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2299d ·
*PSA* stresstestBCH2.0 will be happening sooooooon :) Bigger, better, faster than September... that'll look like a tiny blip.
replied 2293d
One more practical reason December 1st is better is we don’t have the funds yet either. That may give us more time to advertise and raise capital.
replied 2293d
One way to incentivize a December 1 date is to pledge to donate just before that date (but later than other suggested ones).
Light wallet support for OP_CLTV could come in useful here.
replied 2292d
the website is now getting an overhaul
with a pretest for Nov8 (has already been sponsored)

and the main test Nov15.
replied 2297d
When is the next BCH stress test day?
replied 2297d
when do you think would be most effective?
There's a date set,
just checking in to see the right one was chosen.
replied 2297d
I think after the November hard fork drama has been settled would be best.
That way everything can be tested all at once. The issues fixed from last stress and upgrades from hardfork.
replied 2297d
What was the date that was chosen?
replied 2295d
replied 2293d
@TheWildCard, Esthon, Bitcoin is community project. We should ask when they want mega blast. No one wants Nov 15th. Let’s do Dec 1st? We can inform u/jtoomim to collect data.
replied 2293d
Agreed. Thank you for bringing more attention to this. As a community we should be making this decision since it affects all of us. Few want November 15 & Most want December 1st.
replied 2293d
We could all just blast the hell out of BCH whenever. BUT we need coordination because BCH capacity is HUGE. Hard to stress way we are saying. Very $$$$$
replied 2293d
Coordination is key to stress test success. Unless we all work together, we are all just going to be bumbling idiots bumping into one another. BCH community must work together to win
replied 2292d
how do you know 'No one'?
replied 2292d
Poll showing 25:4 against November 15th.
replied 2293d
@TheWildCard, why don’t we make the stress test Dec 1st to make everyone happy? 1st of month is common time to voluntarily blast. We’ll just tell community this will be mega test.
replied 2292d
then do another one.

It's already scheduled.
Nov8 1 million txns in +/- 2 hours to test the software
then 1 million ea hour for 24 hours Nov 15

work is being done 2make this happen.
replied 2292d
And how good is test if no one is analyzing data hence why I asked u/jtoomin to get involved. I’m saying why ask community for funds if you don’t respect their input and help too?
replied 2292d
A test of that magnitude is going to cost 56 BCH. Massive. I would love to see that though no doubt. I’m pumped for you guys!
replied 2292d
Who says no one is analysing data?
replied 2292d
No one said anyone is analyzing data either. Nevertheless, I have informed Jonathan Toomim @ u/jtoomim that ur blasting 11/15. He is Bitcoin miner that analyzed data of first test.
replied 2292d
I’m just trying to do what’s best for BCH.
replied 2292d
Site says “we are asking the community for funding to finance the professional completion of this system...and conducting test.” Says 0 BCH raised. If you have the funds, go for it
replied 2295d
Isn’t November 15th the date for the hard fork/upgrade/possible chain split drama?
Why would the stress test be done on the same date? That’s a terrible idea
replied 2295d
NCHAIN isn't going to split. They already said so. If ABC splits, might as well just bury them. The odds are much higher there will be no split.
replied 2294d
Ok but the upgrade happens on November 15th correct?
Also we are doing the BCH stress test on the same day???
Am I the only one who thinks that’s a terrible idea?
replied 2294d
I agree on that part. I don't think it should be done on the same day.
replied 2294d
Doing the stress test on the same day as the November upgrade is a recipe for disaster. Why can’t we wait until one week after? When the dust has settled & can focus on testing..?
replied 2294d
I haven’t heard of a stress test on the same day. Stress tests have been on the first of the month routinely
replied 2294d
@TheWildCard said it was on the same day. That’s why I am confused and to be honest disappointed if that’s the case.
Does anyone know what the actual stress test date is?
replied 2294d
I do not know about that one but you can always blast on the first of any month and find company that I’ll be blasting with you. I blasted Oct 1st a couple million Satoshi
replied 2294d
My goal is too keep miners and developers on their feet and ready for tx surges because when the legit volume comes, users won’t pause for them to figure bottlenecks out then.
replied 2294d
I like the idea of stress test on Nov 15. If any BTC miners want to take over the hash, they will be unprepared for the big blocks and will lose money.
replied 2295d
It that's the date new software says it is ready,
it's going to be tested.
replied 2294d
So we are doing a BCH stress test on the same day as the “November upgrade” “fork” whatever you want to call it...?
Is that correct?
replied 2294d
yes, with a small test before that.
replied 2294d
Bitcoin Cash is my favourite crypto that I hold& I support it wholeheartedly however if stress test and upgrade are done on the same day I will not be contributing any funds to stress.
replied 2293d
replied 2294d
Doing the stress test on the same day as the November fork/upgrade is foolish. This will end with poor results. The stress test and fork/upgrade should be separate events.
replied 2293d
Ok, thanks for your feedback.
replied 2294d
why before?
replied 2293d
To test the software.
replied 2292d
we've already stress tested this software, it isn't clear to me why we ought to stress test again. why?
replied 2292d
We missed our last target,
there were bottlenecks,
we'll be testing all clients this time.
replied 2292d
changes have been made.
replied 2298d
How will it be bigger? How will it be better? How will it be faster?
replied 2298d
1. number of transactions
2. comparing all nodes
3. bottlenecks distinguished, improvements made.
replied 2298d
Sources? You haven't answered "how" on any of those.
replied 2298d
I have.

You asked
bigger - by number of transactions
better - by comparing nodes
faster - by improving on discovered bottlenecks.
replied 2298d
You have not answered my questions because I still find myself asking HOW you will achieve this. How will the number of tx be higher? How will nodes be faster? Remove bottlenecks HOW?
replied 2298d
by refining the software we used last time.
replied 2299d
How soon??
replied 2299d
I'm so excited about this !!!