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2114d with gorgeous design is live :)
replied 2114d
I made you a quick logo, if you want you can use it.
replied 2114d
wow! i like the idea! could you please make both words italic and with Menlo font? please :)
replied 2114d
Here you go!
replied 2114d
Here is an alternative with italic and half Menlo and half Roboto
replied 2114d
this is my favorite one!
replied 2114d
Okay then I have to variants here, the one you like in big
and another one in big
replied 2114d
thank you so much! I very appreciate your contribution !
replied 2114d
Could you put the BCH symbol inside the O ??? would that look any good ??
replied 2114d
You're welcome!
replied 2114d
As an addition, they're not bigger they just don't have any white space around them as in the images before.
replied 2114d
The second logo with the "memo" as the whole width is pretty sweet 👍
replied 2114d
cool! have tried it for memopay account, unfortunately it looks too tiny :( check it out
replied 2114d
Maybe try this version If not I can make a bigger version of the previous one.
replied 2114d
ok, works now.
Nice, bold and clean,
Do you have a twitter account too?
replied 2114d
no, is it required for something?
replied 2109d
no, it's not.
I've been tweeting MemoPay on twitter and wanted to @ you.
Instead, I'm sending people here to chat with you if they have questions :)
replied 2108d
nice, works for me :)
replied 2108d
and, great work :)))

Next stress test will be interesting with these new tools.
Next one, March 2019.
replied 2108d
"guys, something weird happened to me today,
i have received 0.0001 BCH to all my separate wallets
tx have "mmp| Green cryptomining: " in their OP_RETURN"

replied 2108d
it was from memopay, mmp stands for :) its seems all of your addresses were active last few months :)
replied 2108d
not mine,
somebody in a group chat just posted a WTF is this? comment :)
replied 2114d
Forgive my ignorance what is it? An email service to deliver bch through protonmail?
replied 2114d
Send Bitcoin Cash through Memo with tips:
replied 2114d
couldn't say better :) Also since today you can run with memopay a campaign to deliver your message directly to thousands BCH wallets. Kinda new type of marketing campaign.
replied 2114d
Could you look into this, i never got my BCH sent to during the stress test:
replied 2114d
! during stress test it could happened, some txs were lost. Sorry, missed yours. will send you back!
replied 2114d
I figured that was probably the issue. Thank you.
replied 2114d
np! normally it works 100% autonomous, but stresstest is special occasion and needed control over txs :)
replied 2114d
Am I understanding you correctly that you can use memopay to send messages using opcodes to thousands of different BCH addresses en masse?
replied 2114d
its new feature and Im running this new code out of hope in the future this code may be be called through memopay on too.
replied 2114d
Do you have a github link for it?
replied 2114d
should spruce memopays code up firstly :)
replied 2114d
Need a front-end designer (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, etc)?
replied 2114d
if you have free time and want to contribute than you are welcome! in near future i may need to add some functionality to website :)
replied 2114d
I mostly do front end design, and my backend language is PHP/mySQL - and if i remember correctly, you guys code in Go. Also, im guessing this isn't you:
replied 2112d is written in GO, i dont belong to team. Im used python for memopay :)
replied 2112d
Well if you want me to work on the front end of the memopay website I would be happy to. Just let me know what you want done. :)
replied 2110d
please reach me in telegram :
replied 2112d
Yay python!
replied 2114d
where were you yesterday when I was fighting with my one pager?! :) did you see it?
replied 2114d
I did see it. Thats what made me ask. That website makes me sad.
replied 2114d
.xyz, I LOVE IT!
link shows:

"We’re having trouble finding that site.
We can’t connect to the server at"
replied 2114d
What is it? all I am seeing is a green page
replied 2114d
lol first ddos? :) working for me