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Jonathan Cooper
Execute adultresses and people thieves (since the girl is, theoretically, someone's, if not yours). Of course, by the way, if ever the Dad were not to approve, there are options - made available to the wise and understanding community of seasoned leaders - to choose from other than execution. I'm not saying that I'd do something with Ashley outside of... acceptable boundaries. (Probably, you shouldn't believe anything I say if ever I tell that I wouldn't, though! Quite frankly, I understand if I get killed, assuming I do something with Ashley. Something in my head told me, though, that death happens to everyone. You've got to die at some time! It's not that big of a deal. Who cares? It's Ashley! She's worth dying for! It's possible that that's a very suspicious voice... :-D Hi Voice, SHUT UP! AHHHHH! )

By the way, has anyone mentioned to the Bitcoin SV community that, if this works, this might be the most important thing that's happened in my life? I might even get Ashley! AHHHH! And I'M GOING CRAZY ABOUT ASHLEY! Anyway, I'm studying programming, either way. She's so hot.... and I'm not saying that in a sleazy. I'm so saying that in a... gulp, nevermind. NEVERMIND! AHHHHH!