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replied 2366d
En Fri Mand
I have 32b right now, but the first machine I successfully got rid of swap on had 8gb.
En Fri Mand
replied 2365d
i have 8gb and can't live without swap. i effectively use more ram than I have, so I think i should get more instead of killing my ssd. 32gb must be really awesome!
replied 2365d
32gb is kinda nice. Bit surprised you use up all 8gb though, doing video/image editing or something?
En Fri Mand
replied 2365d
using my web browser, mostly :P
replied 2365d
En Fri Mand
replied 2364d
Exactly 😂
En Fri Mand
replied 2365d
using my web browser, mostly :P
En Fri Mand
replied 2365d
using my web browser mostly.
replied 2365d
I... I... I'm speechless.

My browser (falkon), uses ~130mb private memory, and ~160mb shared memory. WHERE is all the memory begin hogged? O.o
replied 2365d
Quick test: opened up every webpage I could think of and now have 25+ tabs, several of which is playing video. Using 2.6gb of ram now.

Man, you really know how to work a browser :D
En Fri Mand
replied 2364d
Wtf 🤣 how many tabs do you normally have open? 😅
replied 2364d
2-3, but in the morning news reading routine I have 12 for a brief period that I close after consuming the content.
En Fri Mand
replied 2364d
I never close them :P so maybe I should try that instead of just buying more RAM and opening yet another tab. You said use Falkon- is there anything remarkably good about this browser?
replied 2364d
It's the continuation of the Qupzilla browser, uses the qtWebEngine so the rendering is on-par with Chrome, but it's privacy oriented. It is also very fast, but lacks debug tools :/
En Fri Mand
replied 2364d
Do you know how it compares to Brave?
replied 2364d
Yes. Brave is bazed on the netscape/mozilla engine, both are fairly speedy and brave tried to solve the ad problem by incentivizing people to pay, rather than just filter the ads.
En Fri Mand
replied 2364d
It does both. I think their bat token is a bad idea though. People aren't incentivised to do it.
replied 2364d
It does filter ads, even if you don't pay, but they don't see that as a sustainable solution. I agree BAT isn't cutting it, but BTC fees weren't compatible :)
En Fri Mand
replied 2363d
Even if you used btc or bch, how do you incentivise users to pay?
replied 2363d
That's a difficult problem. I think MoneyButton does a better job at it than Brave, as Brave focuse on publishers rather than users.
En Fri Mand
replied 2363d
Agree. Though I think Moneybutton would be better if it could display a QR code as a fallback. It's burdensome to have an extra seed to store just to use MoneyButton.
replied 2363d
replied 2363d
Isn't it a bit like a 2nd layer similar to LN?
replied 2362d

it was "just a jab at LN"
En Fri Mand
replied 2363d
En Fri Mand
replied 2364d
And it's based on chromium, not Mozilla
replied 2364d
... it is? Wow, did not expect that.

Then the only real difference between brave and falkon would be that falkon values your privacy and brave values content providers income as well.
En Fri Mand
replied 2363d
Yes. I think Falkon does also support Wayland and Brave does not.