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1485d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
Imagine, you've just heard in the news that something bad happened, but you like it because you hate affected object or person. Some time later, you found a video where you can see that the author of the video is exactly the person or team who did the action. And you noticed an address for donations is present directly in the video (i.e. not added while editing, but captured by camera at the moment of action).

Invent at least 30 such objects/persons, and publish signed list with concrete amounts, or with percents of available amount (e.g. you have $100 and you hate it so much that you're ready to donate $90 i.e. 90%, or not so much - 20%)
Something like this:
#hmwyda wishlist:

car #123-abc - $100
house at City Street 123 - $200
building at 12.345-67.890 - $300
site - 0.01 BTC
company Xyz Inc Ltd - 0.02 BTC
organization Union of Zyx-s - 0.03 BTC
Joe Biden - 10%
习近平 - 20%
Владимир Путин - 30%
any member/boss of Abc gang - 40%/50%
any officer/chief of Cba city police - 60%/70%
any xxxian soldier/commander - 80%/90%
my fucking neighbor - 100%



I'll donate for every list published.
replied 1458d
What are you aiming for? Maybe it's the translation that I'm getting it wrong. But what makes you so horny when you see the hatred of others? If I have understood correctly what you are asking, it is sick. And you should send me all of your money.
replied 1458d
i nut to poopsex
replied 1458d
Have fun eating shit
replied 1458d
replied 1458d