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1337d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
#hmwyda wishlist:

It's more than a month since I published the list last time. I rearranged my list. Some of them have been deleted and the new ones are put at the end

我支持一夫一妻制, 讨厌在一夫一妻制度内出轨或者插足别人夫妻生活的小三, 希望他们能得到相应的惩罚。
I support monogamy, and I hate the minors who cheat or intervene in the lives of other people's couples in the monogamous system. I hope they can be punished accordingly.

1-1:刘銮雄, 出轨抛弃发妻, 纯粹一花心男。 2%
1-1:Liu Luanxiong, derailed and abandoned his wife.
1-1:More Info:

1-2:李嘉欣, 破坏别人的家庭做小三。 3%
1-2:Li Jiaxin, destroy other people's family as a junior.
1-2:More Info:

1-3:关之琳, 破坏家庭做小三。 2%
1-3:Rosamund Kwan, destroy the family as a junior.
1-3:More Info:

1-4:文章, 出轨男, 背叛自己的家庭。 1%
1-4:WenZhang, the cheating man, betrayed his family.
1-4:More Info:

1-5:P-Gone, 破坏别人的家庭, 渣男。 3%
1-5:P-Gone, destroying someone else's family, scumbag
1-5:More Info:

1-6:罗志祥, 无底线伤害自己十年的女朋友。 2%
1-6:Show Luo, there is no bottom line to hurt his girlfriend of ten years.
1-6:More Info:

1-7:马清伟, 在老婆怀孕期间出轨女星, 导致自己老婆终身不育。 3%
1-7:Ma Qingwei, who cheated on the actress during her wife's pregnancy, caused her wife to be infertile for life.
1-7:More Info:

1-8:姚笛, 破坏别人家庭的小三。 2%
1-8:Yao Di, the junior who broke other people's families.
1-8:More Info:

1-9:张茆, 处心积虑要破坏别人的家庭。 1%
1-9:Zhang Mao, deliberately deliberately to destroy other people's families.
1-9:More Info:

1-10:成龙, 婚姻期间出轨吴绮莉, 伤害自己的家庭。 3%
1-10:Jackie Chan and Wu Qili cheated during their marriage and hurt her family.
1-10:More Info:

我讨厌所以披露个人信息的网址, 侵害用户的权益。
I hate websites that disclose personal information, infringing on the rights of users.

2-1:密约交友, 违规收集个人信息。 4%
2-1:Miyue App, collect personal information in violation of regulations.

2-2:嗨玩, 无节操收集个人信息, 披露出去。 2%
2-2:HiWan App, Collect personal information without discipline and disclose it.

2-3:步步赚, 违规使用别人个人信息, 为了利益。 1%
2-3:BuBuZuan App, Use other people's personal information in violation of regulations for profit.

2-4:窝窝语音, 为了利益, 到处收集个人信息进项披露。 4%
2-4:Wowo voice, For profit, personal information is collected everywhere for disclosure.

2-5:缘分百分百, 违规收集个人信息外放。 3%
2-5:IqiJiaoYou site, Personal information collected in violation of regulations is released.

2-6:有宝记账, 欺骗误导客户下载APP。 2%
2-6:YouBao Bookkeeping, To deceive and mislead customers to download APP.

2-7:客运帮, 大范围收集个人信息来获取钱财。 1%
2-7:KeYunBang, Collect personal information on a large scale to obtain money.

2-8:视界, 除了违规收取个人信息外还频繁过度收取权限。 5%
2-8:ShiJie, In addition to illegally collecting personal information, they also frequently excessively collect permissions.

2-9:高铁管家, 强制用户使用定向推送功能。 3%
2-9:GaoTie GuanJia, Force users to use the targeted push function.

2-10:小蚁摄像机, 除了违规收集个人信息外, 还强制用户使用定向推送功能。 4%
2-10:Ant camera, In addition to collecting personal information in violation of regulations, users are also forced to use the targeted push function

农民工是最辛苦的职业, 讨厌拖欠农民工工资的人, 他们应该得到惩罚。
Migrant workers are the hardest job. People who hate owing their wages to migrant workers should be punished.

3-1:合肥市同创建设工程有限公司(城南之星项目), 无故拖欠农民工工资。 2%
3-1:The member of Hefei Tongchuang Building Engineering Co. Ltd, Unreasonably owed wages to migrant workers in Chengnan Star Project

3-2:中建二局第一建筑工程有限公司(海亮星城项目), 无故拖欠农民工工资。 1%
3-2:The member of China Construction Second Bureau First Construction Engineering Co. Ltd, Unreasonably owed wages to migrant workers in Hailiang Star City Project

3-3:杭州市萧山园林集团有限公司(高速时代城项目), 无故拖欠农民工工资。 3%
3-3:The member of Hangzhou Xiaoshan Garden Group Co. Ltd, Unreasonably owed wages to migrant workers in High-speed Times City Project

3-4:安徽旭丰劳务有限公司(置地双清湾项目), 无故拖欠农民工工资。 5%
3-4:The member of Anhui Xufeng Labor Service Co. Ltd, Unreasonably owed wages to migrant workers in Land Shuangqing Bay Project

3-5:安徽誉昂劳务有限公司(阜阳晶宫宝能节能建筑有限公司厂房项目), 无故拖欠农民工工资。 2%
3-5:The member of Anhui Yuang Labor Service Co. Ltd, Unreasonably owed wages to migrant workers in Fuyang Jinggong Baoneng Energy-saving Building Co Ltd plant project

3-6:杭州恐龙装饰工程设计有限公司(国樾府项目), 无故拖欠农民工工资。 4%
3-6:The member of Hangzhou Dinosaur Decoration Engineering Design Co. Ltd, Unreasonably owed wages to migrant workers in Guoyue Mansion Project

3-7:安徽优省建筑劳务有限公司(荣信新城公馆项目), 无故拖欠农民工工资。 3%
3-7:Anhui You Province Construction Labor Service Co. Ltd, Unreasonably owed wages to migrant workers in Rongxin New Town Mansion Project

3-8:安徽久厦建筑功务有限公司(和平·水岸壹号项目和岳家湖公馆·天阅项目), 无故拖欠农民工工资。 5%
3-8:Anhui Jiuxia Construction Service Co. Ltd, Unreasonably owed wages to migrant workers in Yuejiahu Mansion · Tianyue Project

3-9:北京中建华腾装饰工程有限公司(阜阳国际服装城项目), 无故拖欠农民工工资。 2%
3-9:Beijing Zhongjian Huateng Decoration Engineering Co. Ltd, Unreasonably owed wages to migrant workers in Fuyang International Clothing City Project

3-10:南京聿凡建筑劳务有限公司(悦澜湾大酒店精装修工程), 无故拖欠农民工工资。 3%
3-10:Nanjing Yufan Construction Service Co. Ltd, Unreasonably owed wages to migrant workers in Fine decoration project of Yuelan Bay Hotel

Here is my new list:

1:西德尼·哈蒙德,因为种族仇恨,袭击带着小孩的亚裔爸爸,这样的行为实在令人担忧,希望其他无辜的人都不要被伤害。 3%
1: Sidney Hammond, because of racial hatred, attacked an Asian American father with a child. This behavior is really worrying. I hope other innocent people will not be hurt.

2:爱奇艺的《青春有你》节目组和赞助商,为了谋取暴利,引导粉丝大量购买赞助商的饮料,因而造成了巨大的浪费,实在可耻可恨,应该严厉禁止。 5%
2: Iqiyi's "youth has you" program group and sponsors, in order to seek huge profits, guide fans to buy a large number of sponsor's drinks, resulting in a huge waste, which is shameful and hateful, and should be strictly prohibited.

3:中通快递荷花池网点违规寄递狗猫等活体动物,叫做宠物盲盒。这样的行为是对生命的亵渎,实在太残忍。 3%
3: Zhongtong express lotus pool network illegal delivery of dogs, cats and other living animals, called pet blind box. Such behavior is a blasphemy of life, it is too cruel.

4:张所亚,因为犯法被判刑,结果她几次怀孕逃避刑法执行,这样的行为对小孩很残忍,生而不养,对国家的制度也是一种挑衅。 7%
4: Zhang Suoya was sentenced for breaking the law. As a result, she became pregnant several times and evaded the execution of the criminal law. This kind of behavior is very cruel to the children, and it is also a provocation to the national system.

5:黄之锋,非法集结群众闹事,力求分化国家,挑拨国民关系,卖国求荣,应该严惩。 3%
5: Huang Zhifeng, who illegally rallies the masses to make trouble, strives to divide the country, stirs up national relations, and sells his country for glory, should be severely punished.

6:有人居然喜欢在便利店偷东西,不是因为他没钱支付,而是觉得第一种乐趣,这样的行为也是小偷,偷盗者。 7%
6: Some people actually like to steal things in convenience stores, not because they have no money to pay, but because they feel the first kind of fun. Such behavior is also a thief, a thief.

7:我国很多的公交司机变道不看后方来车,强行变道,导致很多交通事故,希望能反思。 5%
7: In our country, many bus drivers change lanes without looking at the cars coming from behind, and force them to change lanes, which leads to many traffic accidents. I hope they can reflect on it.

8:高德地图,数据更新不及时,好多次把我带进走不通的路。 7%
8: Gaode map, the data update is not timely, many times brought me into the impassable road.

9:小女孩在超市门口卖气球,被保安驱赶,大哭着一直说不卖了,不卖了,保安依然不松手,这样的行为对一个小孩子心理打击实在太大,听着哭声太心疼,希望这样的保安越少越好! 6%
9: The little girl sells balloons at the door of the supermarket and is driven away by the security guard. She cries and says that she won't sell them. The security guard still doesn't let go. This kind of behavior has a great psychological impact on a child. It's too painful to listen to the cry. I hope the fewer security guards, the better!

10:中国人寿,因为投保人员身故赔了120万,居然拉横幅到处宣传,实在不能苟同他的宣传方式,没有任何人性。 3%
10: China Life Insurance Company, which paid 1.2 million for the death of the insured, actually spread banners everywhere. It really can't agree with his way of propaganda. It has no humanity.

new list again:

Taiwan and Hong Kong are indispensable parts of our country. Anyone who calls on other countries to punish their own countries is a crime of treason all over the world. Those who ask foreign countries to punish their own countries are national scum. Collusion with foreign countries or foreign forces is a crime against national security. Such traitors and national scum should be severely punished!

1:壹传媒创办人黎智英,收受黑金,长期资助反中乱港活动。之前,用他掌控的无良媒体煽动非法街头政治运动。这次,更是自以为有外国主子撑腰,粉墨登场,其间不断利用其所控制的媒体,大肆抹黑中央政府和香港1特区政府。绰号“肥佬黎”,他长期发表分裂言论,公然叫嚣颠覆国家。 7%
1: Li Zhiying, the founder of one media, has received black money to support Anti China Hong Kong chaos activities for a long time. Previously, he used the unscrupulous media he controlled to incite illegal street political movements. This time, he even assumed that he had the support of foreign masters. During this time, he constantly used the media under his control to discredit the central government and the Hong Kong SAR government. Nicknamed "fat man Li", he has long made separatist remarks, openly clamoring to subvert the country.

2:李柱铭:四处显摆大律师名头,却从不为香港市民谋福祉,甘当“洋奴才”,他一方面享受着回归以来的各项好处,一方面屁颠屁颠充当英美对香港“软性再殖民”的马前卒。他数度跑到英美,就香港问题“告洋状”。还曾在窜访美国时公然声称:“如果香港继续做100年英国殖民地,我想很多人认为是最好的”,恬不知耻地自称为“‘港独’第一人”。 9%
2: Martin Lee: he is a barrister everywhere, but never for the well-being of the people of Hong Kong. He is willing to be a "foreign slave". On the one hand, he enjoys all the benefits since the reunification, on the other hand, he acts as a pawn of the "soft re colonization" of Hong Kong by Britain and the United States. He went to Britain and the United States several times and "sued the foreign countries" on the Hong Kong issue. When visiting the United States, he openly claimed that "if Hong Kong continues to be a British colony for 100 years, I think many people think it is the best" and shamelessly called himself "the first person of Hong Kong Independence".

3:陈方安生,紧抱外国大腿,收取祸港势力黑钱,无端指摘香港特区政府和中央政府。 7%
3: Chen Fang Ansheng, clinging to the thighs of foreign countries, collected the black money from the evil forces in Hong Kong and criticized the Hong Kong SAR government and the central government for no reason.

4:何俊仁,政治投机者,能成功攀附上西方,成为反华势力代言人,曾公然表示“一国两制”在台湾没有市场,妄议新疆人权问题. 9%
4: He Junren, a political speculator, can successfully catch up with the West and become the spokesperson of Anti China forces. He once openly said that "one country, two systems" has no market in Taiwan and talked about human rights in Xinjiang.

5:壹传媒行政总裁张剑虹、违反香港国安法,危害国家安危。 4%
5: Zhang Jianhong, chief executive of one media, violated the national security law of Hong Kong and endangered the national security.

6:蔡英文,作为台湾的领导人,某国总统的一条狗死了都发文悼念,自己领土内因为引用外国疫苗死了几十人都不见她发文悼念,这样的人崇洋媚外,实在是让人愤慨! 11%
6: Tsai ing Wen, as the leader of Taiwan, wrote a memorial for the death of a dog of the president of a certain country. Dozens of people in her territory died because of the introduction of foreign vaccines, but she didn't send a memorial. It's really outrageous for such people to worship foreign countries and fawn on foreign countries!

7:集团营运总裁兼财务总裁周达权、串谋勾结外国或者境外势力危害国家安全罪。 8%
7: Zhou Daguan, President and chief financial officer of the group operations, colludes with foreign or foreign forces to endanger national security.

8:《苹果日报》副社长陈沛敏、违反香港国安法,发表荒缪言论危害国家安全。 7%
8: Chen Peimin, vice president of Apple Daily, violated Hong Kong's national security law and made absurd remarks endangering national security.

9:《苹果日报》总编辑罗伟光,发表违反香港国安法的文章,有关文件是与外国或境外势力串谋制裁计划的重点,为境外机构制裁提供借口。 4%
9: Luo Weiguang, editor in chief of Apple Daily, published articles in violation of Hong Kong's national security law. The relevant documents are the focus of collusion with foreign or overseas forces in the sanctions plan, providing an excuse for sanctions by overseas institutions.

10:苹果动新闻平台总监张志伟,以新闻工作作为工具做出危害国安的行为。 9%
10: Zhang Zhiwei, director of apple news platform, uses news work as a tool to do harm to national security.

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