊的数据,让人万念俱灰。经历了14年英勇抗战,中国人民最终赢来了抗击日本帝国主义侵略的伟大胜利,和平的阳光再次普照大地,战争虽已远去,盛世仍要警钟长鸣,站在新的历史起点,铭记是对历史最好的纪念。
9: From the perspective of population loss, China's total population loss during the War of Resistance Against Japan should be more than 50 million people. This is a shocking data that makes people despair. After 14 years of brave war of resistance, the Chinese people finally won the great victory against Japanese imperialist aggression. The sun of peace once again shines on the land. Although the war has gone, the prosperous age still has to ring forever, standing at a new historical starting point and remembering. It is the best memorial to history.
9: 14%
