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replied 2130d
Well your assumption is what is leading you to the wrong conclusion.
replied 2130d
Lol you litterally make bat shit crazy assumptions and you are telling me that? Have your brain melt away?
replied 2130d
I'm not the one assuming anything. I know construction of those things often took about a life time or two.
replied 2130d
All we can do is date the cuts of the blocks and they all belong to a civilization older than sumer. Somehow sumer is the oldest civilization according to official history books.
replied 2130d
They are not the oldest exactly. Just one of the older ones we know more about because of how much of their writings survived. We think human civilisation started about 12000 years ago
replied 2130d
The oldest megaliths are dated at 15k BC. But it's true we don't know much about them simply because everything have been utterly destroyed.
replied 2130d
You know nothing. Obviously. These civilization are completely absent of history books and we officially know nothing about them beside the massive blocks remaining.
replied 2130d
While history is one of my least studied subjects I know that they do not hide knowledge of ancient civilizations. They just admit to not knowing much about them.
replied 2130d
Right, but they aren't digging neither. The only ones who do are independent researchers.