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replied 2194d
One node has almost zero effect on a real decentralized network
replied 2194d
Completely understand and agree. I only respect mining nodes. That’s why I made fun of adjusting the ABC “hobby” node. BSV is #1.
replied 2194d
I just love when the retards of Statist Vision claim that they only respect miners while BTC has 90%+ of the global SHA256 hashrate.
replied 2194d
Lol the implication was that Calvin controls the grand majority of nodes. Of course it's easy to broadcast changes to SV, just call Centralized Calvin.
replied 2193d
Poolin has been mining BSV for weeks now also based on your link.
replied 2193d
I'm talking about nodes lol, there's only one implementation for SV, and Coingeek likely controls most of them.

It's easy for Coingeek to point their miners at different pools too
replied 2191d
The set of rules is set. That is decentralized. Decentralization refers to the rules. Remember that Craig and Calvin were majority miners keeping BCH alive at one point too
replied 2191d
Other BTC miners mocked them for keeping BCH alive while it starved for hashpower