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One Man One Vision. One Signature?
…and I think OneSignature IS Satoshi, so there!

Que the music:

The supposition is that Satoshi is afraid to EVER give out his ID, but this would prevent Satoshi from ever selling his coin holdings for fiat, which is absurd.

Also the supposition is that Mt Gox and Bitstamp had good KYC— 🤣-able.

Lastly, while I agree Silk Road is probably not a proper Satoshi destination for coins, Mt Gox is an exchange, so if there's even one address in between Mt Gox and Silk Road, that's enough such that Satoshi is in the clear. Plus it doesn't say how much went into Silk Road. The amount could be experimental, to figure out how Silk Road works, as well as trace some addresses associated with that exchange for future tracing.

We simply don't know, but we DO know that there wasn't many others mining in January 201...