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replied 2270d
I am Satoshi
BTC is a bit harder to beat
I am Satoshi
replied 2269d
I'm not a shill, but I am curious to talk to a person who thinks BTC is not broken. Lighting network is a piece of shit, Segwit took signatures out of the chain of signatures
I am Satoshi
replied 2269d
0 Conf doesn't work, and the core people really think they can scale globally with a 1mb block size. Honestly I want to know, what part of this cluster fuck do you see as valuable?
I am Satoshi
replied 2269d
BTC segwit breaks the model, it's no longer bitcoin. It's junk. I would love to have a real debate about this. There is no way BTC can claim it's best. It's just using the brand.
replied 2268d
I think btc is broken too, but somehow LN might work or BTC might become a store of value like gold (and be usefull for some usecase, like Komodo DPoW)
Id love to see a real debate too
replied 2270d
BTC will fail by itself. There will be no more fake stablecoin pumps.