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1267d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
#hmwyda wishlist update

I hope I understood everything correctly. I will check here at least once a week.

1-Andrew Jeremy Wakefield 25%
I deeply hate this guy for being the "Father of the antivaxxers". In 1998 he published an extremely biased article relating vaccination and development of autism and even after verification of this bias and the retraction by the Lancet - place of publication - the argument which he presented was the basis for the antivax movement and is still used today.

2-John Riccitiello 30%
I hate this guy because he made EA one of the worst gaming companies in the world (besides being super arrogant). Today he works at another company but nothing erases the damage he did.

3-Alexander Emerick Jones 10%
I hate this guy not only for his direct relationship with creation and propagation. of fake news as it takes advantage of the misinformation of many people. At the beginning of the pandemic, he sold a kind of toothpaste that was supposed to fight COVID-19.

4-Andrew Anglin 10%
The mere fact of being a neo-Nazi/supremacist is enough to hate this guy however, he is not only all of this, but he is also the creator and editor of The Daily Stormer website, a website of the same nature serving as an intellectual reference for this type of scum.

5-Ricardo de Aquino Salles 5%
Lawyer and former brazilian minister of the environment accused of impropriety administrative and for its role in obtaining documents for exploration of permanent environmental protection areas being accused of obstructing evidence in cases of illegal wood exportation until shortly before leaving the ministry of the environment. His career as a lawyer and as a politician consisted in facilitating the predatory exploitation of the environment.

6-Wesley Virgin 5%
He is the creator of the website "Overnight Millionary" and as the name implies it conveys the idea that getting rich is simple. Basically another one of the gurus who take advantage of the ingenuity and the despair of people.

7-Martin Shkreli 20%
This guy is the typical sociopath who occasionally gets caught doing some kind of idiocy inside big companies. He was responsible for inflating the value of an essential drug for the overnight treatment of toxoplasmosis. He's already been convicted, but it's impossible not to be repulsed by this type of person.

8-Gurvin Singh 5%
This guy tricked several people on Instagram with the promise of teaching how to make money from trading. The sum obtained by deceiving naive people is close to £4m.

9-Deepak Chopra 5%
Another one of so many health-related pseudoscience gurus. He is considered the father of "quantum healing" a tremendous bullshit that indirectly causes thousands of people to stop looking for appropriate help to follow his teachings unreasonable and totally unsupported.

10-Abdul Ghani Baradar 50%
He is the co-founder and one of the current leaders of the Taliban, responsible for the current chaos in Afghanistan.

11-Website OpenSea 20%
It is a site specialized in selling NFT's however the security of the site is totally questionable, even supposedly verified projects are potentially a scam and the staff doesn't do anything about it.

12-Official Church of Scientology 10%
A scam in form of a cult.

13-Website The Gateway Pundit 10%
This site has several times intentionally propagated fake news including unverified treatments for COVID-19 and the false accusation of deaths to vaccination.

14-Shein 20%
It is a company involved in the production and sale of fashion items with subsequent reports of slave labor (including children).'s%20%E2%80%9Csocial%20responsibility%E2%80%9D%20page%20states,disclosures%20required%20by%20British%20law.&text=A%20spokesperson%20for%20Shein%20said,publish%20them%20on%20its%20website.

15-VALE company 10%
The company, in addition to being responsible for the degradation of the environment - like every large mining company - is responsible by successive environmental disasters resulting from the collapse of ore tailings dam in inhabited regions destroying life of hundreds of people. Furthermore, the company has not yet reimbursed the victims for the damage caused.

16-Binomo company 10%
The business model they make is aimed at taking money from innocent people.

17-Monsanto 10%
The pesticides developed and distributed by this company (mainly Glyphosate) are responsible for several cases of cancer around the world.

18-Eletronic Arts 30%
This company is extremely greedy. The single-player campaign is usually poorly made and some content is purposely cut off. The single-player is nothing but for guiding the player into multiplayer gameplay, which provides the in-game purchase in order to get the full experiences and to compete with other players.

19-Daily Stormer website 20%
This site is used to spread neo-nazi news. It's full of lies to defend this twisted point of view.

20-Fast food chains in general 10%
There is no specific name here as all fast food chains start from a similar principle: food high in fat, sugar, salt and preservatives. Why is this a problem? The main cause of death around the world is due to cardiovascular disease, this style of food offered and even aggressively propagated by these companies has a clear relationship with the increase in fatal cases of circulatory diseases and is clearly a problem.

21-Anyone who says they have the magic formula to get rich 5%
Many people are naive and in fact believe that there is a fancy way that if followed exactly will make that person rich, making room for opportunists.

22-Anyone who tries to belittle the work of science 10%
This includes groups like earthworkers and antivaxxers. This kind of thinking destroys and makes it difficult for humanity to move forward because it generates the feeling that scientific work is useless.

23-Any person or company that accelerates the destruction of the environment 10%
It is a fact that humanity depends on environmental resources for its development and survival, however, exploiting it in an improper and predatory way can generate many future problems.

24-Any company/company whose profit is based on war production 20%
Weapons have no function other than killing. Regardless of who has the weapon in hand, the ultimate cause of a weapon is always the same.

25-Anyone who defends racial supremacy. 10%
This kind of thinking is not only ridiculous, it has potential risk for society at large. In the past, this type of thinking was responsible for wars and many deaths. The presence of this today makes the shadow of this always a threat.

26- Any advertising company related to the sale of ultra-processed foods 10%
The type of advertising produced by these companies is not intended to "bring food to consumers" but rather to take as much money from people as they spoil their health due to high concentrations of salt, sugar and chemical additives. For these companies, the target audience - usually children - is just a cash farm.

27-Any company/industrial group that defends the privatization of water resources. 10%
The fact that water is indispensable for life makes the idea of ​​total private control of this resource - especially in vulnerable regions - a complete nonsense based purely on human greed is obviously a risk.

28-Anyone from NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) 30%
The simple fact that they defend the idea that children can have sex with adults and that there is no harm for these children is already something which needs no further explanation. They are self-declared pedophiles.

29-Any politician indicted for corruption with existing evidence 30%
Corruption and embezzlement are a structural problem, if the money doesn't get where it should, there's no health, no security, no schooling and any other basic right that supposedly should exist.

30-Anyone who spreads fake news on purpose (even as a joke) 5%
The internet is already a place with a lot of information and confirming the veracity of everything is already difficult. Someone who purposely produces or disseminates false information does not help at all , in fact it only gets in the way . One example is the recent scandal of YouTubers who were hired to speak ill of a specific vaccine against COVID-19.

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