To me, BCH no longer exists. It’s BAB or BSV. BCH merchants will have to chose. Will be silly to see BitPay & continue to support BAB as it’s price and hashpower plummet
You're just stuck in development of a 4 year old whos daddy was a wuss and mommy wore pants. It's common nowadays. You probably despise communists because they are a mirror to you.
Capitalism is the absence of economic intervention by government. Capitalism is the fullest expression of anarchism, and anarchism is the fullest expression of capitalism.
Capitalism can only thrive under the rule of law. Libertarianism is minarchism, not anarchy. Anarchy is an idealized philosophical stance. But practically it brings no fruit.
You need security to protect the natural law.But how much security is needed?The state is just a communist implementation of security.Let the market decide how much security is needed
So the ones with money can afford "the law" and the poor ones can be slaves. That's tyranny. Everyone is either equal under the law, or the law is corrupt. And the law is natural law.
Security companies must satisfy their customers to earn money.A state does not have to satisfy its customers.He collects taxes at gunpoint.THATS tyranny.He can be bribed by the rich