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2182d · Degeneracy
An image that I recently saw that prompted me to think about this topic: Is there a serious problem with modern popular (mainstream) Western culture?
En Fri Mand
replied 2182d
It's there to distract us.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2182d
I believe it's mostly top-down force fed garbage meant to slowly destroy us. When I get a chance I'll post some documentation that proves it.
replied 2182d
No, it's what freedom looks like. Every difference between people maximizes, including differences between sexes. No one is ordered to buy Cosmopolitan, it had evolved
replied 2181d
Yes freedom -- but that freedom exposes the culture for what it is... and in this case, yes it is a problem. Not the freedom but what is in the hearts.
replied 2181d
Its not freedom when people with 1 set of political ideas control the supply of money and hand it out to media outlets that support their idealogy, stifling all dissenting opinion.
replied 2181d
When one side controls the creation of money, the solution is not political. The solution is monetary, its Bitcoin (BCH).
replied 2181d
That's what memo fixes.
replied 2181d
I believe it is relentless propaganda. Teaching fisting to 5 year olds in schools etc. It is projected as being reactive to what people want but it is actually proactive telling them..
replied 2181d
..what they should want. It is top down for sure. Mass media is in control.
replied 2181d
I really don't see it as a problem. Just louder manifestation of human nature due to major problems like starvation were being solved. Not a blank slate - exactly what in the hearts
replied 2181d
Actually there is good evidence, that the difference between the sexes are maximised in egalitarion structures not in free ones (look up Dr J Peterson if your interested)
replied 2180d
replied 2180d
U misunderstood him: egalitarian contries are the most free - nor men neither women are told what to do and they choose things with maximum divergance. Prosperity = emancipation