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2359d · Marx
@Are, you create vouchers to keep track of the work/abilities/needs of everyone, then you exchange them back and forth and a market pricing mechanism emerges:P (I am joking).
White men are people too
replied 2359d
6. Make up your mind whether you want to let marxists ruin it all again with a big lie of a promise of equality, and be allowed to do all the bad things they did last time.
White men are people too
replied 2359d
If you want to avoid this, you could try informing the people about all the horrible things marxists have done,and all the problems with communism. Some will still believe in the dream
White men are people too
replied 2359d
You could try talking to them about "The Gulag Archipelago", how absolute equality is a pipe dream, how communists don't like the poor (only hate the rich) and so on
replied 2359d Could not fit it in comments so I used old tech:P
replied 2359d
The Gulag in that book was not a REAL Gulag, not how I would have run it at least. My Gulag would (re)educate and instill enlightened views and beliefs - the best kind, so sublime.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2358d
Ahh yes, and benevolent shock treatments for those who insist on continuing their incorrect thoughts
replied 2358d
Thoughts have Consequences! (Joking).
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2358d
White men are people too
replied 2359d
5. Sit back and observe people and subgangs fight over principles, rights, privileges and so on, until someone invents something that can be called "Marxism".
White men are people too
replied 2359d
4. Reform said government to better represent all the people, and allow gangs to form within the big government gang, call them different things like companies and political parties.
White men are people too
replied 2359d
3. Wait a little more, until one big gang to rule them all has formed, that takes over control. Call that gang a government.
White men are people too
replied 2359d
2. Call this state something new, let's say we call it "Anarchy" just to have a name for it. Wait a little, and see infighting begins, then the automatic forming of gangs.
White men are people too
replied 2359d
1. (If necessary) Wait a little until differences between individuals become obvious. All random chance in the world and difference in individual choices are trying to make this happen
White men are people too
replied 2359d
You are onto something here. The following is a similar method