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replied 2294d
Fuck SV. They are pulling the same crap as BSCore did (tell you what you want to hear then stab you in the back)

nchain = cancer
replied 2293d
If bitcoin depended on which personalities were nice and who to trust then I wouldn't be interested. Craig is a dick but the arguments and the code (yet to be finalised) are all I care
replied 2293d
People were forgiving towads BSCore too.
replied 2294d
How is that? nchain wants to scale, Blockstream was put in so they don't scale. How is that the same crap?
replied 2294d
He's a known troll - he just blurts out nonsense and doesn't make any rational arguments.
replied 2294d
They want to corner and control the project (through patents and mining), I did not claim that they want to leverage the bs size limit the same way.
replied 2294d
Oh I see. So you left Twitter so you can focus on Well, hmm, welcome. Not really. Luckily, there is Memo++