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replied 2191d
You must be trolling. If you knew anything about China, you'd know that the rural population is poorest and city dwellers have the highest incomes and highest standard of living.
replied 2191d
Awww, Tell the people who work for Foxconn that they have a high standard of living:
replied 2191d
Life in China's rural communities is no more glamorous or comfortable
replied 2190d
I have traveled to 2nd 3rd tier cities in China. Foxconn is a small segment of the industry and its unfortunate. That has more to do with poor management of a small sector.
replied 2190d
Actually China is so big, you'd have to travel to rural areas and see. In Western Region like Yunnan and Guizhou, people live w better food quality, fresh water, better than SH, BJ etc