The resume itself all the work I've done for the past 10 years. It's sort of interactive as in you can click the work I've done.
There is also a link dump of the writings I've done for the years. I'll be slowly transitioning them to the officuial website. Right now they're redirects to the google page.
Now I have truely awful news: 1. I could have published two more posts: One on developments on Cyprus and other on Bitcoin Independence Day but I fell ill with Bronchitis
As for the fundraiser, it has stalled. I simply have no close friends that can help, rarely have people checking up, and I had two employers decided to cancel at the last minute.
Worse, our situation has deteriorated to the point where were are six feet under financially. My parents were forced go into overdraft to pay the rent.
At this point, I'm past out of time. I should have my own place on the 15 of this month. My parents should not had to worry about being homeless on the 15th of this month.