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1391d · hmwyda - wishlists - China
#hmwyda wishlist:

Hello, I have updated my list, thank you.

1-1.郭应泉, 与女朋友耍了10年朋友都不取别人, 渣男。 3%
Guo Yingquan: bad guys play with women's feelings

1-2.李若彤, 女人的悲哀, 太儿女情长, 以至于现在50了还没有结婚。 1%
Li ruotong, the sorrow of women, too childish and girl love, so that now 50 has not married

1-3.郭富城, 为什么是四大天王, 唱歌根本不行。 2%
Guo Fucheng, why are the four heavenly kings? They can't sing at all

1-4.释小龙, 从小那么好的资源, 现在完全荒废了。 4%
Shi Xiaolong, such a good resource since childhood, is now completely abandoned

1-5.曹骏, 演技好尴尬呀! 1%
Cao Jun, the acting is so embarrassing

1-6.伊能静, 太啰嗦了, 还那么出名。 4%
Yi Nengjing, it's too long winded and famous.

1-7.甘露, 乐视老板娘, 她的享受都来自于乐视股民的奉献。 5%
Ganlu, the landlady of LETV, her enjoyment comes from the dedication of LETV shareholders

1-8.贾跃亭, 最可恨的人, 让我倾家荡产。 10%
YuetingJia, the most hateful person, let me ruin my family.

1-9.许清, 自以为活得高雅, 确实我最不屑的人生。 3%
Xu Qing, who thinks he lives elegantly, is really the life I despise most

1-10.章子怡, 最骄傲且自大的演员。 3%
Zhang Ziyi, the most proud and arrogant actor.

2-1.乐视电视, 屏幕设计不好, 害了好多家庭小孩的眼睛。( 3%
LETV's poor screen design has hurt many children's eyes.

2-2.顾家家居, 长期虚假宣传, 吸引客户。( 2%
Home care, long-term false publicity to attract customers.

2-3.融创集团, 把百姓的钱去投资, 吸血鬼.( 2%
Rongchuang group, invest people's money, vampire

2-4.叽里呱啦,收费不合理.( 3%
The charge is unreasonable

2-5.乐天集团, 价格贵的不敢进。( 2%
Lotian group, the expensive ones dare not enter

2-6.永辉超市, 把我的小超市干挎了, 为什么。( 1%
Yonghui supermarket makes my small supermarket unable to survive

2-7.钉钉软件,让我们本不自由的工作变得更不自由。( 3%
Nail software, let us not free work become more not free.

2-8.华西集团, 地下车库10年了还卖那么贵, 平民想买买不起。( 1%
Huaxi Group, the underground garage has been sold for 10 years, and it is so expensive that the common people can't afford it.

2-9.三星手机, 用一个月手机屏就碎了。( 3%
Samsung mobile phone, with a month of mobile phone screen is broken.

2-10.古摄影, 价高而摄影技术不靠谱, 再也不会去了。( 5%
The price of ancient photography is high, but the technology of photography is unreliable. I will never go there again

3-1.弋果国际教育集团的老师, 太傲慢, 对家长没耐心。( 2%
The teachers of Yiguo International Education Group are too arrogant and impatient with their parents

3-2.英菲尔幼儿园, 私立幼儿园, 收费太贵了, 让我们老百姓根本没法触碰。( 3%
Enfield kindergarten, a private kindergarten, is too expensive for us to touch

3-3.房管局的人, 态度好差, 纯粹欺负人。( 5%
People from Shandong Housing Management Bureau have a bad attitude and are bullying people

3-4.融创物业服务有限公司, 没交房就开始收物业费, 不公平条约。( 2%
Rongchuang Property Service Co., Ltd. starts to collect property fees if the delivery is not successful, which is unfair

3-5.联强国际的人, 规矩太多, 繁琐无比。( 3%
There are too many rules and regulations for the people of Lianqiang international.

3-6.沃尔玛超市的人, 管理有问题, 亲眼看见他们冤枉顾客是小偷。( 5%
Wal Mart supermarket people, management problems, saw with their own eyes that they wronged customers as thieves

3-7.瓜子二手车, 到处是坑。( 3%
Melon seeds, second-hand cars, false publicity, pits everywhere

3-8.圆通快递, 丢了东西完全不负责。( 2%
Yuantong Express is totally irresponsible for losing things

3-9.链家销售员说话完全在骗人。( 5%
Chain home, salesperson is completely deceiving

3-10.孩子王, 质量与价格不匹配。( 2%
Child king, quality and price do not match.

Here's my new list:

I've been paying attention to small animals and advocating at least humanitarianism. I write all this in a sad mood. I hope that all living animals will be treated gently and not be abused. I hope that the state will set up an animal protection law as soon as possible and that all those who abuse animals will be severely punished.

1:高溪溪,拍摄电影时引进新西兰的马,为了节目效果不顾马的死活,导致死的死,疯的疯,后面还引以为傲的到处说,这样的虐待动物的人应该严惩。 5%
1: Gao Xixi introduced horses from New Zealand when he was shooting the film. For the sake of the program effect, he ignored the death of the horses, leading to death and madness. He was proud to say everywhere that such animal abusers should be severely punished.

2:朱萍,觉得流浪狗狗叫声扰民,竟然用柴油烧狗,实在太残忍,太可恶了。 9%
2: Zhu Ping thinks that the barking of stray dogs is disturbing the people. She even uses diesel to burn the dogs. It's really cruel and hateful.

3:范圆庆,山东理工大学的学生,将砍杀、剥皮、火烫、电击、洗衣机洗猫的视频出卖给购买者,如此残忍竟然还是一个学生,为啥心理会这么扭曲。 13%
3: Fan Yuanqing, a student of Shandong University of technology, sold videos of cutting, peeling, scalding, electric shock and washing cats to buyers. He was so cruel that he was still a student. Why was his psychology so distorted.

4:河北工业大学的保安,拿砖头无数次砸狗,直至悲惨死去,希望他能为他的行为受到惩罚。 15%
4: The security guard of Hebei University of technology smashed the dog with bricks for countless times until he died miserably, hoping that he would be punished for his behavior.

5:浙江温州江心屿景区内,四五名男女将一只小猫吊树上,竟以活波毛皮为乐,希望他们能得到惩罚。 5%
5: Four or five men and women hang a kitten from a tree in jiangxinyu scenic spot in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province. They enjoy living wave fur, hoping that they will be punished.

6:王玉,在黑龙江鹤岗市萝北县名山岛公园,穿高跟鞋踩杀一只猫,没有任何人性。 9%
6: Wang Yu, in mingshandao Park, Luobei County, Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province, wearing high heels to kill a cat, has no humanity.

7:南山区西海明珠小区,一男子因为自自家小狗到处大便,咬坏衣物,便对小狗肆意虐打,导致死亡,这样的心理有多扭曲,该让他也尝尝被摔被打的滋味。 25%
7: In the Xihai Mingzhu community of Nanshan District, a man was beating his dog wantonly because his dog was defecating everywhere and biting clothes, which led to his death. How distorted his psychology is, it's time for him to taste the feeling of being beaten.

8:台湾大学学生:陈浩杨,将台北知名流浪猫“大橘子”残忍虐待致死,这样的青年,该有多可恨。 15%
8: Taiwan University Student: Chen Haoyang, how hateful a young man who cruelly tortured and killed the famous stray cat "big orange" in Taipei.

9:张杨,拍戏为了真实效果,要求演员现场屠宰鹿,没有一丝怜悯心。 13%
9: Zhang Yang, for the real effect of filming, asked the actors to slaughter deer on the spot without any pity.

10:姚守岗,为了拍戏效果,将一只军犬绑上炸药炸成碎片,为什么会有这么心狠的人。 5%
10: Yao Shougang, in order to film the effect, tied a military dog with explosives and blasted it to pieces. Why is there such a cruel person.

11:六间房公司,主播网络直播宰杀野猪,手法残忍血腥,非但不阻止,还大肆宣传和推广。 25%
11: Six room company, anchor network live slaughtering wild boar, cruel and bloody way, not only does not stop, but also hype and promote.

12:海东盛弘蟒业科技股份有限公司,走私蟒蛇皮61790张,这残害了巨量的保护动物,为了利益。 9%
12: Haidong Shenghong Python Technology Co., Ltd. smuggled 61790 pieces of Python skin, which harmed a large number of protected animals for the sake of their interests.
