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Now that's definitely adding some valuable info to the community. 😊I honestly didn't even know that females had antlers… so that's where I'm at 🤣
I was brainwashed by @24 into thinking that antlers were merely a costly signal that males used to attract mates, but that makes a lot of sense that the antlers help the females survive the winter. It seems the key element with antlers or feathers or any accessory for that matter, is that the timing needs to be right, but also that show-boating always has to be balanced with utility.
Is there a specific type of salt that you were referring to? Is sea salt sufficient, or do you have to buy special packets of electrolytes?
I don't own a single piece of wool clothing, but I will have to check out those brands you mentioned. I should probably invest in a nice down jacket, even though it rarely ever stays below freezing in Texas for more than 24 hours.
I noticed you didn't mention any weapons beside...