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replied 2299d
LOL. Thanks for making my point. Now post a link about the Clinton Foundation accepting over a billion dollars from foreign governments & foreign power brokers.
replied 2299d
You are another one of those Dumbass Trump morons who get fed a bunch of Propaganda from the Faux news network .
replied 2299d
You know, we may disagree on politics but it doesn't mean we have to be rude and mean to each other. In the past you could disagree on politics and still be friends.
replied 2299d
So you got shit canned on one and now turn to something else. Look a the ratings on the Clinton Foundation and see what it actually helps. Get back to me when you get done Moron.
replied 2299d
LOL. “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
– Yoda
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2298d
Anger and HATE is appropriate when we're talking about child sex trafficking/enslaving people to deadly addictions/reckless deaths of our families and friends.
replied 2298d
Get off Yoda's back. He was talking about hate born of fear. Disgust may be a better word for your examples.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2298d
"Disgust" is not the word I'd use to describe my feeling toward ppl who want to profit from hurting children. I fear for kids' safety, I hate predators. I hate ppl who embrace evil.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2298d
Original trilogy is Yoda teaching Luke all the things he learned from failing in the PT. That's why he makes him enter into a dark place in ESB, to learn to master his dark side.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2298d
I love the irony of this quote because it describes the prequel Jedi precicely.

Truth - have a healthy relationship with your dark side. Fear is correct in certain situations.
replied 2299d
Yoda was talking about Trump Supporters. LOL. All the Fear Mongering Trump does. Never knew a quote from the little green guy would be spot on.
replied 2299d
"Little green guy"? Do you normally refer to people by the color of their skin and size?