Right, also earth is supposed to be in a random location in the universe. But that's an unprovable thesis until we find an outside edge of the universe. Until then it's a belief.
Something special is something set apart. It is far above average. It its the 1%. The 99% are not special. To say the earth is special is to place it in the 1%.
say you’ve arrive on earth & are walking along the street. you run into someone. you automatically assume they are the richest person on earth (ie special by some metric).
You know there are billions of other people on the earth but dont know anything about them. The person you meet is the richest person you know so all evidence is they
are the richest person on earth. Is it reasonable to assume you’ve randomly run into the richest person on earth? Why would you assume there is anything special about this person?
They can be special to you on a personal level (they’re the only person you know) but they are most likely average. Analogously, earth is the first planet we know.
It is the only planet we know that has life. That is the evidence we have that it is special. We also know there are many other planets out there. just like
it is ridiculous to assume the first person you meet is the richest (ie special) why should our default assumption be the earth is not average (ie earth is special)?
By “the earth isn’t special “ I assume you mean the earth is an average planet, with average composition, near an average star, in an average location in the universe?