Ephesians 4:28
“...let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands...”
The word “labor” here (κοπιάτω) refers specifically to tiring, physical labor. For example, disciples as fishermen “labored all night,” trying to catch fish (in Luke 5:5). When Jesus had finished a wearying trip, the phrase “being wearied” is a translation of this word “labor” (in John 4:6). In other words, put your whole self into it - regardless of your job (Colossians 3:23), regardless of your boss (1 Peter 2:18) - as unto the Lord.
Bonus: If a brother in Christ does not work, do not have anything to do with him - do not even give him food (2 Thessalonians 3:6-12; cf. Acts 18:3) - “that he may be ashamed.” (2 Thess 3:14). For a similar command, see 1 Corinthians 5:9-13.
Bonus: Excessive sleep (Prov 6:6-11; 20:13; 24:30-34; 22:14-15), excuses (Prov 22:13; 26:13), and chatter (Prov 20:13) get in the way of obedient productivity.
Question: In your labor (in school, the workplace, or ministry), what is...
Give more than you take at work so that it is too their advantage to give you more than you need so that you can give more than you take outside of work to those in need. Cycle of generosity. That's how we swim upstream. I do not choose survival by only loving myself. That's not of human; so, will not that one have no place in the inheritance, since he was just an obstacle, just a waste products to expell down the drain?