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2130d · memo
Yesterday 339091-338483=608 memo transactions. Number of transactions📉1.5%|abc(pending decomission),sv(723135-722747=388,📉2.0%)
replied 2130d
In last 24 hours, there were only 6000 BCH txs confirmed. Memo account for more than 10%🤔 Without stress test cheating, how can we solve this?
replied 2130d
We all must focus on building an economy around BCH,
goods , services worldwide.
replied 2129d
And consumers.
replied 2130d
By building the network effect and marketing.
replied 2130d
BCH should pay marketers like myself to create centralized campaigns that achieve the highest ROI for their goals.
replied 2130d
How much money would you need? what would be the campaign?
replied 2130d
If you would like to see my Credentials, please connect with me on .
replied 2130d
If you want to start a private chat, I'm open to sharing what can be done.
replied 2130d
Are you on reddit?
replied 2130d
Yes. But how about Telegram?
replied 2130d
I'd need to dust off my telegram accounts. In the mean time, send me your reddit account and I'll ping you there. (it has a direct chat feature too)
replied 2130d
Cause we sure do get Spicy 🌶 on Telegram
replied 2130d
replied 2129d
Check your DMs.
replied 2129d
replied 2130d
It is variable. I have plenty of strategies + tactics, they just need time/resources to implement. If you could get a group of BCH Investors together I can produce reports.
replied 2130d
We may need a roadmap to achieve this.
replied 2130d
And funding. I'd chip in.
replied 2130d
I'd do the same
replied 2130d
Buy more
replied 2130d