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1339d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
#hmwyda wishlist:

Hello, this is my first list. Hoping for great things!

1. Andrew Cuomo
This is the current governor of New York state.
This is about as corrupt a politician as you can get, he illegally earned hundreds of thousands of dollars from his own appointees in donations, pocketed state relief funds for hurricane Sandy, guided his own anti-corruption committee from looking into cases that could lead to him, collected bribes for official favors, and the list goes on, even with some sexual harassment cases for good measure!
How on earth such a guy has held such a high public office for 10 years now is mindblowing.

2. Joseph Centanni
This model landlord, aged 74, has been found to have sexually harassed at least 20 of his tenants.
What makes this case utterly disgusting, is that it would appear that he targeted those most financially vulnerable, who were probably about to be evicted, so that he could coerce them into sex at the threat of homelessness.

3. Kyle Rittenhouse
This piece of shit, 17 years old, went walking in the middle of a protest holding a fucking assault rifle.
He shot at three protesters, killing two and paralyzing the third.
There is also apparently evidence, linking him with the far-right "Proud Boys" group.

4. Keith Gibson
This is one of those people that just should not exist.
Even though he has quite a long criminal record, somehow he was allowed to go free and has killed at least 4 people that the authorities know of this year, one of which is his own mother...

5. Carrie Cabri Witt
This is a teacher, 47 years old, sexually molested two of her students.
I hate her because while she was sentenced to 10 years, she will only spend 18 months in prison!!!

6. Greg Gutfeld
Gutfel is a TV host for Fox, and as a political commentator he is your usual alt-right propagandist and influencer.
Aside from the fact that all of his hosts are unnecessary politicized, even when the relevant topic is not political at all, he is quite notorious for hand-picking facts that suits him. Also, he almost never debates with people who hold different opinions than him on live TV, and the few times that he does is usually with some poor idiot who can barely fight back.

7. Zendaya
Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman is a mediocre (at best) actress, popular for co-staring in the last two Spider-Man films from 2017 and 2019.
I hate her because I was really looking forward to those films, and I thought that Tom Holland was a great Spider-Man, but Zendaya completely ruined them for me with her terrible acting and over-involed character. Spider-Man does not need a damn side-kick!

8. Allison Mack
This is a long-forgotten actress, who turns out was part of a sex cult known as NXIVM. The cult would brainwash, brand and blackmail women into sexual servitude of their founding members.
Why I hate her, is because while according to most accounts she was second-in-command of the cult, and was clearly leading its activities with malicious intent, she only got 3 years in prison!!

9. Jose Rolon
This retard is a TikTok "star", and is famous for being a gay dad of 3 kids. I hate him because all of his posts are just one cliche after another, it's totally ridiculous.
Yet somehow his family has half a million followers already and is earning good money. Unbelievable.

10. Leyna Bloom
This is your typical case of a minority Bingo game, where you collect points for fame. She ticks Black+Asian+Trans.
She is being promoted as such, which is a great way to tell our young people that you really can be anything in life, just as long as you're "diverse" enough.

11. Tyson Foods
This is one of the largest meat product distributor in the US.
Their frozen chicken breast and fillets are among the most common frozen products in supermarkets here, and since I'm a guy living alone I ended up eating then almost daily since they are affordable, tasty and easy to make.
But holy shit, apparently 8 million pounds of these products were recalled recently due to some connection with listeria infections, which is quite fucking serious and I had trouble sleeping after hearing the news!

12. Juul
Juul is an American manufacturer of e-cigarettes, and it has grown to be one of the largest in the country.
This entry will be the one with the highest dollar amount in the list, and it will be mostly because of the first link that I have included below.
I hate smokers in general, they constantly harm everybody around them and think that it is ok and socially acceptable.
But then I read this article: they BOUGHT AN ENTIRE JOURNAL and hired people to fill it with positive articles about the company!!

13. Knit the Rainbow
This is a non-profit organization, which is knitting and distributing clothes to homeless people.
And it would be great if they were doing that, it sounds like a good cause...except they only give it to LGBTQ+ homeless people!
This discrimination is a great example of virtue signaling.

14. American Federation of Teachers
This is a union for public school, active in most states in the US.
However, I hate them because while unions are supposed to assist their members in getting better pay and better working conditions, some unions like this one become so large that they turn into dangerous political instruments. They push for political agendas, and dictate local and regional election outcomes by manipulating their members and the general voting public.

15. The BLK dating app
This is a dating app, similar to Tinder and other popular alternatives, but with the catch that only black members are allowed.
I hat this app not only because it is conceptually racist, but because of the fact that if a similar app existed that was exclusive to white people, it would get shut down immediately and disparaged by the public.

16. National Association of Realtors
This group, is an all-powerful lobbyist group in the US, and among the top 5 groups in Washington according to money spent for political influence.
The housing situation in big cities in the US is already horrifying, but lobbyists like these only work to make things worse.
They consistently withhold supply of homes and conspire to raise prices, run media campaigns that show shortages to induce panic and uncertainty and so on.

17. CNA Insurance
Most insurance companies are quite predatory, malicious and greedy. However I hate this one in particular, because they got me in quite a huge mess recently.
I got in a bit of a bender with the car, that was clearly not my fault since I was hit from behind at a traffic light. The other driver immediately did a U-turn and left, and I wasn't able to read the whole license plate. CNA refused to pay initially, since the crash was not my fault, but at same time the fuckers increased my premiums...
On one hand they tell me they won't pay since it wasn't my fault, but then they increase my premiums like it was my fault! What the fuck!
It took a few months of arbitration and a lawyer until I got some money for the repairs.

18. The Wolverine Watchmen
This is a militia white nationalist group of extremists. They promote many outrageous opinions, like the fact that liberals shouldn't hold legitimate power and that COVID lockdowns are unconstitutional.
And normally everybody is entitled to their opinions, but these imbeciles actually go around with assault rifle scaring people in order to promote their messages, and occasionally go as far as to extend serious murder threats towards specific people they don't like.

19. Activision Blizzard
This gigantic conglomerate in the gaming industry is behind some of the most popular titles today like World of Warcraft and Call of Duty.
Why I hate them is because they are a load of pretentious fucks.
They always participate in liberal marketing schemes, like supporting Pride Month or Black Lives Matter. But during the Hearthstone world championship in China, they banned player Blitzchung from participating for making statements in support of the 2019 Hong Kong protests against China.

20. Comcast
This is the internet and cable provider for me and millions of other Americans.
These people are responsible for some of the worst things that households today have to deal with. They are basically monopolies in most areas, so you can rarely choose which provider to use. As a result, they have extraordinarily high prices, horrible support, and sink as low as to inject code into your internet traffic!

21. Gun owners
Gun owners and lobbyists are one of the biggest, and most embarrassing problems of our country.
Most advocates usually claim that they need firearms for protection, yet completely ignore that we are the leading country in the world in gun-related deaths and accidents, and by quite a wide margin. If the countries in Europe can be so safe without guns, then why do we need them so much here?

22. Multi-Level-Marketing
Also known as "Network Marketing", or more plainly just the good ol' "Pyramid Scheme".
I hate anybody involved in such businesses. They are scam artists, preying on vulnerable greedy people who don't have much to lose, and honestly the mere fact that these can still be legal registered companies blows my fucking mind.

23. The Capitol rioters of 2021
For those not aware, on the 6th of January of this year, a rioting mob incited by then president Trump marched to and broke into the United States Capitol, with the goal of disrupting the vote count of the electoral college.
This is just horrific, essentially a revolt. Just a bunch of imbeciles who would not live with the election results, and so decided to try and derail the democratic process by force and violence.
A lot of these idiots have of course been identified and jailed, since most of the event was videotaped (by the same idiots), and those who aren't I hope get caught soon.

24. The Navajo
I don't necessarily hate all Navajo people, but mostly the Navajo Nation itself as well as the people who benefit from the special treatment it receives.
These are native americans, who have not only been given their own "independent" land which is considered sovereign and free of federal control, but also receive numerous other privileges accross the country.
They live geographically inside the US, use our infrastructure and are protected by our military, but pay no federal taxes!
They also receive favorable and mopolistic licenses to open casinos, which has resulted in some tribal leaders being the richest people around. Oppressed minority my ass...

25. Anti-vaxxers
I'm sorry if this one is too obvious or easy for this list, but honestly I have had it up to here with these people.
I have lost relatives to COVID, the situation is really horrible here in the US. Meanwhile we will probably not be returning to normal anytime soon, since these retards don't want to self-quarantine, wear masks or get vaccinated.
They continuously have to carry bodies of COVID casualties to the morgues by the truckload here in New York alone, yet these idiots think that they are somehow pharmaceutical experts who can declare vaccines bad. Or that somehow their Facebook friends are qualified to have such opinions.

26. People who shoot fireworks
Ok this one may sound very strange since I'm American, but yes, I fucking hate fireworks.
They are loud, cause traumatic shock to my dog and veterans, and worse of all regularly lead to injuries and even deaths.
It is the most obnoxious display of celebration, and frankly has gotten very outdated and tiresome.

27. Kids who get useless higher education
Nowadays you really can go nuts when selecting a college major, university program, or even master's degree.
You can have your pick from Art History, Gender Studies, Fashion, Music, the list goes on.
I hate these kids, because they place an insurmountable burden on their parents, and on society as a whole.
These fields cannot be practiced professionally, even in the best case maybe 2 out of 100 graduates will get to work in those fields. The rest REALLY should have been trained to perform a useful job instead.

28. Those who stand on the left side of the escalator
Ok so this is an odd one, but I really hate the people who stand on the left side of escalators and block you from walking up or down.
The worst part about this, is that NOTHING would happen to them if they just sat on the right, it doesn't cost anything!

29. Cinema talkers
I grew up in a small town, and going to the cinema there was amazing. It was cheap, and almost always there were only a handful of people in the room.
When I moved to New York I got quite shocked at how shitty people can be at the cinema. Not only is it expensive as fuck here to go to the movies, but it's also always packed.
So far it would normally be fine, this is what you get for living in a large city. But what shocked me the most is how much people talk and yell during the movie!

30. Instagram users
Sorry if this is another easy one, but I really really hate people who actively use Instagram.
The biggest reason is that I'm a single guy, so I try to date women. But as soon as I ask for a phone number they consider me a creep because I don't have Instagram instead.
I completely hate this culture, and the notion that just because I don't want to share my entire life on such horrible platforms I need to somehow be excluded from society.

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