This is the absolute crux of what I'm getting at here. Ancaps project their morality onto the world as much as Marxists. What if the Holy Market selects for slavery, rape and murder?
1) people are generally what you and I would consider immoral (they support murder/rape/slavery) but also 2) an immoral society can out compete moral societies
In my experience and historical research - self determination is not the human default. In situations where there is no king, groups will appoint a leader from among them.
Self-determination being “free choice of one's own acts without external compulsion?” Or right to choose “their sovereignty and international political status”
There's enough percentage of people who would sacrifice the long term for short term comforts, especially in an anarchy situation, that you'd spend a lot of energy on self defense.
The current system incentivizes this by caring for these people, so we’re left with more of these people. In anarchy they would starve & be selected against.
Nope. The system incentivizes people to go on and stay on wellfare. They vote to get more free shit from there. If you have no wellfare people will find jobs, they wont starve.
sorry, meant the current system incentivizes people to sacrifice long term for short term. I agree with you. really meant they'd either get a job & change behavior or starve.
Hard to account for upbringing of people in all these places. If you wanted to prove such a relationship you'd have to see if it holds for kids of races raised in foreign places.
Not sure I agree here. With an anarchy there wouldn’t be a safety net. People would be responsible for their own actions and the consequences. E.g. buying a tv not food.