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replied 2291d
A creature isn't just born with a new limb one day... small changes occur slowly over many generations.
replied 2291d
Ok but each change has to be significantly better. Too such a degree that the existing animals can't compete for survival or mates. If not, the change will die out.
replied 2291d
No, this is not true. Simply giving any sort of advantage is enough to encourage genes to be passed on and adopted - they don't have to be competition eliminating changes.
replied 2291d
Then how does the improved gene become dominant and the old gene die out?
replied 2291d
It doesn't always. Often times desirable mutations die out. But since they give an advantage, some genes are naturally more likely to survive and be passed on.
replied 2291d
Yes, the mutations have to give a discernable advantage. Mutations does not do that. In the very off chance it does, it doesn't happen often enough to get a foothold in the species.
replied 2291d
Well, there's lots of data on evolution, natural selection, and the propagation of genetic mutations in nature. The fossil record is an excellent way to see the process visually.
replied 2291d
Like Pilt Down man? That data, even if it did show that, which it doesn't, can be faked. There is huge political and other motivation to do so, that is why I am very sceptical.
replied 2291d
What is the huge political motivation for paying off thousands of people across several centuries to fake scientific data and research?
replied 2290d
Atheism can't exist without evolution. Atheism is needed to justify absolute state control of its subjects. Look at the history of the persecution of religion by the Soviets.
replied 2290d
And why is atheism needed to justify absolute state control of subjects? Religion has a long a brutal history of being used as a tool to enforce absolute control over people.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2290d
Atheism works better - there's no higher ideal that the state is supposed to be subordinate to. So the State can replace God entirely. More efficient than being merely a middleman.
replied 2289d
The State replaces God? I don't think you understand atheism.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2289d
What do you think Big Brother is?? All knowing, all seeing, all powerful, the arbiter of Truth... If that's not a replacement for God then we have different definitions.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2289d
I don't think you understand human beings
replied 2290d
Its Religion that has been abused for propaganda. Its books and authorities that abuse the people. The bible is a hoax that was invented after Religion to control the sheeps.
replied 2290d
Look at the history of persecution of anyone who disagreed with them by almost every established religion ever... "Atheism can't exist without evolution"... Why the hell not?
replied 2290d
And why is atheism needed to justify absolute state control of subjects? Religion has a long a brutal history of being used as a tool to enforce absolute control over people.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2291d
I think it's a lot like biased journalism. Geology is a fun example - any conclusion that looked like a catastrophic worldwide flood was flatly dismissed because, you know why.
replied 2290d
what does teaching evolution gain anyone?!
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2290d
Nihilists are easier to control
replied 2289d
this is as vague as justifications for flat earth.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2289d
There's a reason, for example, that the Rebels in Star Wars are bonded together by faith in the Force. John Paul II went to Poland in '79 and it toppled the USSR. Tyrants hate God.
replied 2286d
good examples though
replied 2286d
meh, less familiar with public opinion manipulations. I'll take your word for it.
replied 2290d
Not about teaching. It can be taught like any theory. It is the absolute persecution of anybody questioning it that I have a problem with.
replied 2289d
thats what you get with socialized scientific funding & public schools. if both were private we'd have greater diversity & choice.