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replied 2181d
taxes you mean;)
replied 2181d
replied 2180d
Did you know, in Switzerland we can vote if we want taxes. The people voted yes.
replied 2179d
if we have a large enough group it is morally ok for the majority to threaten the minority?
replied 2124d
51 decide the fate of the 100.
replied 2122d
It was along the lines of 75% to 25%. And yes, that's how a democracy works.
replied 2180d
& the people who vote no to the taxes dont have their money taken away?
replied 2180d
In Oregon 1 person can decide to increase taxes for everyone if that one person was the only one that votes. Voting is oppression.
replied 2180d
Logical. All else aside, either taxes or printing money will pay for public goods
replied 2181d
Taxation is a form of theft.
replied 2180d
That's right no or low taxes so you live in crime ridden Banana Republic like Honduras. Loonytarians don't get it, LOL
replied 2124d
Sure pay taxes to buy up armies that invade other countries that kill innocent children because you gave them money to buy bombs. Lets change our system to a voluntary based revenue
replied 2124d
Not every country is invading others.