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#hmwyda wishlist
1.1 習近平。 全體中國總統。 統治著整個國家。 支持死刑。 他是一個非常恐怖的人。
1.1 Xi Jinping 42%. President of the People's Republic of China. Supporter of the death penalty. he is a very scary person.
1.1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xi_Jinping
1.2 李克強 中國一個政黨的領導人。 按照總統的命令開槍射擊人。
1.2 Li Keqiang 25%. The leader of a political party in China. Shoots people by order of the president.
1.2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Keqiang
1.3 胡錦濤 我認為他是來自另一個國家的間諜。 他是中國最高職位。
1.3 Hu Jintao 15%. In my opinion, he is a spy from another country. He holds the highest post in China.
1.3 https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q15029
1.4 江澤民 共產。 管理國家財政。 由於他,許多人變得更加貧窮。
1.4 Jiang Zemin 41%. Communist. Manages the finances of the state. Because of him, many people become poorer.
1.4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiang_Zemin
1.5 筆·勞桑。 據謠言說,這是腐敗的政治家。 他偷了中國公民的錢。 賊。
1.5 Pen Liyan 19%. According to rumors, it is a coated politician. He steals money from Chinese citizens. Thief.
1.5 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peng_Liyuan
1.6 科琳林。 許多公司的所有者。 她有這樣的聯繫是不明確的。 過於富裕的政治。
1.6 Ke Hua 11%. The owner of many companies. It is not clear where she has such connections. Too rich for politics.
1.6 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ke_Hua
1.7 Si minzze。 在軍隊中有聯繫。 以個人興趣使用它
1.7 Xi Mingjie 29%. Has connections in the army. Uses it in personal interests
1.7 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xi_Mingjie
1.8 李南湖。 從事電視上的宣傳。 正常的小偷和罪犯。
1.8 Li Zhanshu 12%. Engaged in propaganda on the TV. Normal thief and criminal.
1.8 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Zhanshu
1.9 範楊。 歐洲政治家。 從事非法切割樹木。
1.9 Wang Yang 21%. Corped politician. Engaged in illegal cutting of trees.
1.9 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wang_Yang_(politician)
1.10 趙立吉。 賄賂。 在我的國家賄賂殺戮。 但由於某種原因,他仍然活著和自由。
1.10 Zhao Leji 54%. Takes bribes. In my country for bribes kill. But for some reason he is still alive and free.
1.10 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhao_Leji
2.1 錢克隆。 病毒網站
2.1 money clone 9%. This site contains a virus
2.1 https://sourceforge.net/directory/?q=money%20clone
2.2 網上賭場火山。 介紹性金錢過多。 他們騙人。 騙子
2.2 Free online game 5%. There is too much donation in games
2.2 https://www.agame.com/games
2.3 為健康而蜂擁而至。 工作太糟糕了。 毒品毒死人
2.3 Floca for health 6%. Works too badly 9%. I tried to improve my health. But i couldn't
2.3 https://floka.co
2.4 COVID-19信息| 美國駐華使領館。 測試運行太慢。 我已經等了兩個星期了
2.4 COVID-19 Information | U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Chine 5%. The tests come too slowly. I have been waiting for the test for two weeks
2.4 https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/
2.5 宜家中國人。 價格與美國價格有很大不同。
2.5 Ikea Chinese 5%. Prices very differ from US prices
2.5 https://www.ikea.cn/cn/zh/
2.6 中國賭場是 我討厭賭場! 我的家人因為這個而分崩離析
2.6 Chinese casino 100%. I hate CASINO!!! My family fell apart because of this
2.6 https://www.chinese-casinos.com
2.7 中國T卹。 沒有衣服適合我的身材
2.7 China T-Shirts 5%. There is no clothing suitable for my figure
2.7 https://www.cafepress.com/+china+t-shirts
2.8 年曆花。 我對這些花過敏
2.8 Almanac Flower 2%. I am allergic to these flowers
2.8 https://www.almanac.com/plants/type/flower
2.9 性愛影片。 我妻子與我離婚,因為我在那裡看了18部電影
2.9 Xvideos 1%. My wife divorced me because I watched 18+ films there
2.9 https://www.xvideos.com/tags/fucking
2.10 加密賭場。 即使你贏了也不要得到報酬
2.10 Crypto casinos 4%. Don't get paid even if you won
2.10 https://www.cryptoplaycasinos.com/
3.1 中共。 家庭政黨在該國。 乞討中國公民和反對者。
3.1 Chinese Communist Party 55%. Home Political Party in the country. Begging Chinese citizens and opponents.
3.1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_Communist_Party
3.2 羅姆丁達革命委員會。 試圖通過在該國的戰爭設定戰爭來撤消權力。
3.2 The Romintanda Revolutionary Committee 62%. Trying to rescide power by setting the war in the country.
3.2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutionary_Committee_of_the_Chinese_Kuomintang
3.3 中國民主聯盟。 他們不是民主黨人。 他們撒謊,事實上他們是共產黨人。 遵守國家元首
3.3 Democratic League of China 51%. They are not democrats. They lie, in fact they are communists. Obey the head of state
3.3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_Democratic_League
3.4 中國民主黨建設協會。 該黨由國家負責人提出。 生產欺詐。
3.4 Association of Democratic National Construction of China 22%. The party is presented by the head of state. Produces fraud.
3.4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_National_Democratic_Construction_Association
3.5 派對志農省中國。 禁止派對。 政治恐怖分子。
3.5 Party Zhigfungan China 14%. Prohibited Party. Political terrorists.
3.5 http://www.zg.org.cn/
3.6 人民的內蒙古。 想要沒有。 他們在這個國家創造混亂和混亂。
3.6 People's Party of Inner Mongolia 74%. Want no noness. They create chaos and confusion in the country.
3.6 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inner_Mongolian_People's_Party
3.7 中國民族主義者聯盟。 它們是緊固件。 他們認為自己比其他人更好。
3.7 Union of Nationalists of China 52%. They are fasteners. They consider themselves better than other people.
3.7 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_of_Chinese_Nationalists
3.8 連鎖。 本方的領導人秘密規範了犯罪分子的殺戮。 這不是人道。 恐怖。
3.8 China Zhi Gong Party 64%. The leaders of this party secretly regulate the killings of criminals. It is not humane. Horror.
3.8 https://en.wikipedia.o4rg/wiki/China_Zhi_Gong_Party
3.9 中國民主黨。 在民主中偽裝極權主義的新試圖。 只是爬行動物。
3.9 The Democratic Party of China 77%. A new attempt to disguise totalitarianism under democracy. Just reptiles.
3.9 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Democracy
3.10 民主自治台灣聯盟。 也想要沒有不清的性。 戰爭戰爭。
3.10 League of Democratic Autonomy Taiwan 19%. Also want no unquosability. War wars.
3.10 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwan_Democratic_Self-Government_League
#hmwyda wishlist
1.1 習近平。 全體中國總統。 統治著整個國家。 支持死刑。 他是一個非常恐怖的人。
1.1 Xi Jinping 42%. President of the People's Republic of China. Supporter of the death penalty. he is a very scary person.
1.1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xi_Jinping
1.2 李克強 中國一個政黨的領導人。 按照總統的命令開槍射擊人。
1.2 Li Keqiang 25%. The leader of a political party in China. Shoots people by order of the president.
1.2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Keqiang
1.3 胡錦濤 我認為他是來自另一個國家的間諜。 他是中國最高職位。
1.3 Hu Jintao 15%. In my opinion, he is a spy from another country. He holds the highest post in China.
1.3 https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q15029
1.4 江澤民 共產。 管理國家財政。 由於他,許多人變得更加貧窮。
1.4 Jiang Zemin 41%. Communist. Manages the finances of the state. Because of him, many people become poorer.
1.4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiang_Zemin
1.5 筆·勞桑。 據謠言說,這是腐敗的政治家。 他偷了中國公民的錢。 賊。
1.5 Pen Liyan 19%. According to rumors, it is a coated politician. He steals money from Chinese citizens. Thief.
1.5 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peng_Liyuan
1.6 科琳林。 許多公司的所有者。 她有這樣的聯繫是不明確的。 過於富裕的政治。
1.6 Ke Hua 11%. The owner of many companies. It is not clear where she has such connections. Too rich for politics.
1.6 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ke_Hua
1.7 Si minzze。 在軍隊中有聯繫。 以個人興趣使用它
1.7 Xi Mingjie 29%. Has connections in the army. Uses it in personal interests
1.7 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xi_Mingjie
1.8 李南湖。 從事電視上的宣傳。 正常的小偷和罪犯。
1.8 Li Zhanshu 12%. Engaged in propaganda on the TV. Normal thief and criminal.
1.8 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Zhanshu
1.9 範楊。 歐洲政治家。 從事非法切割樹木。
1.9 Wang Yang 21%. Corped politician. Engaged in illegal cutting of trees.
1.9 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wang_Yang_(politician)
1.10 趙立吉。 賄賂。 在我的國家賄賂殺戮。 但由於某種原因,他仍然活著和自由。
1.10 Zhao Leji 54%. Takes bribes. In my country for bribes kill. But for some reason he is still alive and free.
1.10 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhao_Leji
2.1 錢克隆。 病毒網站
2.1 money clone 9%. This site contains a virus
2.1 https://sourceforge.net/directory/?q=money%20clone
2.2 網上賭場火山。 介紹性金錢過多。 他們騙人。 騙子
2.2 Free online game 5%. There is too much donation in games
2.2 https://www.agame.com/games
2.3 為健康而蜂擁而至。 工作太糟糕了。 毒品毒死人
2.3 Floca for health 6%. Works too badly 9%. I tried to improve my health. But i couldn't
2.3 https://floka.co
2.4 COVID-19信息| 美國駐華使領館。 測試運行太慢。 我已經等了兩個星期了
2.4 COVID-19 Information | U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Chine 5%. The tests come too slowly. I have been waiting for the test for two weeks
2.4 https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/
2.5 宜家中國人。 價格與美國價格有很大不同。
2.5 Ikea Chinese 5%. Prices very differ from US prices
2.5 https://www.ikea.cn/cn/zh/
2.6 中國賭場是 我討厭賭場! 我的家人因為這個而分崩離析
2.6 Chinese casino 100%. I hate CASINO!!! My family fell apart because of this
2.6 https://www.chinese-casinos.com
2.7 中國T卹。 沒有衣服適合我的身材
2.7 China T-Shirts 5%. There is no clothing suitable for my figure
2.7 https://www.cafepress.com/+china+t-shirts
2.8 年曆花。 我對這些花過敏
2.8 Almanac Flower 2%. I am allergic to these flowers
2.8 https://www.almanac.com/plants/type/flower
2.9 性愛影片。 我妻子與我離婚,因為我在那裡看了18部電影
2.9 Xvideos 1%. My wife divorced me because I watched 18+ films there
2.9 https://www.xvideos.com/tags/fucking
2.10 加密賭場。 即使你贏了也不要得到報酬
2.10 Crypto casinos 4%. Don't get paid even if you won
2.10 https://www.cryptoplaycasinos.com/
3.1 中共。 家庭政黨在該國。 乞討中國公民和反對者。
3.1 Chinese Communist Party 55%. Home Political Party in the country. Begging Chinese citizens and opponents.
3.1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_Communist_Party
3.2 羅姆丁達革命委員會。 試圖通過在該國的戰爭設定戰爭來撤消權力。
3.2 The Romintanda Revolutionary Committee 62%. Trying to rescide power by setting the war in the country.
3.2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutionary_Committee_of_the_Chinese_Kuomintang
3.3 中國民主聯盟。 他們不是民主黨人。 他們撒謊,事實上他們是共產黨人。 遵守國家元首
3.3 Democratic League of China 51%. They are not democrats. They lie, in fact they are communists. Obey the head of state
3.3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_Democratic_League
3.4 中國民主黨建設協會。 該黨由國家負責人提出。 生產欺詐。
3.4 Association of Democratic National Construction of China 22%. The party is presented by the head of state. Produces fraud.
3.4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_National_Democratic_Construction_Association
3.5 派對志農省中國。 禁止派對。 政治恐怖分子。
3.5 Party Zhigfungan China 14%. Prohibited Party. Political terrorists.
3.5 http://www.zg.org.cn/
3.6 人民的內蒙古。 想要沒有。 他們在這個國家創造混亂和混亂。
3.6 People's Party of Inner Mongolia 74%. Want no noness. They create chaos and confusion in the country.
3.6 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inner_Mongolian_People's_Party
3.7 中國民族主義者聯盟。 它們是緊固件。 他們認為自己比其他人更好。
3.7 Union of Nationalists of China 52%. They are fasteners. They consider themselves better than other people.
3.7 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_of_Chinese_Nationalists
3.8 連鎖。 本方的領導人秘密規範了犯罪分子的殺戮。 這不是人道。 恐怖。
3.8 China Zhi Gong Party 64%. The leaders of this party secretly regulate the killings of criminals. It is not humane. Horror.
3.8 https://en.wikipedia.o4rg/wiki/China_Zhi_Gong_Party
3.9 中國民主黨。 在民主中偽裝極權主義的新試圖。 只是爬行動物。
3.9 The Democratic Party of China 77%. A new attempt to disguise totalitarianism under democracy. Just reptiles.
3.9 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Democracy
3.10 民主自治台灣聯盟。 也想要沒有不清的性。 戰爭戰爭。
3.10 League of Democratic Autonomy Taiwan 19%. Also want no unquosability. War wars.
3.10 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwan_Democratic_Self-Government_League
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@kavva 首先2个月前发过一次,现在又复制过来了。这不是中国通用的本地语言。
@kavva was first sent 2 months ago, and now it's copied. This is not the local language commonly used in China.
1.2 of them is complete nonsense
1.5 without this person, the website can't be opened at all
1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 and so on are all free from random writing.
The content of the third part is also nonsense. I can't watch any more.
@kavva 首先2个月前发过一次,现在又复制过来了。这不是中国通用的本地语言。
@kavva was first sent 2 months ago, and now it's copied. This is not the local language commonly used in China.
1.2 of them is complete nonsense
1.5 without this person, the website can't be opened at all
1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 and so on are all free from random writing.
The content of the third part is also nonsense. I can't watch any more.